• 第25篇

    section{A Nice and Tricky Lemma (Lifting the Exponent)}%25
    markboth{Articles}{A Nice and Tricky Lemma (Lifting the Exponent)}


    This article presents a powerful lemma which is useful in solving olympiad problems.

    {f Lemma 1.}
    {it Let $p$ be an odd prime.
    For two different integers $a$ (with $p mid a$) and $b$ with
    $aequiv bpmod p$
    and a positive integer $n$, the exponent of $p$ in $a^n-b^n$
    is equal to the sum of the exponent of $p$ in $a-b$ and the exponent of $p$ in $n$.

    We write $p^a|n$ if and only if $p^amid n$ and $p^{a+1} mid n$,
    where $a,p,nin mathbb{Z}$.
    It allows us to state the lemma as follows.

    Let $p$ be an odd prime and let $a,b,nin mathbb{Z}$ with $p mid a$.
    Then $p^alpha |a-b$, $alpha ge 1$ and $p^eta |n$ implies
    $p^{eta +alpha }|a^n-b^n$.

    {f Proof.}
    Let us prove that if $aequiv bpmod p$ and $p^eta |n$ then
    $p^eta |dsf{a^n-b^n}{a-b}$.
    It is clear that the lifting lemma will follow, because with the condition
    $p^alpha |a-b$ we have $p^{alpha +eta }|a^n-b^n$.
    Assume $n=p^eta k$ with $n mid k$.
    We fix $k$ and proceed by mathematical induction on $eta $.
    The base case is $eta =0$.
    It follows that $p mid n$ and we have
    a^k & equiv b^kpmod p\
    a^k b^{n-k-1} & equiv b^{n-1}pmod p\
    sum_{k=0}^{n-1}a^k b^{n-k-1} & equiv sum_{k=0}^{n-1}b^{n-1}pmod p\
    & equiv nb^{n-1}pmod p\
    & otequiv 0pmod p.

    Because $dsf{a^n-b^n}{a-b}=dssum_{i=0}^{n-1}a^{n-i-1}b^i$
    we get
    $dsf{a^n-b^n}{a-b}$ is not a multiple of $p$.

    Assume that
    $p^eta |dsf{a^n-b^n}{a-b}$.
    We want to prove that
    As $pmid a-b$, we have
    $a=b+xp$ and $a^kequiv b^k+kb^{k-1}xppmod {p^2}$
    & =sum_{i=0}^{p-1}a^{ni}b^{n(p-i-1)}
    equiv sum_{i=0}^{p-1}(b^{ni}+nixpb^{ni-1})b^{n(p-i-1)}\
    & equiv pb^{n(p-1)}+dsf{p^2(p-1)nx}{2}b^{n(p-1)-1}
    equiv pb^{n(p-1)}pmod {p^2}.
    $$p^eta cdot p|dsf{a^n-b^n}{a-b}cdot dsf{a^{np}-b^{np}}{a^n-b^n}
    Lr p^{eta +1}|dsf{a^{np}-b^{np}}{a-b}.$$

    The lemma is proven.

    {f Lemma 2.}
    {it Now we show the corresponding case for $p=2$.
    Let $a,b,nin mathbb{Z}$ with $a,b$ odd, such that
    $2^alpha |dsf{a^2-b^2}{2}$ and $2^eta |n$ with $eta ge 1$.
    $$2^{eta +alpha }|a^n-b^n.$$


    {f Proof.}
    Again it is enough to prove that if
    $2|dsf{a^2-b^2}{2}$ and $2^eta |n$, $eta ge 1$, then
    $$2^{eta -1}|dsf{a^n-b^n}{a^2-b^2}.$$

    Assume $n=2^eta m$, where $m$ is odd.
    We fix $m$ and proceed by mathematical induction on $eta $.
    The base case is $eta =1$ or $n=2m$.
    From $2mid dsf{a^2-b^2}{2}$ we get $2mid a-b$.
    a & equiv bpmod 2\
    a^{2m-2i-2}b^{2i} & b^{2m-2}pmod 2\
    sum_{i=0}^{2m-2}a^{2m-2i-2}b^{2i} & equiv mb^{m-1}pmod 2\
    & equiv 1pmod 2

    Because $dsf{a^{2m}-b^{2m}}{a^2-b^2}=dssum_{i=0}^{2m-2}a^{2m-2i-2}b^{2i}$
    we get
    is an odd number that is equivalent to
    Assume that
    $$2^{eta -1}|dsf{a^n-b^n}{a^2-b^2}.$$

    We know that $a$ and $b$ are odd, and $n$ is even, thus
    a^n & equiv 1pmod 4\
    b^n & equiv 1pmod 4\
    a^n+b^n & equiv 2pmod 4

    It follows that 2 is the greatest power of 2 that divides $a^n+b^n$ or $2|a^n+b^n$.
    Multiplying this result with the induction hypothesis we obtain
    $$2^eta |dsf{a^n-b^n}{a^2-b^2}(a^n+b^n)

    The extended case of the lemma is proven.

    {f Remark 1.}
    Note that if $eta =0$ this version of the lemma is only true if $4mid a-b$.

    We continue with problems that exemplify the use of this lemma.

    {f Problem 1.}
    {it Find the least positive integer $n$ satisfying:
    $2^{2007}mid 17^n-1$.

    {f Solution.}
    We have
    Suppose $2^alpha |n$.
    By lemma, $2^{4+alpha }|17^n-1$.
    We want to have
    $alpha +4ge 2007Ri alpha ge 2003$.
    This means that $2^{2003}mid n$ which implies that $nge 2^{2003}$.
    Using our lemma we obtain
    $2^{2007}mid 17^{2^{2003}}-1$.
    Thus the minimum value of $n$ is $2^{2003}$.

    {f Problem 2.}
    (Russia 1996)
    {it Let $a^n+b^n=p^k$ for positive integers $a,b$ and $k$, where $p$ is an odd prime
    and $n>1$ is an odd integer.
    Prove that $n$ must be a power of $p$.

    {f Solution.}
    We can factor
    $p^k=a^n+b^n=(a+b)(a^{n-1}-a^{n-2}b+ldots -ab^{n-2}+b^{n-1})$,
    because $n$ is odd.
    Therefore $a+b=p^r$ for some positive integer $r$ less or equal to $k$.
    Since $a$ and $b$ are positive integers we have $rge 1$.
    Now suppose that $p^eta |n$.
    Using our lemma we get
    $p^{r+eta }|a^n-(-b)^n=a^n+b^n=p^k$.
    This last result is equivalent to $p^{r+eta }|p^kRi eta =k-r$.
    This means that we have to take the least integer $n$ such that $p^eta |n$
    in order to have $a^n+b^n=p^k$,
    because $a^m+b^mge a^n+b^n$ for $m>n$.
    The least positive integer $n$ such that $p^eta |n$ is $p^eta $.
    Thus $n$ must be a power of $p$ and we are done.

    {f Problem 3.}
    (IMO 1990)
    {it Find all positive integers $n$ such that $2^nmid 2^n+1$.

    {f Solution.}
    Note that $n$ must be odd because $2^n+1$ is always odd.
    Let $p_1$ be the smallest prime divisor of $n$.
    We have $2^{2n}equiv 1pmod {p_1}$.
    Now let $d=ord_{p_1}2$.
    Clearly $d<p_1$, $dmid 2n$ and $gcd(n,d)=1$,
    because $p_1$ is the least prime that divides $n$.
    Knowing that, we obtain $dmid 2$, which implies that $d=1$ or $d=2$.
    If $d=1$ we get $p_1mid 1$ which is absurd.
    Thus $d=2$ and $p_1mid 3Ri p_1=3$.

    Let us apply our lemma:
    and we suppose that $3^eta |n$.
    $3^{eta +1}|2^n-(-1)^n=2^n+1^n$.
    We have
    $3^{2eta }mid 3^{eta +1}|2^n+1$.
    This means that
    $2eta le eta +1$ or equivalently $eta le 1$.
    Thus $3|n$ and we can write $n=3n'$ with $gcd(3,n')=1$.
    Let $p_2$ be the smallest prime that divides $n'$.
    We have $2^{6n'}equiv 1pmod {p_2}$.
    Letting $d_2=ord_{p_2}2$ we get $d_2<p_2$ and $d_2mid 6n'$.
    But $gcd(d_2,n')=1$, thus $d_2mid 6$.
    Clearly $d_2$ can't be 1 or 2 as we proved before.
    It follows that $d_2=3$ or $d_2=6$.
    If $d_2=3$ we have $p_2mid 7Ri p_2=7$.
    If $d_2=6$ we have $p_2mid 63=7cdot 9Ri p_2mid 7$;
    hence $p_2=7$.
    Note that $2^3equiv 1pmod 7Ri 2^{k+3}equiv 2^kpmod 7$.
    Observe that $2^1equiv 2pmod 7$ and $2^2equiv 4pmod 7$.
    This means
    $2^kequiv -1pmod 7$ does not have solution in integers.
    $7 mid 2^{7k}+1$ for any $k$, and $p_2$ does not exist.
    Finally we obtain that the only prime divisor of $n$ is 3 and
    $3|nRi n=3$.
    It follows that the only solution are $n=1$ and $n=3$.

    {f Problem 4.}
    (IMO 2000)
    {it Does there exist a positive integer $n$ such that $n$ has exactly $2000$
    prime divisors and $n$ divides $2^n+1$?

    {f Solution.}
    We will prove by induction on $k$ that there exists $n$ with exactly $k$ prime
    divisors such that $nmid 2^n+1$.
    Before we start the induction, we observe that the divisors of $n$ will be odd,
    because $2^n+1$ is odd for all positive integers $n$.
    The base case is $k=1$.
    Nine has just one prime divisor and $9mid 2^9+1=513$.
    It also happens that $19mid 513$.
    Suppose that for $k=t$ there is $n_t$ such that $n_tmid 2^{n_t}+1$ and there exists $p_t$
    such that $p_tmid 2^{n_t}+1$, $gcd(n_t,p_t)=1$.
    We will prove that there exist $n_{t+1}$ with $t+1$ prime divisors such that
    $n_{t+1}mid 2^{n_{t+1}}+1$ and that there is also a prime $p_{t+1}$ such that
    $p_{t+1}mid 2^{n_{t+1}}+1$ and $gcd(n_{t+1},p_{t+1})=1$.
    We will also prove that $n_{t+1}=n_t p_t$.
    As $gcd(n,p_t)=1Ri n_t p_tmid 2^{n_t}+1mid 2^{n_t p_t}+1$, thus $n_{t+1}=n_t p_t$ works.
    We will apply our lemma to prove that $p_{t+1}$ exists.
    Let $q$ be a prime divisor of $n_t$.
    Suppose $q^alpha |2^{n_t}+1$ and we have $q^0|p_t$.
    The lemma tells us that $q^alpha |2^{n_{t+1}}+1$.
    Now suppose that $p_t^eta |2^{n_t}+1$ and we know $p_t|p_t$.
    The lemma tells us that
    $p_t^{eta +1}|2^{n_{t+1}}+1$.
    This means that all we have to prove is
    $$p_t(2^{n_t}+1)<2^{n_{t+1}}+1=(2^{n_t}+1)(2^{n_t(p_t-1)}-2^{n_t(p_t-2)}+ldots -

    This is equivalent to
    $$p_t<2^{n_t(p_t-1)}-2^{n_t(p_t-2)}+ldots -2^{n_t}+1.$$
    We have
    $$2^{n_t(p_t-1)}-2^{n_t(p-2)}+ldots -2^{n_t}+1>dsf{p_t-3}{2}2^{n_t}+1
    ge 2^8(p_t-3)+1>p_t.$$

    This means that there exists a prime $p_{t+1}$ such that $(n_{t+1},p_{t+1})=1$
    and $p_{t+1}mid 2^{n_{t+1}}$ because $p_t>3$.
    The problem is solved.

    {f Problem 5.}
    {it Let $age 3$ be an integer.
    Prove that there exists an integer $n$ with exactly $2007$ prime divisors such that
    $nmid a^n-1$.

    We use mathematical induction on the number of divisors.
    This problem is interesting, because we need to combine both lemmas.
    For the base case we have to prove there exists a prime $p$ such that $pmid a-1$
    (we will take 2 as the first prime if $a$ is odd).
    We will prove that there is a power of $p$ such that
    has another prime divisor $q$ that is not $p$.
    If $a$ is even we can apply the lemma directly.
    We have that the exponent of $p$ in $a^p-1$ is the exponent
    of $p$ in $a-1$ plus one.
    Thus we need
    which is impossible.
    If $a$ is odd then we have two cases.
    If $a > 3$ we have that
    $2mid a^2-1=(a-1)(a+1)$
    and there is one odd divisor of $a^2-1$ because
    If $a=3$ we have that $4mid 3^4-1$ and 5 does also divide it.
    This completes the base case.

    Suppose that $n_k$ has exactly $k$ prime divisors such that $n_kmid a^{n_k}-1$ and
    there exists $p_k$ such that
    $p_kmid a^{n_k}-1$ with $gcd(n_k,p_k)=1$.
    This means that
    $a_kp_kmid a^{n_k}-1mid a^{n_kp_k}-1$.
    We say that $n_{k+1}=n_kp_k$.
    Now we have to prove that there exists a prime $p_{k+1}$ such that
    $gcd(n_{k+1},p_{k+1})=1$ and $p_{k+1}mid a^{n_{k+1}}-1$.
    Let us use our lemma.
    Because we have taken 2 as the first prime (when it was possible)
    we have no problems with the exponent of 2, as for $kge 2$ the
    exponent of 2 does not increase (from the second case of the lemma).
    Now for any odd prime divisor of $n_k$ the exponents of $p$ in
    $a^{n_k}-1$ and $a^{n_{k+1}}-1$
    are equal except for $p_k$, whose exponent has increased by one.
    We have
    $$a^{n_{k+1}}-1=a^{n_kp_k}-1=(a^{n_k}-1)(a^{n_k(p_k-1)}+a^{n_k(p_k-2)}+ldots +a^{n_k}+1).$$

    Thus $p_{k+1}$ does not exist whenever
    $p_k=(a^{n_k(p_k-1)}+a^{n_k(p_k-2)}+ldots +a^{n_k}+1)$
    (because the exponent of $p_k$ has increased just by one).
    But the last equation
    can not hold, because $a > 1$ and the right-hand side has $p_k$ terms added
    together, and all except the last term are greater than 1.
    Thus the right-hand
    side is greater than the left-hand side, which proves the existence of $p_k+1$ and
    we are done.

    {Large Santiago Cuellar, Bogota, Colombia}

    {Large Jose Alejandro Samper, Bogota, Colombia}


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