• 微软企业库源码解析——DAAB(二)DatabaseFactory(ConfigurationNameMappingStrategy篇)


       1: public TTypeToBuild BuildUp<TTypeToBuild>(IReadWriteLocator locator, ILifetimeContainer lifetime, IPolicyList policies, IStrategyChain strategies, object buildKey, object existing)
       2: {
       3:     return (TTypeToBuild) this.BuildUp(locator, lifetime, policies, strategies, buildKey, existing);
       4: }
       6: public object BuildUp(IReadWriteLocator locator, ILifetimeContainer lifetime, IPolicyList policies, IStrategyChain strategies, object buildKey, object existing)
       7: {
       8:     Guard.ArgumentNotNull(strategies, "strategies");
       9:     BuilderContext context = new BuilderContext(strategies, locator, lifetime, policies, buildKey, existing);
      10:     return strategies.ExecuteBuildUp(context);
      11: }




       1: StagedStrategyChain<BuilderStage> stagedStrategyChain = new StagedStrategyChain<BuilderStage>();
       2: stagedStrategyChain.AddNew<ConfigurationNameMappingStrategy>(BuilderStage.PreCreation);
       3: stagedStrategyChain.AddNew<LocatorLookupStrategy>(BuilderStage.PreCreation);
       4: stagedStrategyChain.AddNew<ConfiguredObjectStrategy>(BuilderStage.PreCreation);
       5: stagedStrategyChain.AddNew<InstrumentationStrategy>(BuilderStage.PostInitialization);
       6: strategyChain = stagedStrategyChain.MakeStrategyChain();



       1: /// <summary>
       2: /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy"/> which maps null instance names into a different name.
       3: /// </summary>
       4: /// <remarks>
       5: /// The strategy is used to deal with default names.
       6: /// </remarks>
       7: /// <seealso cref="ConfigurationNameMapperAttribute"/>
       8: /// <seealso cref="IConfigurationNameMapper"/>
       9: public class ConfigurationNameMappingStrategy : EnterpriseLibraryBuilderStrategy
      10: {
      11:     /// <summary>
      12:     /// Override of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.PreBuildUp"/>. Updates the instance name using a name mapper associated to type 
      13:     /// to build so later strategies in the build chain will use the updated instance name.
      14:     /// </summary>
      15:     /// <remarks>
      16:     /// Will only update the instance name if it is <see langword="null"/>.
      17:     /// </remarks>
      18:     /// <param name="context">The <see cref="IBuilderContext"/> that represents the current building process.</param>
      19:     /// <exception cref="System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException"> when the configuration required to do the mapping is not present or is 
      20:     /// invalid in the configuration source.</exception>
      21:     public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
      22:     {
      23:         base.PreBuildUp(context);
      25:         NamedTypeBuildKey key = (NamedTypeBuildKey) context.BuildKey;
      27:         if (key.Name == null)
      28:         {
      29:             ConfigurationReflectionCache reflectionCache = GetReflectionCache(context);
      31:             IConfigurationNameMapper mapper = reflectionCache.GetConfigurationNameMapper(key.Type);
      32:             if (mapper != null)
      33:             {
      34:                 context.BuildKey = new NamedTypeBuildKey(key.Type, mapper.MapName(null, GetConfigurationSource(context)));
      35:             }
      36:         }
      37:     }
      38: }



       1: public virtual void PostBuildUp(IBuilderContext context);
       2: public virtual void PostTearDown(IBuilderContext context);
       3: public virtual void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context);
       4: public virtual void PreTearDown(IBuilderContext context);


    NamedTypeBuildKey key实际上就是在EnterpriseLibraryFactory中调用BuildUp时传递的参数NamedTypeBuildKey.Make<T>(),而这个方法得到的是NamedTypeBuildKey(typeof(T))。


       1: protected static ConfigurationReflectionCache GetReflectionCache(IBuilderContext context)
       2: {
       3:     IReflectionCachePolicy policy
       4:         = context.Policies.Get<IReflectionCachePolicy>(typeof(IReflectionCachePolicy));
       6:     if (policy == null)
       7:         return new ConfigurationReflectionCache();
       8:     else
       9:         return policy.ReflectionCache;
      10: }



       1: /// <summary>
       2: /// This method supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
       3: /// Returns the default database name from the configuration in the <paramref name="configSource"/>, if the
       4: /// value for <paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/> (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
       5: /// </summary>
       6: /// <param name="name">The current name.</param>
       7: /// <param name="configSource">The source for configuration information.</param>
       8: /// <returns>The default database name if <paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/> (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic),
       9: /// otherwise the original value for <b>name</b>.</returns>
      10: public string MapName(string name, IConfigurationSource configSource)
      11: {
      12:     if (name != null)
      13:         return name;
      15:     return new DatabaseConfigurationView(configSource).DefaultName;
      16: }


       1: /// <summary>
       2: /// <para>Gets the <see cref="DatabaseSettings"/> configuration data.</para>
       3: /// </summary>
       4: /// <returns>
       5: /// <para>The <see cref="DatabaseSettings"/> configuration data.</para>
       6: /// </returns>
       7: public DatabaseSettings DatabaseSettings
       8: {
       9:     get { return (DatabaseSettings)configurationSource.GetSection(DatabaseSettings.SectionName); }
      10: }
      12: /// <summary>
      13: /// <para>Gets the name of the default configured <see cref="Database"/>.</para>
      14: /// </summary>
      15: /// <returns>
      16: /// <para>The name of the default configured <see cref="Database"/>.</para>
      17: /// </returns>
      18: public string DefaultName
      19: {
      20:     get
      21:     {
      22:         DatabaseSettings settings = this.DatabaseSettings;
      23:         string databaseName = settings != null ? settings.DefaultDatabase : null;
      24:         return databaseName;
      25:     }
      26: }



       1: /// <summary>
       2: /// Creates a new configuration sources based on the default configuration information from the 
       3: /// application's default configuration file.
       4: /// </summary>
       5: /// <returns>The new configuration source instance described as the default in the configuration file,
       6: /// or a new instance of <see cref="SystemConfigurationSource"/> if the is no configuration sources configuration.</returns>
       7: /// <exception cref="ConfigurationSourceSection">when there is a configuration section but it does not define
       8: /// a default configurtion source, or when the configuration for the defined default configuration source is not found.</exception>
       9: public static IConfigurationSource Create()
      10: {
      11:     ConfigurationSourceSection configurationSourceSection
      12:         = ConfigurationSourceSection.GetConfigurationSourceSection();
      14:     if (configurationSourceSection != null)
      15:     {
      16:         string systemSourceName = configurationSourceSection.SelectedSource;
      17:         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemSourceName))
      18:         {
      19:             return Create(systemSourceName);
      20:         }
      21:         else
      22:         {
      23:             throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(Resources.ExceptionSystemSourceNotDefined);
      24:         }
      25:     }
      27:     return new SystemConfigurationSource();
      28: }


    ConfigurationSourceSection configurationSourceSection = ConfigurationSourceSection.GetConfigurationSourceSection();


    /// <summary>
    /// Configuration section for the configuration sources.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This configuration must reside in the application's default configuration file.
    /// </remarks>
    public class ConfigurationSourceSection : SerializableConfigurationSection
    private const string selectedSourceProperty = "selectedSource";
    private const string sourcesProperty = "sources";

    /// <summary>
    /// This field supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
    /// </summary>
    public const string SectionName = "enterpriseLibrary.ConfigurationSource";

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the <see cref="ConfigurationSourceSection"/> from the application's default configuration file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The section from the configuration file, or <see langword="null"/> (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic) if the section is not present in the configuration file.</returns>
    public static ConfigurationSourceSection GetConfigurationSourceSection()
    return (ConfigurationSourceSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(SectionName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the name for the default configuration source.
    /// </summary>
    [ConfigurationProperty(selectedSourceProperty, IsRequired=true)]
    public string SelectedSource
    return (string)this[selectedSourceProperty];
    this[selectedSourceProperty] = value;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the collection of defined configuration sources.
    /// </summary>
    [ConfigurationProperty(sourcesProperty, IsRequired = true)]
    public NameTypeConfigurationElementCollection<ConfigurationSourceElement, ConfigurationSourceElement> Sources
    return (NameTypeConfigurationElementCollection<ConfigurationSourceElement, ConfigurationSourceElement>)this[sourcesProperty];









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