local MapNode = class("MapNode") function MapNode:ctor() self._row = 0--行 self._col = 0--列 self._parent = nil--父节点 self._f = 0--当前节点的总开销 self._g = 0--当前节点的累计开销 self._h = 0--启发因子 end return MapNode
local Direction = {}--方向 Direction.Right = 0 Direction.Right_Down = 1 Direction.Down = 2 Direction.Left_Down = 3 Direction.Left = 4 Direction.Left_Up = 5 Direction.Up = 6 Direction.Right_Up = 7 local MapNode = require "app.views.MapNode" AStar = {} AStar.__index = AStar function AStar.create() local temp = {} setmetatable(temp, AStar) return temp end --mapData:二维数组,存放底图数据,0是可行走格子,1是有障碍格子 function AStar:init(mapData) self._mapData = mapData--地图数据 self._map = {} self._lPath = {}--收集的路径 self._bFind = false local mapRow = #mapData local mapCol = #mapData[1] for i = 0, mapRow -1 do self._map[i] = {} for j = 0, mapCol -1 do local mapNode = MapNode.new() mapNode._row = i mapNode._col = j self._map[i][j] = mapNode end end end --开始寻路 --from:开始格子位置(非坐标) --to:目标格子位置 function AStar:getSearchPath(from, to) self:processAStar(from, to)--收集路径到_lPath return self._lPath end function AStar:canPass(row,col)--判断是否能够通过 if self._mapData[col][row] == 0 then return true end return false end function AStar:getAdjacent(currentPos,dir)--根据方向获取相邻格子的位置 if dir == Direction.Right then return cc.p(currentPos.x + 1,currentPos.y) elseif dir == Direction.Right_Down then return cc.p(currentPos.x + 1,currentPos.y - 1) elseif dir == Direction.Down then return cc.p(currentPos.x,currentPos.y - 1) elseif dir == Direction.Left_Down then return cc.p(currentPos.x - 1,currentPos.y - 1) elseif dir == Direction.Left then return cc.p(currentPos.x - 1,currentPos.y) elseif dir == Direction.Left_Up then return cc.p(currentPos.x - 1,currentPos.y + 1) elseif dir == Direction.Up then return cc.p(currentPos.x,currentPos.y + 1) elseif dir == Direction.Right_Up then return cc.p(currentPos.x + 1,currentPos.y + 1) end end function AStar:AStarCore(fromPos,toPos)--算法核心代码 local open = {} local close = {} local targetNode = self._map[toPos.y][toPos.x] local fromNode = self._map[fromPos.y][fromPos.x] local f,g,h; fromNode._g = 0 fromNode._h = math.abs(fromPos.x - toPos.x) + math.abs(fromPos.y - toPos.y) fromNode._f = fromNode._h open[#open + 1] = fromNode while #open > 0 do local mapNode = open[1] table.remove(open,1) if mapNode._row == toPos.x and mapNode._col == toPos.y then return true end close[#close + 1] = mapNode local parentPos = cc.p(mapNode._col,mapNode._row) local adjacentPos = nil local adjacentNode = nil for i = 0,7 do adjacentPos = self:getAdjacent(parentPos,i) if adjacentPos.x >= 0 and adjacentPos.x < mapCol and adjacentPos.y >= 0 and adjacentPos.y < mapRow then adjacentNode = self._map[adjacentPos.y][adjacentPos.x] if self:canPass(adjacentPos.y,adjacentPos.x) == true and self:isContain(close,adjacentNode) == false and self:isContain(open,adjacentNode) == false then if i % 2 == 0 then g = adjacentNode._g + 1 else g = adjacentNode._g + 1.4 end h = math.abs(adjacentPos.x -toPos.x) + math.abs(adjacentPos.y - toPos.y) f = g + h adjacentNode._parent = mapNode adjacentNode._f = f adjacentNode._g = g adjacentNode._h = h open[#open + 1] = adjacentNode end end end table.sort(open,function(a,b) return a._f < b._f end) end return false end function AStar:processAStar(from,to)--执行A*算法 local f = self:AStarCore(from,to) if f == true then self:collectRoute(from,to) return true end return false end function AStar:collectRoute(from, to)--收集路线 self._lPath = {} local mapNode = self._map[to.y][to.x] self._lPath[#self._lPath + 1] = mapNode while mapNode._col ~= from.x or mapNode._row ~= from.y do mapNode = mapNode._parent self._lPath[#self._lPath + 1] = mapNode end end function AStar:isContain(tbl,cell) --在table中是否包含某个单元 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if tbl[k] == cell then return true end end return false end
require "AStar.lua" local TestScene = class("TestScene",cc.load("mvc").ViewBase) function TestScene:ctor() local mapData = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0} {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }--地图数据 self.mapData = mapData for i = 1, #mapData do--创建地图快图片 for j = 1, #mapData[1] do local tileSp = cc.Sprite:create("tilemap.png") self:addChild(tileSp) tileSp:setPosition(i * tileWidth-(tileWidth * 0.5), j * tileHeight - (tileWidth * 0.5)) end end local from = cc.p(0,0)--起点 local to = cc.p(7,8)--目标点 local sp1 = display.newSprite("qizi.png",to.x *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5),to.y *tileHeight+(tileWidth*0.5))--目标点图片 self:addChild(sp1) local sp2 = display.newSprite("qizi.png",from.x *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5),from.y *tileHeight+(tileWidth*0.5))--起点图片 self:addChild(sp2) self:setCollisionSp() self._sprite = sp.SkeletonAnimation:create("spine/116_m_fks/116_m_fks.json","spine/116_m_fks/116_m_fks.atlas",0.08) self._sprite:setAnimation(0,"stanby_1",true)--创建角色 self._sprite:setScale(-1,1) self._sprite:setPosition(from.x *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5),from.y *tileHeight) self:addChild(self._sprite) local astar_logic = AStar.create() astar_logic:init(mapData) self._lPath = astar_logic:getSearchPath(from, to) self:drawPathNode() self._posIndex = #self._lPath self:moveSprite() end function TestScene:setCollisionSp()--设置障碍物 for k, v in pairs(self.mapData) do for m, n in pairs(v) do if n == 1 then--障碍物 local sp = display.newSprite("collision.png",i*tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5),j*tileHeight+(tileWidth*0.5)) self:addChild(sp) end end end end function TestScene:moveSprite()--移动精灵 local x = self._lPath[self._posIndex]._col *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5) local y = self._lPath[self._posIndex]._row *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5) transition.moveTo(self._sprite,{x = x,y = y,time = 1,onComplete = function() self._posIndex = self._posIndex - 1 if self._posIndex == 0 then return end self:moveSprite() end}) end function TestScene:drawPathNode()--画路径图片 for k,v in pairs(self._lPath) do local sp3 = display.newSprite("redPoint.png",v._col *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5),v._row *tileWidth+(tileWidth*0.5)) self:addChild(sp3) end end
转载请注明出处,from 博客园HemJohn