• 用 python 实现一个多线程网页下载器


    这是一个有着真实需求的实现,我的用途是拿它来通过 HTTP 方式向服务器提交游戏数据。把它放上来也是想大家帮忙挑刺,找找 bug,让它工作得更好。

    keywords:python,http,multi-threads,thread,threading,httplib,urllib,urllib2,Queue,http pool,httppool


      1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      2 import urllib, httplib
      3 import thread
      4 import time
      5 from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full
      6 HEADERS = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      7                         'Accept-Language':'zh-cn',
      8                         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;Windows NT 5.0)',
      9                         "Accept": "text/plain"}
     11 POST = 'POST'
     12 GET = 'GET'
     13 def base_log(msg):
     14     print msg
     15 def base_fail_op(task, status, log):
     16     log('fail op. task = %s, status = %d'%(str(task), status))
     17 def get_remote_data(tasks, results, fail_op = base_fail_op, log = base_log):
     18     while True:
     19         task = tasks.get()
     20         try:
     21             tid = task['id']
     22             hpt = task['conn_args'] # hpt <= host:port, timeout
     23         except KeyError, e:
     24             log(str(e))
     25             continue
     26         log('thread_%s doing task %d'%(thread.get_ident(), tid))
     27         #log('hpt = ' + str(hpt))
     28         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(**hpt)
     30         try:
     31             params = task['params']
     32         except KeyError, e:
     33             params = {}
     34         params = urllib.urlencode(params)
     35         #log('params = ' + params)
     37         try:
     38             method = task['method']
     39         except KeyError:
     40             method = 'GET'
     41         #log('method = ' + method)
     43         try:
     44             url = task['url']
     45         except KeyError:
     46             url = '/'
     47         #log('url = ' + url)
     49         headers = HEADERS
     50         try:
     51             tmp = task['headers']
     52         except KeyError, e:
     53             tmp = {}
     54         headers.update(tmp)
     55         #log('headers = ' + str(headers))
     56         headers['Content-Length'] = len(params)
     58         try:
     59             if method == POST:
     60                 conn.request(method, url, params, headers)
     61             else:
     62                 conn.request(method, url + params)
     63             response = conn.getresponse()
     64         except Exception, e:
     65             log('request failed. method = %s, url = %s, params = %s headers = %s'%(
     66                         method, url, params, headers))
     67             log(str(e))
     68             fail_op(task, UNEXPECTED_ERROR, log)
     69             continue
     71         if response.status != httplib.OK:
     72             fail_op(task, response.status, log)
     73             continue
     75         data = response.read()
     76         results.put((tid, data), True)
     78 class HttpPool(object):
     79     def __init__(self, threads_count, fail_op, log):
     80         self._tasks = Queue()
     81         self._results = Queue()
     83         for i in xrange(threads_count):
     84             thread.start_new_thread(get_remote_data, 
     85                                                             (self._tasks, self._results, fail_op, log))
     87     def add_task(self, tid, host, url, params, headers = {}, method = 'GET', timeout = None):
     88         task = {
     89             'id' : tid,
     90             'conn_args' : {'host' : host} if timeout is None else {'host' : host, 'timeout' : timeout},
     91             'headers' : headers,
     92             'url' : url,
     93             'params' : params,
     94             'method' : method,
     95             }
     96         try:
     97             self._tasks.put_nowait(task)
     98         except Full:
     99             return False
    100         return True
    102     def get_results(self):
    103         results = []
    104         while True:
    105             try:
    106                 res = self._results.get_nowait()
    107             except Empty:
    108                 break
    109             results.append(res)
    110         return results
    112 def test_google(task_count, threads_count):
    113     hp = HttpPool(threads_count, base_fail_op, base_log)
    114     for i in xrange(task_count):
    115         if hp.add_task(i,
    116                 'www.google.cn',
    117                 '/search?',
    118                 {'q' : 'lai'},
    119 #                method = 'POST'
    120                 ):
    121             print 'add task successed.'
    123     while True:
    124         results = hp.get_results()
    125         if not results:
    126             time.sleep(1.0 * random.random())
    127         for i in results:
    128             print i[0], len(i[1])
    129 #            print unicode(i[1], 'gb18030')
    131 if __name__ == '__main__':
    132     import sys, random
    133     task_count, threads_count = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])
    134     test_google(task_count, threads_count)

    from: http://blog.csdn.net/gzlaiyonghao/article/details/4083852

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/GarfieldEr007/p/5248283.html
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