• Cocos2dx坐标转换





    1. convertToNodeSpace
    2. convertToNodeSpaceAR
    3. convertToWorldSpace
    4. convertToWorldSpaceAR
    5. convertToWindowSpace




    1. OpenGL坐标系:坐标系原点在屏幕左下角,x轴向右,y轴向上,Cocos2dx以该坐标系为基础;

    2. 屏幕坐标系:和上面不同的是,其原点在于左上角,x轴向右,y轴向下,iOS的屏幕触摸事件传入的位置信息使用的是该坐标系,因此Cocos2dx需要将其转化成OpenGL坐标系,这就需要我们上面提到的几种函数;

    3. 绝对坐标系/世界坐标系:结点设置位置的时候,使用的是相对于其父结点的本地坐标系,而不是世界坐标系,因此Cocos2dx在绘制的时候,会把这些元素的本地坐标系映射成世界坐标系坐标,世界坐标和OpenGL坐标系方向一致;

    4. 结点坐标系统:Cocos2dx中的元素是有父子关系的层级结构,每个结点都有独立的坐标系,其设置位置使用的是相对于其父结点的本地坐标系,它和OpenGL坐标系中的方向是一致的,原点位置在父结点的左下角;(注意:结点坐标系的原点默认是其左下角位置)



    /** Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
     * @return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
    Vec2 getLocation() const;
    /** Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
     * @return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
    Vec2 getPreviousLocation() const;
    /** Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
     * @return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
    Vec2 getStartLocation() const;
    /** Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
     * @return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
    Vec2 getDelta() const;
    /** Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.
     * @return The current touch location in screen coordinates.
    Vec2 getLocationInView() const;
    /** Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates. 
     * @return The previous touch location in screen coordinates.
    Vec2 getPreviousLocationInView() const;
    /** Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.
     * @return The start touch location in screen coordinates.
    Vec2 getStartLocationInView() const;


     * Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.
     * @param worldPoint A given coordinate.
     * @return A point in node (local) space coordinates.
    Vec2 convertToNodeSpace(const Vec2& worldPoint) const;
     * Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. The result is in Points.
     * @param nodePoint A given coordinate.
     * @return A point in world space coordinates.
    Vec2 convertToWorldSpace(const Vec2& nodePoint) const;
     * Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.
     * treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.
     * @param worldPoint A given coordinate.
     * @return A point in node (local) space coordinates, anchor relative.
    Vec2 convertToNodeSpaceAR(const Vec2& worldPoint) const;
     * Converts a local Vec2 to world space coordinates.The result is in Points.
     * treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.
     * @param nodePoint A given coordinate.
     * @return A point in world space coordinates, anchor relative.
    Vec2 convertToWorldSpaceAR(const Vec2& nodePoint) const;




    参考文章:Cocos2d-x 详解坐标系统

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