• Joinpoint继承体系-笔记







         * Proceed to the next interceptor in the chain.
         * <p>The implementation and the semantics of this method depends
         * on the actual joinpoint type (see the children interfaces).
         * @return see the children interfaces' proceed definition
         * @throws Throwable if the joinpoint throws an exception
        Object proceed() throws Throwable;


         * Return the object that holds the current joinpoint's static part.
         * <p>For instance, the target object for an invocation.
         * @return the object (can be null if the accessible object is static)
        Object getThis();


         * Return the static part of this joinpoint.
         * <p>The static part is an accessible object on which a chain of
         * interceptors are installed.
        AccessibleObject getStaticPart();





     * This interface represents an invocation in the program.
     * <p>An invocation is a joinpoint and can be intercepted by an
     * interceptor.
     * @author Rod Johnson
    public interface Invocation extends Joinpoint {
         * Get the arguments as an array object.
         * It is possible to change element values within this
         * array to change the arguments.
         * @return the argument of the invocation
        Object[] getArguments();

    方法返回的是目标方法的参数。如果目标方法是无参方法,那么会返回一个Object[] 类型的长度为0的数组。


     * Description of an invocation to a method, given to an interceptor
     * upon method-call.
     * <p>A method invocation is a joinpoint and can be intercepted by a
     * method interceptor.
     * @author Rod Johnson
     * @see MethodInterceptor
    public interface MethodInvocation extends Invocation {
         * Get the method being called.
         * <p>This method is a frienly implementation of the
         * {@link Joinpoint#getStaticPart()} method (same result).
         * @return the method being called
        Method getMethod();





         * Return the proxy that this method invocation was made through.
         * @return the original proxy object
        Object getProxy();


         * Create a clone of this object. If cloning is done before {@code proceed()}
         * is invoked on this object, {@code proceed()} can be invoked once per clone
         * to invoke the joinpoint (and the rest of the advice chain) more than once.
         * @return an invocable clone of this invocation.
         * {@code proceed()} can be called once per clone.
        MethodInvocation invocableClone();


         * Set the arguments to be used on subsequent invocations in the any advice
         * in this chain.
         * @param arguments the argument array
        void setArguments(Object... arguments);


         * Add the specified user attribute with the given value to this invocation.
         * <p>Such attributes are not used within the AOP framework itself. They are
         * just kept as part of the invocation object, for use in special interceptors.
         * @param key the name of the attribute
         * @param value the value of the attribute, or {@code null} to reset it
        void setUserAttribute(String key, Object value);



    使用反射类调用目标对象。子类可以覆盖invokeJoinpoint()方法。可以通过使用invocableClone()方法浅克隆一个调用(an invocation)来重复调用proceed()方法。而且还可以使用setUserAttribute(...)方法添加上自定义的属性到这个调用上。


        protected final Object proxy;//代理对象。
        protected final Object target;//目标对象。
        protected final Method method;//目标方法对应的Method对象。
        protected Object[] arguments;//目标方法参数。
        private final Class<?> targetClass;//目标对象的类型
         * Lazily initialized map of user-specific attributes for this invocation.
        private Map<String, Object> userAttributes;
         * List of MethodInterceptor and InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher
         * that need dynamic checks.
        protected final List<?> interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers;
         * Index from 0 of the current interceptor we're invoking.
         * -1 until we invoke: then the current interceptor.
        private int currentInterceptorIndex = -1;




         * Construct a new ReflectiveMethodInvocation with the given arguments.
         * @param proxy the proxy object that the invocation was made on
         * @param target the target object to invoke
         * @param method the method to invoke
         * @param arguments the arguments to invoke the method with
         * @param targetClass the target class, for MethodMatcher invocations
         * @param interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers interceptors that should be applied,
         * along with any InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatchers that need evaluation at runtime.
         * MethodMatchers included in this struct must already have been found to have matched
         * as far as was possibly statically. Passing an array might be about 10% faster,
         * but would complicate the code. And it would work only for static pointcuts.
        protected ReflectiveMethodInvocation(
                Object proxy, Object target, Method method, Object[] arguments,
                Class<?> targetClass, List<Object> interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers) {
            this.proxy = proxy;
            this.target = target;
            this.targetClass = targetClass;
            this.method = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod(method);
            this.arguments = AopProxyUtils.adaptArgumentsIfNecessary(method, arguments);
            this.interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers = interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers;



        public Object proceed() throws Throwable {
            //    We start with an index of -1 and increment early.  
    if (this.currentInterceptorIndex == this.interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers.size() - 1) { return invokeJoinpoint();//调用目标方法,不知道这里的方法名为什么叫invokeJoinpoint,明明是调用的目标方法嘛,还没参透。 } //currentInterceptorIndex的初始值为-1,所以它是从拦截器链条的第一个拦截器开始调用拦截器的。先++。
    Object interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice
    = this.interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers.get(++this.currentInterceptorIndex); if (interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice instanceof InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher) { // Evaluate dynamic method matcher here: static part will already have // been evaluated and found to match. InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher dm = (InterceptorAndDynamicMethodMatcher) interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice; if (dm.methodMatcher.matches(this.method, this.targetClass, this.arguments)) { return dm.interceptor.invoke(this); } else { // Dynamic matching failed. // Skip this interceptor and invoke the next in the chain. //跳过当前的拦截器并且调用链条中的下一个拦截器.
    return proceed(); } } else { // It's an interceptor, so we just invoke it: The pointcut will have // been evaluated statically before this object was constructed.
    return ((MethodInterceptor) interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice).invoke(this); } }





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/GooPolaris/p/8217962.html
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