ALter PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Tool_GetDataOfKey] @Value nvarchar(50) AS declare @strTableName nvarchar(100) declare @strTableID nvarchar(50) declare @strColumnName nvarchar(100) declare @strSql nvarchar(500) create table #KeyTable(Table_Name nvarchar(100),Column_Name nvarchar(50)) declare Table_Cursor cursor for select name,id from sysobjects where xtype='U' open Table_Cursor fetch next from Table_Cursor into @strTableName,@strTableID while(@@fetch_status=0) begin declare Column_Cursor cursor for select name from syscolumns where id=@strTableID and (((xtype=239 or xtype=231) and length>30) or ((xtype=175 or xtype=167) and length>15)) open Column_Cursor fetch next from Column_Cursor into @strColumnName while(@@fetch_status=0) begin select @strSql='if exists(select * from '+@strTableName+' where '+@strColumnName+' ='''+@Value+''')' select @strSql=@strSql+'insert into #KeyTable(Table_Name,Column_Name) values('''+@strTableName+''','''+@strColumnName+''')' print @strSql exec(@strSql) fetch next from Column_Cursor into @strColumnName end close Column_Cursor deallocate Column_Cursor fetch next from Table_Cursor into @strTableName,@strTableID end close Table_Cursor deallocate Table_Cursor select * from #KeyTable