• js矢量图类库:Raphaël—JavaScript Library


    Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.

    Raphaël ['ræfeɪəl] uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics. This means every graphical object you create is also a DOM object, so you can attach JavaScript event handlers or modify them later. Raphaël’s goal is to provide an adapter that will make drawing vector art compatible cross-browser and easy.

    Raphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.








    var data = {
                       "customer": "方正电子",
       		            { "brand": "经略广告" },
       		            { "brand": "文韬采编" },
       		            { "brand": "飞腾创艺" },
       		            { "brand": "畅享全媒体" }
                   var r = Raphael("holder", 500, 500);
                   angle = 0;
                   var interval = 36;
                   if (data != null && data.brands.length > 0) {
                       if (data.brands.length < 13) {
                           interval = 360 / data.brands.length;
                   var centerX = 250;
                   var centerY = 250;
                   var mc = Raphael.getColor();
                   mc = Raphael.getColor();
                   // mc = Raphael.getColor();
                   var index = 0;
                   while (angle < 360) {
                       var color = Raphael.getColor();
                       (function (t, c) {
                           r.circle(centerX, 400, 50).attr({ stroke: c, fill: c, transform: t, "fill-opacity": .4 }).click(function () {
                           }).mouseover(function () {
                               this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .95 }, 500);
                           }).mouseout(function () {
                               this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .4 }, 500);
                       })("r" + angle + " " + centerX + " " + centerY + "", color);
                       var path_transform = "r" + angle + " " + centerX + " " + centerY + "";
                       r.path("M" + centerX + "," + centerY + "L" + centerX + ",350z").attr({ stroke: mc, fill: mc, transform: path_transform + "," + mc, "fill-opacity": .4 });
                       var brandName = r.text(centerX, 400, data.brands[index].brand).attr({
                           font: '16px Arial',
                           fill: '#000',
                           transform: path_transform + "," + mc
                       brandName.rotate(0 - angle, brandName.x, brandName.y);
                       angle += interval;
                   var s = r.set();
                   s.push(r.circle(centerX, centerY, 60));
                   s.attr({ stroke: mc, fill: mc })
                   .mouseover(function () {
                       this.animate({ "fill-opacity": 1.75 }, 500);
                   }).mouseout(function () {
                       this.animate({ "fill-opacity": 1 }, 500);
                   s.push(r.text(centerX, centerY, data.customer).attr({ font: '16px Arial', fill: '#fff' }));
    var data = {
                       "customer": "联想集团",
       		            { "agent": "中关村在线" },
       		            { "agent": "苏宁电器" },
                           { "agent": "国美电器" },
                           { "agent": "京东商城" },
       		            { "agent": "淘宝商城" }
                   var containerW = 500;
                   var containerH = 500;
                   var r = Raphael("holder", containerW, containerH);
                   var boxW = 70; //方框宽度
                   var boxH = 30;  //方框高度
                   var subBoxY = 150; //代理框的y坐标
                   var paddingY = 10; //图的内边距 
                   var angle = 0;
                   var interval = 10;
                   if (data != null && data.agents.length > 0) {
                       if ((parseInt(boxW, 10) * data.agents.length) < containerW) {
                           interval = ((parseInt(containerW, 10) - (parseInt(boxW, 10) * data.agents.length)) / (data.agents.length + 1));
                   var mainColor = Raphael.getColor();
                   mainColor = Raphael.getColor();
                   var mainBoxX = ((parseInt(containerW, 10) - parseInt(boxW, 10)) / 2);
                   var mainBox = r.rect(mainBoxX, paddingY, boxW, boxH).attr({ stroke: mainColor, fill: mainColor, "fill-opacity": .4 })
                   .mouseover(function () {
                           this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .95 }, 500);
                       }).mouseout(function () {
                           this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .4 }, 500);
                       r.text(mainBoxX+(boxW/2), paddingY+(boxH/2), data.customer).attr({ font: '12px Arial', fill: '#fff' })
                   var mX = (interval + ((parseInt(boxW, 10) / 2)));
                   var mY = ((parseInt(subBoxY, 10) - parseInt(paddingY, 10) - parseInt(boxH, 10)) / 2) + parseInt(paddingY, 10) + parseInt(boxH, 10);
                   (containerW - mX),
                   (parseInt(containerW, 10)/2),
                   (parseInt(containerW, 10) / 2),
                    parseInt(paddingY, 10) + parseInt(boxH, 10)));
                   angle = interval;
                   $.each(data.agents, function (i) {
                       var color = Raphael.getColor();
                       var box1 = r.rect(angle, subBoxY, boxW, boxH).attr({ stroke: color, fill: color, "fill-opacity": .4 }).click(function () {
                       }).mouseover(function () {
                           this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .95 }, 500);
                       }).mouseout(function () {
                           this.animate({ "fill-opacity": .4 }, 500);
                       r.text(angle + (boxW / 2), subBoxY + (boxH / 2), data.agents[i].agent).attr({ font: '12px Arial', fill: '#fff' })
                       angle += parseInt(boxW, 10) + interval;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HeroBeast/p/2295021.html
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