• INT104-lab4

    python 统计频率

     1 import csv
     2 import numpy as np
     5 # the method for parse data into a matrix
     6 def input_data_to_matrix():
     7     csv_file = open('binary_data.csv')
     8     csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
     9     Matrix = []
    10     N = 0
    11     for row in csv_reader:
    12         Matrix.append([int(i) for i in row])
    13         N += 1
    14     print("
    Showing the matrix:
    15     print(np.array(Matrix))
    16     return Matrix, N
    19 # the method to compute p(ai=?|l=?)
    20 def p(i: int, ai: int, l: int, Matrix: list):
    21     n = N = 0
    22     for a in Matrix:
    23         if a[5] == l:
    24             if a[i] == ai:
    25                 n += 1
    26             N += 1
    27     print("p(a[{}]={}|l={})={}".format(i, ai, l, n / N))
    30 if __name__ == '__main__':
    31     # part 1
    32     # Reading data and parse its content into a matrix
    33     # (20 scores)
    34     Matrix, N = input_data_to_matrix()
    36     # part 2
    37     # Compute the prior probabilities p(l = 0) and p(l = 1)
    38     # (20 scores)
    39     print("
    Result of p(l=0) and p(l=1)
    40     n = [0, 0]
    41     for a in Matrix:
    42         if a[5] == 0:
    43             n[0] += 1
    44         else:
    45             n[1] += 1
    46     for i in range(2):
    47         print("p(l={})={}".format(i, n[i] / N))
    49     # part 3
    50     # Compute the conditional probabilities
    51     # p(ai=0|l=0),i=0,1,2,3,4 and p(ai=1|l=0),i=0,1,2,3,4,
    52     # p(ai=0|l=1),i=0,1,2,3,4 and p(ai=1|l=1),i=0,1,2,3,4
    53     # (60 scores)
    54     No = 1
    55     for l in range(2):
    56         for ai in range(2):
    57             print("
    Result Group_{} of: p(ai={}|l={}),i=0,1,2,3,4
    ".format(No, ai, l))
    58             No += 1
    59             for i in range(5):
    60                 p(i, ai, l, Matrix)
    ~~Jason_liu O(∩_∩)O
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JasonCow/p/14566845.html
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