• 2019 ICPC XuZhou Regional Online Contest








      1 /* Contest xuzhou_2019_online
      2  * Problem B
      3  * Team: Make One For Us
      4  */
      5 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      7 using namespace std;
      9 int read(void) {
     10     char ch;
     11     do {
     12         ch = getchar();
     13     } while (!isdigit(ch));
     14     int ret = 0;
     15     while (isdigit(ch)) {
     16         ret *= 10;
     17         ret += ch - '0';
     18         ch = getchar();
     19     };
     20     return ret;
     21 }
     23 struct range {
     24     int l, r;
     25     bool operator < (const range &r) const {
     26         return l < r.l;
     27     }
     28 };
     30 int main(void) {
     31     int n, q;
     32     n = read();
     33     q = read();
     34     unordered_map <int, int> mp;
     35     vector <pair <int, int>> query(q);
     36     // vector <int> nums(2 * q + 1);
     37     set <range> st;
     38     // nums[0] = -1;
     39     for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
     40         query[i].first = read();
     41         query[i].second = read();
     42         // nums[1 + i] = query[i].second;
     43         // nums[1 + i + q] = query[i].second + 1;
     44     }
     45     // nums.emplace_back(n + 1);
     46     // sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
     47     // nums.resize(unique(nums.begin(), nums.end()) - nums.begin());
     48     // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
     49     //     mp[nums[i]] = i;
     50     // }
     51     // for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
     52     //     query[i].second = mp[query[i].second];
     53     // }
     54     for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
     55         // for (auto e: st) {
     56         //     cout << e.l << ", " << e.r << endl;
     57         //     cout << "_____________" << endl;
     58         // }
     59         auto t = query[i].second;
     60         if (query[i].first == 1) {
     61             // delete nums[t]
     62             auto next = st.upper_bound({t, 0});
     63             range nxt = {t, t};
     64             if (next != st.begin()) { // 它有前驱(prev)也有后继(next)
     65                 auto prev = next;
     66                 prev--;
     67                 if (prev->l <= t && t <= prev->r) { // 已经存在这样的区间
     68                     continue;
     69                 } else { // 需要进行更新
     70                     if (prev->r + 1 == t) { // 可以和左侧合并
     71                         nxt.l = prev->l;
     72                         st.erase(prev);
     73                     }
     74                 }
     75             }
     76             if (next != st.end()) {
     77                 if (next->l == t + 1) { // 可以和右侧合并
     78                     nxt.r = next->r;
     79                     st.erase(next);
     80                 } 
     81             }
     82             st.emplace(nxt);
     84         } else if (query[i].first == 2) {
     85             // 是否被包含?
     86             auto next = st.upper_bound({t, 0});
     87             if (next != st.begin()) {
     88                 auto prev = next;
     89                 prev--;
     90                 if (prev->l <= t && t <= prev->r) { // 已经存在包含它的区间
     91                     int ans = prev->r + 1;
     92                     printf("%d
    ", ans == n + 1 ? -1 : ans); // 输出答案
     93                 } else { 
     94                     printf("%d
    ", t); // 不存在包含它的区间,答案是自身
     95                 }
     96             } else { // 没有找到,不被包含
     97                 printf("%d
    ", t);
     98             }
    100         }
    101     }
    102     return 0;
    103 }
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    签到,出题人工地英语,原题是Codeforces 4A。

     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     5 int main()
     6 {    
     7     int n;
     8     cin >> n;
     9     if(n >= 4&&n % 2 == 0){
    10         cout << "YES" <<endl;
    11     }else {
    12         cout << "NO" << endl;
    13     }
    15     return 0;
    16 }
    View Code



     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 const int maxn = 200000;
     6 void getFail(char* p,int* nxt)
     7 {
     8     int m = strlen(p);
     9     nxt[0] = 0;nxt[1] = 0;
    10     for(int i = 1;i < m;i++){
    11         int j = nxt[i];
    12         while(j && p[i] != p[j]) j = nxt[j];
    13         nxt[i+1] = p[i] == p[j] ? j + 1:0;
    14     }
    15 }
    17 bool find(char* T,char* P,int *f){
    18     int n = strlen(T),m = strlen(P);
    19     getFail(P,f);
    20     int j = 0;
    21     for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
    22         while(j && P[j] != T[i]) j = f[j];
    23         if(P[j] == T[i]) j++;
    24         if(j == m){
    25             return true;
    26         }
    27     }
    28     return false;
    29 }
    30 int nxt[maxn];
    31 void init(int n)
    32 {
    33     for(int i =0;i <= n;i++){
    34         nxt[i] = 0;
    35     }
    36 }
    39 int main()
    40 {
    41     char T[maxn];
    42     scanf("%s",T);
    43     int n;
    44     scanf("%d",&n);
    45     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    46         char s[maxn];
    47         scanf("%s",s);
    48         int len1= strlen(T);
    49         int len2 = strlen(s);
    50         init(max(len1,len2));
    51         if(len1 > len2){
    52             if(find(T,s,nxt)){
    53                 printf("my child!
    54             }else {
    55                 printf("oh, child!
    56             }
    57         }else if(len1 == len2){
    58             if(find(T,s,nxt)){
    59                 printf("jntm!
    60             }else {
    61                 printf("friend!
    62             }
    63         }else{
    64             if(find(s,T,nxt)){
    65                 printf("my teacher!
    66             }else {
    67                 printf("senior!
    68             }
    69         }
    70     }
    71     return 0;
    72 }
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     1 /* basic header */
     2 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     3 /* define */
     4 #define ll long long
     5 #define pb emplace_back
     6 #define mp make_pair
     7 #define lson (curpos<<1)
     8 #define rson (curpos<<1|1)
     9 /* namespace */
    10 using namespace std;
    11 /* header end */
    13 int read(void) {
    14     char ch;
    15     do {
    16         ch = getchar();
    17     } while (!isdigit(ch));
    18     int ret = 0;
    19     while (isdigit(ch)) {
    20         ret *= 10;
    21         ret += ch - '0';
    22         ch = getchar();
    23     };
    24     return ret;
    25 }
    27 const int maxn = 5e5 + 10;
    28 struct Node {
    29     int maxn;
    30 } segt[maxn << 2];
    32 int n, m, ans[maxn];
    33 pair<int, int> a[maxn];
    35 void maintain(int curpos) {
    36     segt[curpos].maxn = max(segt[lson].maxn, segt[rson].maxn);
    37 }
    39 void build(int curpos, int curl, int curr) {
    40     if (curl == curr) {
    41         segt[curpos].maxn = a[curl].second;
    42         return;
    43     }
    44     int mid = curl + curr >> 1;
    45     build(lson, curl, mid); build(rson, mid + 1, curr);
    46     maintain(curpos);
    47 }
    49 int query(int curpos, int curl, int curr, int ql, int qr) {
    50     if (ql <= curl && curr <= qr) {
    51         return segt[curpos].maxn;
    52     }
    53     int mid = curl + curr >> 1, ret = -1;
    54     if (ql <= mid) ret = max(ret, query(lson, curl, mid, ql, qr));
    55     if (mid < qr) ret = max(ret, query(rson, mid + 1, curr, ql, qr));
    56     return ret;
    57 }
    59 int main() {
    60     n = read(), m = read();
    61     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    62         a[i].first = read();
    63         a[i].second = i;
    64     }
    65     sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n);
    66     build(1, 1, n);
    67     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    68         if (i == n) {
    69             ans[a[i].second] = -1;
    70             break;
    71         }
    72         int queryL = lower_bound(a + 1, a + 1 + n, mp(a[i].first + m, 0)) - (a + 1) + 1;
    73         int maxPos = query(1, 1, n, queryL, n);
    74         if (maxPos > a[i].second) ans[a[i].second] = maxPos - a[i].second - 1;
    75         else ans[a[i].second] = -1;
    76     }
    77     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) printf("%d ", ans[i]);
    78     printf("%d
    ", ans[n]);
    79     return 0;
    80 }
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     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     5 const int maxn = 200000;
     7 const double eps = 1e-3;
     8 bool dcmp(double x,double y)
     9 {
    10     if(abs(x - y) < eps){
    11         return true;
    12     }else {
    13         return false;
    14     }
    15 }
    16 struct Point{
    17     double x,y;
    18     bool operator == (Point rhs)const{
    19         return (dcmp(x,rhs.x) && dcmp(y,rhs.y));
    20     }
    21     bool operator < (Point rhs)const{
    22         if(dcmp(x,rhs.x)){
    23             return y < rhs.y;
    24         }else {
    25             return x < rhs.x;
    26         }
    27     }
    28 }P[maxn];
    29 vector<Point> vec;
    30 set<Point> S;
    31 bool CMP(Point p1,Point p2)
    32 {
    33     if(dcmp(p1.x,p2.x)){
    34         return p1.y < p2.y;
    35     }else {
    36         return p1.x < p2.x;
    37     }
    38 }
    39 int main()
    40 {
    41     int n;
    42     cin >> n;
    43     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    44         cin >> P[i].x >> P[i].y;
    45     }
    46     if(n == 1 || n == 2){
    47         cout << 0 << endl;
    48         return 0;
    49     }
    50     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    51         for(int j = 1;j <= n;j++){
    52             if(i == j) continue;    
    53             Point val;
    54             val.x = P[i].x + P[j].x;
    55             val.y = P[i].y + P[j].y;
    56             val.x /= 2.0;
    57             val.y /= 2.0;
    58             vec.push_back(val);
    59         }
    60     }
    61     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    62         vec.push_back(P[i]);
    63     }
    64     sort(vec.begin(),vec.end(),CMP);
    65     int mx = 0;
    66     int tot = 1;
    67     Point pos; 
    68     for(int i = 1;i < vec.size();i++){
    69         if(mx < tot){
    70             mx = tot;
    71             pos.x = vec[i].x;
    72             pos.y = vec[i].y;
    73         }
    74         if(vec[i] == vec[i-1]){
    75             tot++;
    76         }else {
    77             tot = 1;
    78         }
    79         if(mx < tot){
    80             mx = tot;
    81             pos.x = vec[i].x;
    82             pos.y = vec[i].y;
    83         }
    84     }
    85     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    86         S.insert(P[i]);
    87     }
    88     int ans = 0;
    89     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    90         Point Sym;
    91         Sym.x = pos.x + (pos.x - P[i].x);
    92         Sym.y = pos.y + (pos.y - P[i].y);
    93         if(!S.count(Sym)){
    94             ans ++ ;
    95         }
    96     }
    97     cout << ans << endl;
    98     return 0;
    99 }
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     1 /* Contest xuzhou_2019_online
     2  * Problem M
     3  * Team: Make One For Us
     4  */
     5 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     7 using namespace std;
     9 int main(void) {
    10     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
    11     cin.tie(nullptr);
    12     int n, m;
    13     string a, b;
    14     vector <int> pos[26];
    15     cin >> n >> m;
    16     cin >> a >> b;
    17     int ptr = 0;
    18     // record position of each letter
    19     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
    20         pos[a[i] - 'a'].emplace_back(i);
    21     }
    22     int ans = -1;
    23     // for each letter in target string
    24     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++) {
    25         int cur = b[i] - 'a';
    26         // try to find the same letter (cur)
    27         auto self = lower_bound(pos[cur].begin(), pos[cur].end(), ptr);
    28         for (int nxt = cur + 1; nxt < 26; nxt++) {
    29             auto upgrade = lower_bound(pos[nxt].begin(), pos[nxt].end(), ptr);
    30             if (upgrade != pos[nxt].end()) {
    31                 auto p = *upgrade;
    32                 ans = max(ans, (int) (i + a.length() - p));
    33             }
    34         }
    35         if (self != pos[cur].end()) {
    36             // found the letter, continue
    37             ptr = *self + 1; // take *self, go on
    38             if (i + 1 == b.length()) {
    39                 ans = max(ans, (int) (i + a.length() - ptr + 1));
    40                 if (ans == b.length()) {
    41                     ans = -1;
    42                 }
    43             }
    44         } else {
    45             // not found
    46             break;
    47         }
    48     }
    49     cout << ans << endl;
    50     return 0;
    51 }
    53 // [abcd]
    54 //  0123
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JHSeng/p/11490242.html
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