试想一下,在建立数据库的同时,开发工具会比照数据库结构给你一个和数据库一模一样的实体类库,这个实体类库包含了拓展函数诸如:Insert();UpDate();Delete()。。。这些原本需要使用Sql语句或存储过程实现的数据库业务,任何时候你实例化一个 var xxx = new DataEntity(); 之后,你都不需要在仔细考虑这条数据到底有多少个字段,每个字段是干嘛用的(建立数据库时写个中文备注),而且需要增删改的时候直接调用拓展函数即可,这确实大大的减少了我们在开发中浪费在数据库迷宫中的时间。
我曾经就要求我的同事们在对数据库查询的时候禁止使用 select * from xxx 这样的方法读数据库,这会给后来的维护者带来极大麻烦和困扰。。。尤其对于喜欢写insert语句的同学啊。。。数据库结构变了之后你不着急么。。。。
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using EAS.Data; using EAS.Data.ORM; using EAS.Data.Access; using EAS.Modularization; using EAS.Services; using EAS.Data.Linq; using IronMES.Entities.HBWL; using IronMES.BLL; using IronMES.Entities; using IronMES.WinUI.StockManager.HBWL; using IronMES.WinUI.Helper; namespace IronMES.WinUI.HBWL { [Module("84972d17-2274-4484-bde3-3106a1760481", "汽运检斤接口", "将汽车运输的检斤量批量导入库存管理系统")] public partial class JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORYList : UserControl { IList<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY> vList = null; IList<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY> vListGather = null; IList<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY> pList = null; IList<vSMInventory> iList = null; public JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORYList() { InitializeComponent(); this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.dataGridView1.DataSource = this.datasourcedataGridView1; this.dataGridView2.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.dataGridView2.DataSource = this.bindingSource2; this.dataGridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = false; } [ModuleStart] public void StartEx() { } /// <summary> /// 显示记录。 /// </summary> IList<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY> DisplayList { get { return this.datasourcedataGridView1.DataSource as IList<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY>; } } public void GetDataList(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd,string fs_material, string fs_carno, string fs_downloadaddress, string fs_sendername, string fs_receivername, string fs_materialname, string fs_cg_minenum, string cg_order_num, string send_place, string cyunit) { this.vList = ServiceContainer.GetService<IHBWLService>().GetDataList(dateStart, dateEnd,fs_material, fs_carno, fs_downloadaddress, fs_sendername, fs_receivername, fs_materialname, fs_cg_minenum, cg_order_num, send_place, cyunit).ToList(); } public void GetInventoryList() { DataEntityQuery<vSMInventory> query = DataEntityQuery<vSMInventory>.Create(); var p = from item in query orderby item.FID descending select item; this.iList = p.ToList(); } private void dataPager_PageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //this.datasourcedataGridView1.DataSource = this.vList.Skip(this.dataPager.Skip).Take(this.dataPager.Take).ToList(); } //添加本条记录到批量录入的准备集中 private void btnAddOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dataGridView1.RowCount > 0 && this.dataGridView1.CurrentRow != null) { var dataEntity = this.dataGridView1.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem as JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY; if (dataEntity.FS_WEIGHTBILLNO != null) { pList.Add(dataEntity); } else { var p = from item in vList where item.FS_MATERIALNAME == dataEntity.FS_MATERIALNAME && item.FS_SENDERNAME == dataEntity.FS_SENDERNAME && item.FS_RECEIVERNAME == dataEntity.FS_RECEIVERNAME select item; foreach (var item in p.ToList()) { pList.Add(item); } } } this.bindingSource2.DataSource = pList.ToList(); this.dataGridView2.DataSource = this.bindingSource2; } //添加所有GridView1中的记录到批量录入的准备集中 private void btnAddAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dataGridView1.RowCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { var dataEntity = dataGridView1.Rows[i].DataBoundItem as JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY; if (dataEntity.FS_WEIGHTBILLNO != null) { pList.Add(dataEntity); } else { var p = from item in vList where item.FS_MATERIALNAME == dataEntity.FS_MATERIALNAME && item.FS_SENDERNAME == dataEntity.FS_SENDERNAME && item.FS_RECEIVERNAME == dataEntity.FS_RECEIVERNAME select item; foreach (var item in p.ToList()) { pList.Add(item); } } } } this.bindingSource2.DataSource = pList.ToList(); this.dataGridView2.DataSource = this.bindingSource2; } private void btnRemoveOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dataGridView2.RowCount > 0) { pList.Remove(dataGridView2.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem as JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY); dataGridView2.AllowUserToDeleteRows = true; dataGridView2.Rows.Remove(dataGridView2.CurrentRow); //dataGridView2.DataSource = pList.ToList(); } } private void btnRemoveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dataGridView2.RowCount > 0) { pList.Clear(); this.dataGridView2.DataSource = pList.ToList(); } } private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.GetDataList(this.dateTimePickerStart.Value, this.dateTimePickerEnd.Value, this.tbFS_MATERIAL.Text.Trim(),this.tbFS_CARNO.Text.Trim(), this.tbFS_DOWNLOADADDRESS.Text.Trim(), this.tbFS_SENDERNAME.Text.Trim(), this.tbFS_RECEIVERNAME.Text.Trim(), this.tbFS_MATERIALNAME.Text.Trim(), this.tbFS_CG_MINENUM.Text.Trim(), this.tbCG_ORDER_NUM.Text.Trim(), this.tbSEND_PLACE.Text.Trim(), this.tbCYUNIT.Text.Trim()); pList = new List<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY>(); this.dataGridView2.DataSource = pList.ToList(); if (this.cbGather.Checked == true) { var v = from item in vList group item by item.FS_MATERIALNAME into materialGroup select new { materialGroup.Key, senderGroup = from item2 in materialGroup group item2 by item2.FS_SENDERNAME into senderGroup select new { senderGroup.Key, receiverGroup = from item3 in senderGroup group item3 by item3.FS_RECEIVERNAME into receiverGroup select new { receiverGroup.Key, FS_NETWEIGHT = receiverGroup.Sum(x => x.FS_NETWEIGHT), FS_GROSSWEIGHT = receiverGroup.Sum(x => x.FS_GROSSWEIGHT), FS_TAREWEIGHT = receiverGroup.Sum(x => x.FS_TAREWEIGHT), FCount = receiverGroup.Count() } } }; var _vList = v.ToList(); if (_vList.Count > 0) { this.vListGather = new List<JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY>(); foreach (var item in _vList) { foreach (var item2 in item.senderGroup) { foreach (var item3 in item2.receiverGroup) { var dataEntity = new JL_CARWEIGHTHISTORY(); dataEntity.FS_MATERIALNAME = item.Key; dataEntity.FS_SENDERNAME = item2.Key; dataEntity.FS_RECEIVERNAME = item3.Key; dataEntity.FS_NETWEIGHT = item3.FS_NETWEIGHT; dataEntity.CG_SHIPPED_COUNT = item3.FCount; dataEntity.FS_TAREWEIGHT = item3.FS_TAREWEIGHT; dataEntity.FS_GROSSWEIGHT = item3.FS_GROSSWEIGHT; vListGather.Add(dataEntity); } } } } this.datasourcedataGridView1.DataSource = this.vListGather.ToList(); } else this.datasourcedataGridView1.DataSource = this.vList.ToList(); DataGridViewHelper.DisplayNullColumn(dataGridView1); this.GetInventoryList(); this.dataGridView3.DataSource = iList.ToList(); } private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] titles = new string[] { "汽车计量查询结果", "批量导入明细", "实时库存(导入前)" }; DataGridView[] dataGridViews = new DataGridView[] { dataGridView1, dataGridView2, dataGridView3 }; ExcelMaker.OutToExcelFromDataGridView("汽运检斤接口导出表", titles, dataGridViews, true); } private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EAS.Application.Instance.CloseModule(); } #region 报表相关 /// <summary> /// 报表。 /// </summary> protected EAS.Explorer.Entities.Report Report { get { if (this.m_Report == null) { this.m_Report = new EAS.Explorer.Entities.Report(); this.m_Report.Name = string.Empty; } return this.m_Report; } } EAS.Explorer.Entities.Report m_Report; /// <summary> /// 打印窗体。 /// </summary> protected EAS.Report.Controls.PrintViewDialog PrintForm { get { if (this.m_PrintForm == null) { this.m_PrintForm = new EAS.Report.Controls.PrintViewDialog(); } return this.m_PrintForm; } } EAS.Report.Controls.PrintViewDialog m_PrintForm; #endregion /// <summary> /// 点击后批量导入库存信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HBWLInputSet inputEditor = new HBWLInputSet(); var inputs = new HBWLInputs(); inputs.inputDatas = new List<InputData>(); inputs.FAmount = 0; inputs.FComMaterial = ""; inputs.FComMaterialCode = ""; inputs.FCount = 0; foreach (var item in pList) { inputs.FAmount += item.FS_NETWEIGHT; inputs.FCount++; inputs.FComMaterial = item.FS_MATERIALNAME; inputs.FComMaterialCode = item.FS_MATERIAL; var inputData = new InputData(); inputData.FBillNo = item.FS_WEIGHTBILLNO; inputData.FWeight = item.FS_NETWEIGHT; inputs.inputDatas.Add(inputData); } inputEditor.DataEntity = inputs; if (inputEditor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.btnQuery_Click(sender, e); } } } }
private bool SaveWeightBill(InputData inputData) { string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var query = DataEntityQuery<SMStockBill>.Create(); var p = from item in query where item.FHBWLBillNo == inputData.FBillNo select item; var list = p.ToList(); if (list.Count >0) { return false; } var dataEntity = new SMStockBill(); dataEntity.FBillerID = (EAS.Application.Instance.Session.Client as EAS.Explorer.IAccount).LoginID; dataEntity.FDate = this.dateTimePickerFDate.Value; dataEntity.FDateTime = DateTime.Now; dataEntity.FSCStockID = Convert.ToInt32(this.cbxFBillType.SelectedValue) == 1 ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(this.cbxFSCStockID.SelectedValue); dataEntity.FGuid = guid; dataEntity.FHBWLBillNo = inputData.FBillNo; dataEntity.FItemID = (int)this.cbxFName.SelectedValue; dataEntity.FNote = this.tbFNote.Text; dataEntity.FQty = inputData.FWeight; dataEntity.FDCStockID = Convert.ToInt32(this.cbxFBillType.SelectedValue) == 2 ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(this.cbxFDCStockID.SelectedValue); dataEntity.FStockBillTypeID = (int)this.cbxFBillType.SelectedValue; dataEntity.FWet = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tbFWet.Text); dataEntity.Insert(); InventoryMaker.SaveInventory(dataEntity); return true; }
/// <summary> /// 将dataGirdView里面全是空的列隐藏 /// </summary> /// <param name="dataGirdView"></param> public static void DisplayNullColumn(DataGridView dataGirdView) { for (int i = 0; i < dataGirdView.Columns.Count; i++) { dataGirdView.Columns[i].Visible = true; bool isNull = true; for (int j = 0; j < dataGirdView.Rows.Count; j++) { //如果不是日期格式,不为空即可 if (dataGirdView.Rows[j].Cells[i].ValueType != typeof(DateTime) && dataGirdView.Rows[j].Cells[i].Value != null && dataGirdView.Rows[j].Cells[i].Value.ToString() != string.Empty) { isNull = false; continue; } //如果是日期格式需要大于最小时间 else if (dataGirdView.Rows[j].Cells[i].ValueType == typeof(DateTime) && (DateTime)dataGirdView.Rows[j].Cells[i].Value >= new DateTime(1973, 1, 1)) { isNull = false; continue; } } if (isNull) dataGirdView.Columns[i].Visible = false; } }
public IList<IronMES.Entities.Runtime.History> HistoryNonCyclicList(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string tagname) { string sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM History WHERE" + " (TagName = '" + tagname + "') AND (DateTime >= '" + dateStart + "') AND (DateTime < '" + dateEnd + "') " + "AND (value <> 0) AND (wwQualityRule = 'Good')"; var dt = da.QueryDataTable(sqlStr); var list = new List<History>(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { var entity = new History(); foreach (Column prop in entity.GetColumns()) { entity.SetValue(prop, Convert.ChangeType(item[prop.Name],prop.Property.PropertyType)); } list.Add(entity); } } return list; }