#define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #include <Winsock2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include<ws2tcpip.h> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib ") //linking to the library using namespace std; int get_ip() { struct addrinfo *ailist, *aip; struct addrinfo hint; struct sockaddr_in6 *sinp6; PHOSTENT hostinfo; char hostname[255] = {0}; //主机名 char *port = "3294"; //端口号 const char *addr; int ilRc; gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if((hostinfo = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) //获得本地ipv4地址 { errno = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr,"gethostbyname Error:%d ", errno); return 1; } LPCSTR ip; while(*(hostinfo->h_addr_list) != NULL) //输出ipv4地址 { ip = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) *hostinfo->h_addr_list); printf("ipv4 addr = %s ", ip); hostinfo->h_addr_list++; } hint.ai_family = AF_INET6; //hint 的限定设置 hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; //这里可是设置 socket type 比如 SOCK_DGRAM hint.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // flags 的标志很多。常用的有AI_CANONNAME; hint.ai_protocol = 0; //设置协议 一般为0,默认 hint.ai_addrlen = 0; //下面不可以设置,为0,或者为NULL hint.ai_canonname = NULL; hint.ai_addr = NULL; hint.ai_next = NULL; ilRc = getaddrinfo(hostname, port, &hint, &ailist); //通过主机名获得地址信息 if (ilRc < 0) { char str_error[100]; strcpy(str_error, (char *)gai_strerror(errno)); printf("str_error = %s", str_error); return 0; } if(ailist == NULL) { printf("sorry not find the IP address,please try again "); } for (aip = ailist; aip != NULL; aip = aip->ai_next) //显示获取的信息 { aip->ai_family == AF_INET6; sinp6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)aip->ai_addr; //为什么是for 循环 ,先向下看 int i; printf("ipv6 addr = "); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(((i-1)%2) && (i>0)) { printf(":"); } printf("%02x",sinp6->sin6_addr.u.Byte[i]); } printf(" "); printf(" "); } while(1); } int main(){ WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ); err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );//initiate the ws2_32.dll and match the version if ( err != 0 ) { return 0; } if ( LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 || //if the version is not matched ,then quit and terminate the ws3_32.dll HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 ) { WSACleanup( ); return 0; } get_ip(); WSACleanup( ); return 0; }
//#define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #include <WinSock2.h> #include <Iphlpapi.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #pragma comment(lib,"Iphlpapi.lib") //需要添加Iphlpapi.lib库 //#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //PIP_ADAPTER_INFO结构体指针存储本机网卡信息 PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pIpAdapterInfo = new IP_ADAPTER_INFO(); //得到结构体大小,用于GetAdaptersInfo参数 unsigned long stSize = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO); //调用GetAdaptersInfo函数,填充pIpAdapterInfo指针变量;其中stSize参数既是一个输入量也是一个输出量 int nRel = GetAdaptersInfo(pIpAdapterInfo, &stSize); //记录网卡数量 DWORD netCardNum = 0; GetNumberOfInterfaces(&netCardNum); cout << "网卡数量:" << netCardNum<< endl; netCardNum = 0; //记录每张网卡上的IP地址数量 int IPnumPerNetCard = 0; if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW == nRel) { //如果函数返回的是ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW //则说明GetAdaptersInfo参数传递的内存空间不够,同时其传出stSize,表示需要的空间大小 //这也是说明为什么stSize既是一个输入量也是一个输出量 //释放原来的内存空间 delete pIpAdapterInfo; //重新申请内存空间用来存储所有网卡信息 pIpAdapterInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)new BYTE[stSize]; //再次调用GetAdaptersInfo函数,填充pIpAdapterInfo指针变量 nRel = GetAdaptersInfo(pIpAdapterInfo, &stSize); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nRel) { //输出网卡信息 //可能有多网卡,因此通过循环去判断 while (pIpAdapterInfo) { cout << "网卡序号:" << ++netCardNum <<" "<<pIpAdapterInfo->Index << endl; cout << "网卡名称:" << pIpAdapterInfo->AdapterName << endl; cout << "网卡描述:" << pIpAdapterInfo->Description << endl; cout << "网卡类型:"; switch (pIpAdapterInfo->Type) { case MIB_IF_TYPE_OTHER: cout << "OTHER" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET: cout << "ETHERNET" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_TOKENRING: cout << "TOKENRING" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_FDDI: cout << "FDDI" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP: cout << "PPP" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK: cout << "LOOPBACK" << endl; break; case MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP: cout << "SLIP" << endl; break; default: cout << "" << endl; break; } cout << "网卡MAC地址:"; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pIpAdapterInfo->AddressLength; i++) if (i < pIpAdapterInfo->AddressLength - 1) { printf("%02X-", pIpAdapterInfo->Address[i]); } else { printf("%02X ", pIpAdapterInfo->Address[i]); } cout << "网卡IP地址如下:" << endl; IPnumPerNetCard = 0; //可能网卡有多IP,因此通过循环去判断 IP_ADDR_STRING *pIpAddrString = &(pIpAdapterInfo->IpAddressList); do { cout << "该网卡上的IP数量:" << ++IPnumPerNetCard << endl; cout << "IP 地址:" << pIpAddrString->IpAddress.String << endl; cout << "子网掩码:" << pIpAddrString->IpMask.String << endl; cout << "网关地址:" << pIpAdapterInfo->GatewayList.IpAddress.String << endl; pIpAddrString = pIpAddrString->Next; } while (pIpAddrString); pIpAdapterInfo = pIpAdapterInfo->Next; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; } } //释放内存空间 if (pIpAdapterInfo) { delete pIpAdapterInfo; } return 0; }