• vc++ generate random via random_device and uniform_int_distribution

    // ConsoleApplication3.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <random>  
    using namespace std; 
    void getArray(int* arr, int len);
    void swap(int* left, int* right);
    int partitionAsc(int* arr, int low, int high);
    void quickSortAsc(int* arr, int low, int high);
    void printArray(int* arr, int len);
    void arrayDemo(int len);
    int main(int args,char **argv)
    void arrayDemo(int len)
        int* arr = new int[len];
        getArray(arr, len);
        cout << "Before quick sort:" << endl;
        printArray(arr, len);
        cout << "After quick sort:" << endl;
        quickSortAsc(arr, 0, len - 1);
        printArray(arr, len);
        delete[] arr;
        cout << "Finished in void arrayDemo(int len)!" << endl;
    void printArray(int* arr, int len)
        for (int i = 0;i < len;i++)
            cout << arr[i] << "\t";
        cout << endl << endl;
    void quickSortAsc(int* arr, int low, int high)
        if (low < high)
            int pivot = partitionAsc(arr, low, high);
            quickSortAsc(arr, low, pivot - 1);
            quickSortAsc(arr, pivot + 1, high);
    int partitionAsc(int* arr, int low, int high)
        int pivot = arr[high];
        int i = low - 1;
        for (int j = low;j <= high;j++)
            if (arr[j] < pivot)
                i = i + 1;
                swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
        swap(&arr[i + 1], &arr[high]);
        return i + 1;
    void swap(int* left, int* right)
        int temp = *left;
        *left = *right;
        *right = temp;
    void getArray(int* arr, int len)
        random_device rd;
        mt19937 gen(rd());
        uniform_int_distribution<> dist(1, 2147483647);
        for (int i = 0;i < len;i++)
            arr[i] = dist(gen);
    // Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
    // Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu
    // Tips for Getting Started: 
    //   1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files
    //   2. Use the Team Explorer window to connect to source control
    //   3. Use the Output window to see build output and other messages
    //   4. Use the Error List window to view errors
    //   5. Go to Project > Add New Item to create new code files, or Project > Add Existing Item to add existing code files to the project
    //   6. In the future, to open this project again, go to File > Open > Project and select the .sln file

    Build via Visual studio 2022 command and run in terminal as below.

    .\ConsoleApplication3.exe 100;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Fred1987/p/16570706.html
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