中文名: PHP综合开发环境
英文名: NuSphere PhpED v5.6.5615 Win32
资源格式: 压缩包
发行时间: 2008年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
简介: [安全检测]
共用伺服器:eDonkeyServer No1、eDonkeyServer No2、!! Saugstube !!
PhpED 通过无与伦比的PHP调试和压缩能力,以及一个新的NuSOAP web服务嚮导成为了PHP领域的领军产品。更加强大的Project Manager使得发佈站点和应用程式比以前更加容易。现在可以在线程级别对正在运行或者开发中的程式进行测试和调校。而且,对PostgreSQL和 MySQL资料库的本地支持为PHP使用开源资料库提供了一个广泛的环境。
NuSphere PhpED - The World Famous PHP IDE
PhpED is the Integrated Development Environment for PHP (PHP IDE), HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other.
Balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs.
As in any complicated process, in php development a great deal of effectiveness depends on your choice of production tools. According to our customers, PhpED 5.6 can save up to 75% of their development time.
With PhpED you can:
Code creation with our PHP IDE got a lot easier with the new PhpED 5.6 editing features. With PhpED's new highlighting abilities you can now navigate through your code easily and save the precious developing time. PHP Code Folding sets NuSphere PHP IDE apart from all others.
Powerful PHP Debugger is one of the strongest PhpED features. Debug your code locally or remotely with dbg - the best debugger on the market integrated in the fastest PHP IDE.
See the flash demo of remote debugging with NuSphere Internet Explorer® Debugger Toolbar
Setup remote debugging in PhpED with the help of DBG Wizard
Introduced by NuSphere, PHP Profiler helps you find and eliminate all the bottlenecks in the code.
Secure, fast and flexible publishing of your PHP scripts to a remote server right from PHP IDE. FTP, SFTP and WebDAV are supported.
New extensibility scope allows to integrate PhpED with 3rd party tools like php encoders, formatters or html validators. Pre-configured tools already include php documentor, html tidy, cvs client and html validator.
《PHP综合开发环境》(NuSphere PhpED v5.6.5615 Win32)[压缩包]