• hdu 3231 Box Relations (拓扑排序)

    Box Relations

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 894    Accepted Submission(s): 324
    Special Judge

    Problem Description
    There are n boxes C1, C2, ..., Cn in 3D space. The edges of the boxes are parallel to the x, y or z-axis. We provide some relations of the boxes, and your task is to construct a set of boxes satisfying all these relations.

    There are four kinds of relations (1 <= i,j <= ni is different from j):
      • I i j: The intersection volume of Ci and Cj is positive.

      • X i j: The intersection volume is zero, and any point inside Ci has smaller x-coordinate than any point inside Cj.

      • Y i j: The intersection volume is zero, and any point inside Ci has smaller y-coordinate than any point inside Cj.

    • Z i j: The intersection volume is zero, and any point inside Ci has smaller z-coordinate than any point inside Cj.
    There will be at most 30 test cases. Each case begins with a line containing two integers n (1 <= n <= 1,000) and R (0 <= R <= 100,000), the number of boxes and the number of relations. Each of the following R lines describes a relation, written in the format above. The last test case is followed by n=R=0, which should not be processed.
    For each test case, print the case number and either the word POSSIBLE or IMPOSSIBLE. If it's possible to construct the set of boxes, the i-th line of the following n lines contains six integers x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, that means the i-th box is the set of points (x,y,z) satisfying x1 <= x <= x2, y1 <= y <= y2, z1 <= z <= z2. The absolute values of x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 should not exceed 1,000,000.

    Print a blank line after the output of each test case.
    Sample Input
    3 2
    I 1 2
    X 2 3
    3 3
    Z 1 2
    Z 2 3
    Z 3 1
    1 0
    0 0
    Sample Output
    Case 1: POSSIBLE
    0 0 0 2 2 2
    1 1 1 3 3 3
    8 8 8 9 9 9
    Case 2: IMPOSSIBLE
    Case 3: POSSIBLE
    0 0 0 1 1 1
    chenrui   |   We have carefully selected several similar problems for you:  3236 3234 3237 3232 3233 
     1 //140MS    1276K    1924 B    G++
     2 /*
     4     题意:
     5         给出n个矩阵的一系列的关系,输出满足关系的n个矩阵的对角坐标。
     7     拓扑排序:
     8         矩阵就有六个面,x、y、z各有两个面,设上表面为i+n,下表面为i,
     9     然后每次的XYZ操作就是对x、y、z轴的上下表面进行拓扑排序,其中要
    10     注意的一点就是I A B操作,要求A的上表面大于B的下表面,B的上表面
    11     要大于A的下表面。 调试了挺久的。 
    13 */
    14 #include<iostream>
    15 #include<vector>
    16 #include<queue>
    17 #define N 2005
    18 using namespace std;
    19 int in[3][N];
    20 vector<int>V[3][N];
    21 int n,r,cas;
    22 void init()  //初始化 
    23 {
    24     memset(in,0,sizeof(in));
    25     for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
    26         for(int i=0;i<=2*n;i++){
    27             V[ii][i].clear();
    28         }    
    29     for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
    30         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    31             V[ii][i].push_back(i+n);
    32             in[ii][i+n]++;
    33         }
    34 }
    35 int topo(int x[],int id) //topo排序 
    36 {
    37     queue<int>Q;
    38     int ii=0;
    39     for(int i=1;i<=2*n;i++)
    40         if(in[id][i]==0)
    41             Q.push(i);
    42     //printf("*%d
    43     while(!Q.empty()){
    44         int t=Q.front();
    45         Q.pop();
    46         x[t]=++ii; //出来的先排 
    47         for(int i=0;i<V[id][t].size();i++){
    48             if(--in[id][V[id][t][i]]==0)
    49                 Q.push(V[id][t][i]);
    50         }
    51     }
    52     //printf("**%d
    53     if(ii!=2*n) return 1;
    54     return 0;
    55 } 
    56 void solve()
    57 {
    58     int a[3][N]={0}; //记录答案 
    59     int flag=0;
    60     for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
    61         if(topo(a[i],i)) flag=1;
    62     if(flag) printf("Case %d: IMPOSSIBLE
    63     else{
    64         printf("Case %d: POSSIBLE
    65         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    66             printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d
    67         printf("
    68     }
    69 }
    70 int main(void)
    71 {
    72     int a,b;
    73     char op;
    74     cas=1;
    75     while(scanf("%d%d%*c",&n,&r),n+r)
    76     {
    77         init();
    78         for(int i=0;i<r;i++){
    79             scanf("%c%d%d%*c",&op,&a,&b);
    80             if(op=='I'){
    81                 for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++){
    82                     V[ii][a].push_back(b+n);
    83                     in[ii][b+n]++;
    84                     V[ii][b].push_back(a+n);
    85                     in[ii][a+n]++;
    86                 }
    87             }else{
    88                 V[op-'X'][a+n].push_back(b);
    89                 in[op-'X'][b]++;
    90             }
    91         }
    92         solve();
    93     }
    94     return 0;
    95 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/GO-NO-1/p/3656123.html
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