一直认为自己对对象传递理解的颇为深刻,没想到最近一次的编码中,就犯下了这样的错误,令自己排查了很久才找到问题的根源, 辅以小case记录以自省。
public class ObjReference { String name = "ObjectReference"; String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); public ObjReference(){} public ObjReference(String name, String id){ this.name = name; this.id = id; } public String toSelfAttr(){ return "name = " + name + ", id = " + id; } public void fillSelf(ObjReference obj){ /*System.out.println("old address: " + obj);*/ obj = cloneSelf(); /*System.out.println("after clone,it's address: " + obj);*/ } public ObjReference cloneSelf(){ ObjReference obj = new ObjReference( "cloneSelf",UUID.randomUUID().toString()); /*System.out.println("clone ObjReference's address: " + obj.toString() + ", and its selfAttr: " + obj.toSelfAttr());*/ return obj; } public static void main(String[] args){ ObjReference obj = new ObjReference(); System.out.println("old ObjReference's address: " + obj.toString() + ", and its selfAttr: " + obj.toSelfAttr()); obj.fillSelf(obj); System.out.println("after filled, ObjReference's address: " + obj.toString() + ", and its selfAttr: " + obj.toSelfAttr()); } }
各位看官,运行结果会是如何? fillSelf()之后,对象本身属性改变是否会生效? 来看运行结果:
old ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@bb494b, and its selfAttr: name = ObjectReference, id = 91f17723-9227-461e-878e-51f7a3eedb0f
after filled, ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@bb494b, and its selfAttr: name = ObjectReference, id = 91f17723-9227-461e-878e-51f7a3eedb0f
我们会发现,对象地址没有改变(这个好理解,对象是按引用传递的),但出乎我预料的,对象属性也没有任何变化.... why?
放开fillSelf() & cloneSelf()的注释, 再次运行下,看看之间发生了什么。
old ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@1636e4e, and its selfAttr: name = ObjectReference, id = c10f9c98-8f15-4343-85db-7a85e21b22d7
old address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@1636e4e
clone ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@df0438, and its selfAttr: name = cloneSelf, id = eb117f7a-3463-4371-b723-4f43a041018d
after clone,it's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@df0438
after filled, ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@1636e4e, and its selfAttr: name = ObjectReference, id = c10f9c98-8f15-4343-85db-7a85e21b22d7
橘黄色背景的,说明了最终结果没有变化。 青色背景的,说明对象在fill过程中,实际是有变化的,不仅是对象属性,其address也是发生了变化的。
大家未必知道的:对象引用传递时,对象引用本身是按值(by-value)传递的,是保存在thread stack上的,即copy了一份出来进行传递的,如同基本类型的传递。
1、原对象不要先指向任何对象(无论new还是null),仅声明并直接指向待构造新对象的方法即可(如: ObjReference obj2 = test.cloneSelf())
public static void main(String[] args){ /*ObjReference obj = new ObjReference(); System.out.println("old ObjReference's address: " + obj.toString() + ", and its selfAttr: " + obj.toSelfAttr()); obj.fillSelf(obj); System.out.println("after filled, ObjReference's address: " + obj.toString() + ", and its selfAttr: " + obj.toSelfAttr());*/ ObjReference test = new ObjReference(); ObjReference obj1 = null; test.fillSelf(obj1); System.out.println(null == obj1 ? "obj1 is null." : "obj1 is : " + obj1.toSelfAttr()); ObjReference obj2 = test.cloneSelf(); System.out.println("obj2 is : " + obj2.toSelfAttr()); }
old address: null clone ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@18e261d, and its selfAttr: name = cloneSelf, id = 37be891f-127c-4b70-a992-fa842d79ca2e after clone,it's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@18e261d obj1 is null. clone ObjReference's address: com.chq.study.ObjReference@1684706, and its selfAttr: name = cloneSelf, id = efc60431-d20a-4614-83ff-d3eaa018c41c obj2 is : name = cloneSelf, id = efc60431-d20a-4614-83ff-d3eaa018c41c
我的一个疑问,盼高人指点: java中有可以查看对象引用本身地址(引用本身的指针)的方法或者工具么? 如有,可对此做更加强有力的支撑验证。