• ICML-20 待读的 Paper

    花了一上午的时间,过了一遍 ICML-2020 Accepted Paper List, 挑出了自己想读的 Paper。

    Noisy Labels

    • Beyond Synthetic Noise: Deep Learning on Controlled Noisy Labels
    • SIGUA: Forgetting May Make Learning with Noisy Labels More Robust
    • Error-Bounded Correction of Noisy Labels
    • Does label smoothing mitigate label noise?
    • Deep k-NN for Noisy Labels
    • Improving generalization by controlling label-noise information in neural network weights
    • Normalized Loss Functions for Deep Learning with Noisy Labels
    • Variational Label Enhancement
    • Peer Loss Functions: Learning from Noisy Labels without Knowing Noise Rates
    • Searching to Exploit Memorization Effect in Learning with Noisy Labels
    • Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation
    • Training Binary Neural Networks through Learning with Noisy Supervision
    • Learning with Bounded Instance- and Label-dependent Label Noise
    • Progressive Identification of True Labels for Partial-Label Learning
    • Learning with Multiple Complementary Labels
    • Unbiased Risk Estimators Can Mislead: A Case Study of Learning with Complementary Labels

    Semi-Supervised Learning

    • Semi-Supervised Learning with Normalizing Flows
    • Negative Sampling in Semi-Supervised learning
    • Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning At Very Low Label Rates
    • Time-Consistent Self-Supervision for Semi-Supervised Learning
    • Safe Deep Semi-Supervised Learning for Unseen-Class Unlabeled Data
    • Deep Streaming Label Learning

    Domain Adaptation

    • Continuously Indexed Domain Adaptation
    • RIFLE: Backpropagation in Depth for Deep Transfer Learning through Re-Initializing the Fully-connected LayEr
    • Implicit Class-Conditioned Domain Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
    • Understanding Self-Training for Gradual Domain Adaptation
    • Do We Really Need to Access the Source Data? Source Hypothesis Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
    • LTF: A Label Transformation Framework for Correcting Label Shift
    • Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation

    Data Bias, Weighting

    • Adversarial Filters of Dataset Biases
    • Optimizing Data Usage via Differentiable Rewards
    • Data preprocessing to mitigate bias: A maximum entropy based approach
    • DeBayes: a Bayesian Method for Debiasing Network Embeddings
    • A Distributional Framework For Data Valuation


    • Class-Weighted Classification: Trade-offs and Robust Approaches
    • Online Continual Learning from Imbalanced Data
    • Logistic Regression for Massive Data with Rare Events

    MixUp, Interpolation, Extrapolation, etc.

    • Puzzle Mix: Exploiting Saliency and Local Statistics for Optimal Mixup
    • Learning Representations that Support Extrapolation
    • Extrapolation for Large-batch Training in Deep Learning
    • Training Neural Networks for and by Interpolation
    • Sequence Generation with Mixed Representations

    PU Learning

    • Self-PU: Self Boosted and Calibrated Positive-Unlabeled Training

    Active Learning

    • Adaptive Region-Based Active Learning

    GCN or Recommendation System

    • Continuous Graph Neural Networks
    • Simple and Deep Graph Convolutional Networks
    • Graph Convolutional Network for Recommendation with Low-pass Collaborative Filters
    • Generalization and Representational Limits of Graph Neural Networks
    • Graph-based Nearest Neighbor Search: From Practice to Theory
    • Ordinal Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Recommendation
    • Improved Communication Cost in Distributed PageRank Computation – A Theoretical Study
    • Optimization and Analysis of the pAp@k Metric for Recommender Systems
    • Scalable and Efficient Comparison-based Search without Features
    • Learning to Rank Learning Curves
    • When Does Self-Supervision Help Graph Convolutional Networks?

    Neural ODE

    • Towards Adaptive Residual Network Training: A Neural-ODE Perspective
    • Combining Differentiable PDE Solvers and Graph Neural Networks for Fluid Flow Prediction
    • Approximation Capabilities of Neural ODEs and Invertible Residual Networks

    Calibration, Confidence, Out-of-distribution

    • Confidence-Aware Learning for Deep Neural Networks
    • Being Bayesian, Even Just a Bit, Fixes Overconfidence in ReLU Networks
    • SDE-Net: Equipping Deep Neural Networks with Uncertainty Estimates
    • Detecting Out-of-Distribution Examples with Gram Matrices
    • Interpretable, Multidimensional, Multimodal Anomaly Detection with Negative Sampling for Detection of Device Failure
    • Uncertainty Estimation Using a Single Deep Deterministic Neural Network
    • How Good is the Bayes Posterior in Deep Neural Networks Really?

    Federated Learning, Fairness

    • Fair k-Centers via Maximum Matching
    • Federated Learning with Only Positive Labels

    Interesting Problems, Settings

    • Why Are Learned Indexes So Effective?
    • Learning with Feature and Distribution Evolvable Streams
    • Cost-effectively Identifying Causal Effects When Only Response Variable is Observable
    • Rigging the Lottery: Making All Tickets Win
    • Do We Need Zero Training Loss After Achieving Zero Training Error?
    • Small Data, Big Decisions: Model Selection in the Small-Data Regime
    • Why bigger is not always better: on finite and infinite neural networks
    • On Learning Sets of Symmetric Elements
    • Collaborative Machine Learning with Incentive-Aware Model Rewards
    • Generalisation error in learning with random features and the hidden manifold model
    • Sample Amplification: Increasing Dataset Size even when Learning is Impossible
    • When are Non-Parametric Methods Robust?
    • Performative Prediction
    • Supervised learning: no loss no cry
    • Teaching with Limited Information on the Learner's Behaviour
    • Learning De-biased Representations with Biased Representations
    • Do RNN and LSTM have Long Memory?
    • It's Not What Machines Can Learn, It's What We Cannot Teach
    • Enhancing Simple Models by Exploiting What They Already Know

    Interesting Theory

    • On the Generalization Benefit of Noise in Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • Let's Agree to Agree: Neural Networks Share Classification Order on Real Datasets
    • Optimizer Benchmarking Needs to Account for Hyperparameter Tuning
    • On the Noisy Gradient Descent that Generalizes as SGD
    • Rethinking Bias-Variance Trade-off for Generalization of Neural Networks
    • Understanding and Mitigating the Tradeoff between Robustness and Accuracy
    • The Implicit and Explicit Regularization Effects of Dropout
    • Optimal Continual Learning has Perfect Memory and is NP-hard
    • Curvature-corrected learning dynamics in deep neural networks
    • Explainable k-Means and k-Medians Clustering
    • Near-Tight Margin-Based Generalization Bounds for Support Vector Machines
    • Uniform Convergence of Rank-weighted Learning
    • Decision Trees for Decision-Making under the Predict-then-Optimize Framework

    Interesting Algorithm

    • SoftSort: A Continuous Relaxation for the argsort Operator
    • Boosting Deep Neural Network Efficiency with Dual-Module Inference
    • Circuit-Based Intrinsic Methods to Detect Overfitting
    • Learning Similarity Metrics for Numerical Simulations
    • Deep Divergence Learning
    • Consistent Estimators for Learning to Defer to an Expert
    • Smaller, more accurate regression forests using tree alternating optimization
    • Learning To Stop While Learning To Predict
    • DROCC: Deep Robust One-Class Classification

    Point Cloud, 3 dimension

    • Hypernetwork approach to generating point clouds
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Gelthin2017/p/13652981.html
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