• 数据库考试样卷(SQL部分)



    列名 数据类型 非空 注释
    UID int 用户号,主键
    Name varchar2(30) 用户名
    School varchar2(30) 学校名称
    Rating int 等级分,缺省值为1400
    列名 数据类型 非空 注释
    CID int 比赛号,主键,外键(Contests)
    UID int  用户号,主键,外键(Users)
    Score int 比赛得分 
    列名 数据类型 非空 注释
    CID int 比赛号,主键
    Title varchar2(40) 比赛名称
    Time_Start date 比赛开始时间
    Time_End date 比赛结束时间


    select Name, Rating from Users where School = '湘潭大学';


    insert into table Take values(1, 1, 1234);


    delete from Take where UID in (select UID from Users where Name = '管理员');


    select UID, Name from Users where UID not in (select UID from take);

    5、建立成绩视图Contest_Information(CID, Title, Num, Max_Score, Min_Score, Avg_Score)表示每个比赛的参加人数,比赛最高得分,最低得分,平均得分

    create view Contest_Information(CID, Title, Num, Max_Score, Min_Score, Avg_Score) as (
    	select CID, Title, count(distinct(UID)), max(Score), min(Score), avg(Score)
    	from Take natural join Contests
     	group by CID, Title

    6、将等级分在1200分以下的用户等级分增加20%, 1201~1400分的用户等级分增加15%, 1400分以上的用户等级分增加10%

    update Users 
    set Rating = case
    	when Rating < 1200 then Rating * 1.2
    	when Rating between 1200 and 1400 then Rating * 1.15
    	else Rating * 1.1


    select CID, UID, Score from Take a 
    where Score >= (
    	select avg(Score) from Take b
    	where b.CID = a.CID
    order by UID, CID, Rating desc;


    select UID, Name from Users a
    where not exists (
            (select CID from Take where UID = 1)
                select CID from Take T1
                where T1.UID = a.UID and Score > (
                      select Score from Take T2 where T2.UID = 1 and T2.CID = T1.CID
    );--not exists (B except A) 表示 关系A 包含 关系B


    select UID, Name, School, Rating
    from (
        select UID, Name, School, Rating, 
    	(1+(select count(*) from User B where A.School = B.School and A.Rating < B.Rating)) as rk
        from Users A
    where rk <= 5
    order by School, Rating desc;

    10、统计所有用户,比赛号1~4比赛的比赛得分,如果没有参加对应比赛,则为空值,查询的列依次为UID, NAME, C1, C2, C3, C4,其中C1, C2, C3, C4依次表示比赛1~4的用户得分

    select UID, Name, 
             (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 1) as C1,
             (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 2) as C2,
             (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 3) as C3,
             (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 4) as C4
    from Users a;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/IwAdream/p/5941138.html
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