• Twelve tips of Life Philosophy(To share)

    Believe In Yourself:
                    Everyone has something important to say.. add your voice to the world.
    Set A Goal:
                    When you want what you've never had, you must do what you've never done.
    Take Responsiblity:
                    If it is to be...it is up to me.
    Dare to Dream:
                    Courage is daring to take that first step...to place your dreams above your fears.
    You Can Do It:
                    Build what you can with what you have, from where you are.
    Respect Them:
                    It doesn't matter how you look. What matters, is how you think and act.
    Be Strong:
                    Always choose truth over popularity.
    Make It Happen:
                    You can do it...if you put you mind to it.
    Be Yourself: 
                    Celebrate the right to be yourself.
    Courage to Succeed:
                    Courage means taking a chance...in spite of fears.
    Stay Positive:
                    Attitudes are like ripples in the water...they spread.
    Go  For it:
                    The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jane/p/121493.html
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