• HDU 5619 Jam's store

    Jam's store

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 61    Accepted Submission(s): 18


    Problem Description

    Jam didn't study well,then he go to repair the computer in a store,there are M staffs and N guests, given each guests have to spend Tij time to repair the computer by the j staffs.
    Now ask the total of time the guest at least to wait.
    The staff wiil do the next work after he has done the current work



    The first line is T(1T100) means T Case
    For each case
    The first line is M and N(1M,N20) means the number of staffs and guests
    Now given a Matrix with NM each number means the i guests to the j staff time (1Tij1000)



    Output one line about the time at least they need to wait


    Sample Input

    1 4 3 4 4 1 5 8 2 5 6 4 5 10 5


    Sample Output



    the first guest choose the third staff the second guest choose the second staff the third gurst choose the third staff the total of time is 4+2+1=7

    所以我们如下建图:先建立虚拟起点到每个顾客的边,然后我们将每个店员拆成 N 个点,第 i 个顾客是电源 j 的倒数第 k 个顾客:add( i, j‘, k * c ),其中 j' 是拆点后的点的编号,c 即是顾客在该店员修理花费的时间。最后将所有店员都连接到虚拟汇点即可。
      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 typedef int MyType;
      4 const MyType INF = 0x7F7F7F7F;
      5 const int MAXN = 1000 + 10;
      6 const int MAXM = 1000000 + 10;
      8 struct Edge { int to, next; MyType cap, cost; };
      9 Edge es[MAXM];
     10 int head[MAXN], dis[MAXN], pre[MAXN], que[MAXM], a[MAXN][MAXN];
     11 bool vis[MAXN];
     12 int n, m, cnt, src, des;
     14 void add( int u, int v, MyType f, MyType c ) {
     15     es[cnt].to = v; es[cnt].cap = f; es[cnt].cost = c;
     16     es[cnt].next = head[u]; head[u] = cnt++;
     17     es[cnt].to = u; es[cnt].cap = 0; es[cnt].cost = -c;
     18     es[cnt].next = head[v]; head[v] = cnt++;
     19     return ;
     20 }
     22 bool spfa() {
     23     int mf, me;
     24     memset( vis, false, sizeof( vis ) );
     25     memset( dis, 0x7F, sizeof( dis ) );
     26     memset( pre, -1, sizeof( pre ) );
     27     mf = me = 0;
     28     que[me++] = src; dis[src] = 0; vis[src] = true;
     29     while( mf != me ) {
     30         int u = que[mf++]; vis[u] = false;
     31         if( mf >= MAXM ) mf -= MAXM;
     32         for( int i = head[u]; ~i; i = es[i].next ) {
     33             int v = es[i].to;
     34             if( es[i].cap > 0 && dis[v] > dis[u] + es[i].cost ) {
     35                 dis[v] = dis[u] + es[i].cost;
     36                 pre[v] = i;
     37                 if( !vis[v] ) {
     38                     vis[v] = true;
     39                     que[me++] = v;
     40                     if( me >= MAXM ) me -= MAXM;
     41                 }
     42             }
     43         }
     44     }
     45     return dis[des] != INF;
     46 }
     48 MyType cflow() {
     49     MyType flow = INF;
     50     int u = des;
     51     while( ~pre[u] ) {
     52         u = pre[u];
     53         flow = min( flow, es[u].cap );
     54         u = es[u ^ 1].to;
     55     }
     56     u = des;
     57     while( ~pre[u] ) {
     58         u = pre[u];
     59         es[u].cap -= flow;
     60         es[u ^ 1].cap += flow;
     61         u = es[u ^  1].to;
     62     }
     63     return flow;
     64 }
     66 MyType MCMF() {
     67     MyType mincost, maxflow;
     68     mincost = maxflow = 0;
     69     while( spfa() ) {
     70         MyType flow = cflow();
     71         maxflow += flow;
     72         mincost += flow * dis[des];
     73     }
     74     return mincost;
     75 }
     77 int main() {
     78     int t;
     79     scanf( "%d", &t );
     80     while( t-- ) {
     81         scanf( "%d%d", &m, &n );
     82         memset( head, -1, sizeof( head ) ); cnt = 0;
     83         for( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) {
     84             for( int j = 1; j <= m; ++j )
     85                 scanf( "%d", &a[i][j] );
     86         }
     87         src = 0; des = 1000;
     88         int ncnt = n + 1;
     89         for( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) add( src, i, 1, 0 );
     90         for( int i = 1; i <= m; ++i ) {
     91             for( int j = 1; j <= n; ++j ) {
     92                 ++ncnt;
     93                 for( int k = 1; k <= n; ++k ) {
     94                     add( k, ncnt, 1, a[k][i] * j );
     95                 }
     96                 add( ncnt, des, 1, 0 );
     97             }
     98         }
     99         printf( "%d
    ", MCMF() );
    100     }
    101     return 0;
    102 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Hitman_47/p/5178808.html
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