• followme_laser包解读

    param name default meaning
    _time_pred 5 the forecast time in seconds
    _time_step 0.2 the time step simulation in seconds
    _speed_recomputation_timeout 1 recompute speeds if the last speed are too old
    _goal_timeout 1 recompute speeds if the last goal are too old
    _min_goal_distance 0.6 min distance to goal when stop
    _max_goal_angle 0.2 max angle to goal when stop
    _min_v 0.1 fabs value at ROSGoalDynamicWindowTracker
    _max_v 0.3 fabs value at ROSGoalDynamicWindowTracker
    _max_w 0.5 fabs value at ROSGoalDynamicWindowTracker, min is 0.1 max
    SPEED_STEPS 40+1 decide how much steps use to sim
    _dv decided by SPEED_STEPS, will used to make trajectory from _min_v to _max_v and -_max_w to _max_w
    _dw decided by SPEED_STEPS
    _robot_radius 0.5 use to set_costmap and pass it to _laser_thickness if it is within a range
    _costmap_cell_centers laser coordinate of xy in base_link calculated at scan_cb()
    _trajs precompute_trajectories() cal from -_max_w:_dw:_max_w of _min_v:_dv:_max_v

    RGDWT = ROSGoalDynamicWindowTracker
    GDWT = GoalDynamicWindowTracker

    graph TD subgraph main GDWT["GDWT::GoalDynamicWindowTracker()"] ==> RGDWT["RGDWT::ROSGoalDynamicWindowTracker()"] RGDWT ==> GCB["RGDWT::void goal_cb(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)"] GCB ==> SG["GDWT::set_goal and ACTION_RECOMPUTE_SPEED"] SG ==> SCB["RGDWT::scan_cb"] subgraph scan_cb CSDTXY["convert_sensor_data_to_xy"] --> CXYVF["convert_xy_vec_frame //to base_link"] CXYVF --> SCT["GDWT::set_costmap //just pass param"] SCT --> RSIN["GDWT::recompute_speeds_if_needed"] RSIN --> PUBLISH["_vel_pub.publish and _traj_pub.publish"] end end
    st=>start: GDWT::recompute_speeds_if_needed part1
    r1=>end: false
    op_un=>operation: ACTION_UNDEFINED
    op_ksp=>operation: ACTION_KEEP_SAME_SPEED
    op_st=>operation: ACTION_STOP
    op_rop=>operation: ACTION_ROTATE_ON_PLACE
    op_rs=>operation: ACTION_RECOMPUTE_SPEED
    c_goalset=>condition: _goal_set
    c_gto=>condition: _goal_timeout
    c_srt=>condition: _speed_recomputation_timeout
    c_wingd=>condition: within min goal distance
    c_winga=>condition: within max goal angle
    c_rs=>condition: current is recompute
    c_cs=>condition: collision soon
    c_goalset(no, right)->op_st
    c_gto(yes, right)->op_st
    c_srt(yes, right)->op_rs
    c_wingd(yes, right)->c_winga
    c_winga(yes, right)->op_st
    c_winga(no, bottom)->op_rop
    c_rs(yes, right)->op_rs
    c_cs(yes, right)->op_rs

    GDWT::recompute_speeds_if_needed part2:

    state action
    ACTION_KEEP_SAME_SPEED nothing to do
    ACTION_STOP stop_robot();//to cal _best_traj_idx
    ACTION_ROTATE_ON_PLACE best w is 0.5 * (fabs(curr_goal_angle) - _max_goal_angle)
    ACTION_RECOMPUTE_SPEED 1. best_grade_in_range() which call trajectory_grade() to compare each _trajs with _costmap_cell_centers return 1 / dis of goal and _trajs.back()
    2. and trajectory_grade() call vectors_dist_thres() to cal min dis between traj and _costmap_cell_centers and if min_dist < _laser_thickness return false
    3. if best speed not found go back
    4. change to ACTION_KEEP_SAME_SPEED
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HaoQChen/p/11048642.html
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