select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"
UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" where dept = "IT"
# author:"Jason lincoln" import os #第一部分 sql解析 def sql_parse(sql): parse_func={ 'insert':insert_parse, 'delete':delete_parse, 'update':update_parse, 'select':select_parse, } # print('sql str is %s '%sql) sql_l=sql.split(' ') #list func=sql_l[0] res='' if func in parse_func: res=parse_func[func](sql_l) return res def insert_parse(sql_l): sql_dic = { 'func': insert, 'insert': [], 'into': [], # data.emp 'values': [], } return handle_parse(sql_l,sql_dic) def delete_parse(sql_l): sql_dic = { 'func': delete, 'delete': [], # search 'from': [], # data.emp 'where': [], # filter condition } return handle_parse(sql_l, sql_dic) def update_parse(sql_l): sql_dic = { 'func': update , 'update': [], # search 'from': [], 'where': [], 'set': [], # filter condition } return handle_parse(sql_l, sql_dic) def select_parse(sql_l): # print('from in the select_parse 33[32;1m%s 33[0m'%sql_l) sql_dic={ 'func':select, 'select':[] ,#search 'from':[], #data.emp 'where':[], #filter condition 'limit':[], #limit condition } return handle_parse(sql_l,sql_dic) def handle_parse(sql_l,sql_dic): """ 执行sql解析操作,返回sql_dic :param sql_l: :param sql_dic: :return: """ # print('sql_l is 33[32;1m%s 33[0m sql_dic is 33[41;1m%s 33[0m'%(sql_l,sql_dic)) tag=False for item in sql_l: if tag and item in sql_dic: tag=False if not tag and item in sql_dic: tag=True key=item continue if tag: sql_dic[key].append(item) if sql_dic.get('where'): sql_dic['where']=where_parse(sql_dic.get('where')) #['id>4,'and','id<10'] # print('from in the handle_parse sql_dic is 33[32;1m%s 33[0m'%sql_dic) return sql_dic #整合字符串 def where_parse(where_l):#['not','id>','4',' ','and','id','<10'] res=[] key=['and','or','not'] char='' for i in where_l: if len(i)==0:continue if i in key: # i为key当中存放的逻辑运算符 if len(char)!=0: char=three_parse(char) res.append(char) #char='id>4'-->char=['id','>','4'] res.append(i) char='' else: char+=i #'id<10' else: char = three_parse(char) res.append(char) # print('from in the where_parse res is 33[32;1m%s 33[0m' % res) return res def three_parse(exp_str): """ 'id<=10'-->["id",'<=","10"] :param exp_str: :return: """ key=[">","<","="] res=[] char='' opt='' tag=False for i in exp_str: if i in key: tag=True if len(char)!=0: res.append(char) #append id,digit char='' opt+=i #opt='<=' if not tag: char+=i #char='id' #appened <,>,= if tag and i not in key: tag=False res.append(opt) opt=' ' char+=i #char='1' else: res.append(char) #新增解析like功能 # print('------%s'%res) if len(res) == 1: res=res[0].split('like') res.insert(1,'like') # print('three_parse res is 33[41;1m%s 33[0m'%res) return res #第二部分 sql执行 def sql_action(sql_dic): """ 从字典sql_dic提取命令,分发给具体的命令执行函数去执行 :param sql_dic: :return: """ return sql_dic.get('func')(sql_dic) #sql_dic.get('func')==select def insert(sql_dic): # print('insert %s'%sql_dic) db, table = sql_dic.get('into')[0].split('.') with open("%s/%s" % (db, table), 'ab+') as fh: #读取文件最后一行 offs = -100 while True: fh.seek(offs, 2) lines = fh.readlines() if len(lines) > 1: last = lines[-1] break offs *= 2 last = last.decode(encoding='utf-8') #id++ last_id = int(last.split(',')[0]) new_id = last_id + 1 #insert into dbl.emp values 张国辉,30,18234561234,运维,2007-8-1 record = sql_dic.get('values')[0].split(',') record.insert(0, str(new_id)) record_str = ','.join(record) + ' '#list-->str fh.write(bytes(record_str, encoding='utf-8')) fh.flush() return [['insert successful']] def delete(sql_dic): # print('--->%s'%sql_dic.get('from')) db, table = sql_dic.get('from')[0].split('.') bak_file = table + 'bak' with open("%s/%s" % (db, table), 'r', encoding='utf-8')as r_file, open("%s/%s" % (db, bak_file), "w", encoding='utf-8')as w_file: del_count = 0 for line in r_file: title = "id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_data" dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), line.split(','))) filter_res = logic_action(dic, sql_dic.get('where')) if not filter_res: w_file.write(line) else: del_count += 1 w_file.flush() os.remove("%s/%s" % (db, table)) os.rename("%s/%s" % (db, bak_file), "%s/%s" % (db, table)) return [[del_count], ['delete successful']] def update(sql_dic): # update dbl.emp set name='sb' where id=1 db, table = sql_dic.get('update')[0].split('.') set = sql_dic.get('set')[0].split(',') set_l = [] for i in set: set_l.append(i.split('=')) bak_file = table + 'bak' with open("%s/%s" % (db, table), 'r', encoding='utf-8')as r_file, open("%s/%s" % (db, bak_file), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as w_file: update_count = 0 for line in r_file: title = "id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_data" # print(line) dic = dict(zip(title.split(','), line.split(','))) # print('----%s'%dic) filter_res = logic_action(dic, sql_dic.get('where')) if filter_res: # print(set_l) for i in set_l: k = i[0] #name v = i[-1].strip(",") #alex # print("k:%sv:%s" % (k,v)) dic[k] = v # print('change dic is %s' % dic) line = [] for i in title.split(','): line.append(dic[i]) update_count += 1 line = ','.join(line) w_file.write(line) # print('>>>>%s'%line) w_file.flush() os.remove("%s/%s" % (db, table)) os.rename("%s/%s" % (db, bak_file), "%s/%s" % (db, table)) return [[update_count], ['update successful']] def select(sql_dic): print('from select sql_dic is %s'%sql_dic) db,table=sql_dic.get('from')[0].split('.') fh=open('%s/%s'%(db,table),'r',encoding='utf-8') filter_res=where_action(fh,sql_dic.get('where')) #筛选where # for record in filter_res: # print('filter res is %s'%record) limit_res=limit_action(filter_res,sql_dic.get('limit'))#筛选where+limit # for record in limit_res: # print('limit res is %s'%record) search_res=search_action(limit_res,sql_dic.get('select'))#筛选where+limit+select # for record in search_res: # print('search res is %s'%record) return search_res def limit_action(filter_res,limit_l): res=[] if len(limit_l) !=0: index=int(limit_l[0]) res=filter_res[0:index]#index=='3',列表切片 else: res=filter_res return res def search_action(limit_res,select_l):#select_l ['id,name'] # print('search_action limit res:%s'%limit_res) res=[] fields_l=[] title="id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_data" if select_l[0] == '*': fields_l=title.split(',') res=limit_res else: for record in limit_res: dic=dict(zip(title.split(','),record))#生成字典 r_l=[] fileds_l=select_l[0].split(',')#'id','name' for i in fileds_l: r_l.append(dic[i].strip()) res.append(r_l) # print('search_action r_l %s,%s'%(fields_l,r_l)) return(fields_l,res) def where_action(fh,where_l): """ :return: """ # print(' 33[41;1m%s 33[0m'%where_l) res=[] logic_l=['and','or','not'] title="id,name,age,phone,dept,enroll_data" if len(where_l) != 0: for line in fh: dic=dict(zip(title.split(','),line.split(','))) #生成字典的格式,一条记录 #逻辑判断 logic_res=logic_action(dic,where_l) if logic_res: res.append(line.split(',')) else: fh.readlines() return res def logic_action(dic,where_l): # print('from logic_action%s'%dic) # print(where_l) res=[] for exp in where_l: #dic与exp做布尔运算 if type(exp) is list: #做布尔运算 exp_k,opt,exp_v=exp if exp[1]=='=': opt="%s="%exp[1] if dic[exp_k].isdigit(): #是否是数字 dic_v=int(dic[exp_k]) exp_v=int(exp_v) else: dic_v="'%s'"%dic[exp_k].strip() if opt !='like': # print('--->%s %s %s'%(dic_v,opt,exp_v)) exp=str(eval("%s%s%s"%(dic_v,opt,exp_v))) else: if exp_v in dic_v: exp="True" else: exp="False" res.append(exp) #['True','or','False','or','True'] res=eval(' '.join(res)) #布尔运算 return res #主程序 if __name__ == '__main__': while True: sql=input('sql>:').strip() if sql=='exit':break if len(sql) == 0: continue sql_dic=sql_parse(sql) if not sql_dic: print('输入非法,请重新输入!') continue res=sql_action(sql_dic) count = 0 for record in res[-1]: tag=True if 'select' in sql_dic and tag: print('符合条件的记录:%s'%record) count+=1 else: tag=False print(record) if tag: print('一共查到记录%s条。' % count)