1.一旦某个唤醒源有信号进来,内部的复位信号will be asserted;This reset duration由内部的16-bit 计数器逻辑决定,the reset assertion time由tRST = (65535 /XTAL_frequency)计算得来。
问题:reset duration和the reset assertion time表示什么??有什么区别??
ldr r1, =GSTATUS2 ; Determine Booting Mode
ldr r10, [r1]
tst r10, #0x2
beq %F2 ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode Skip
; MISCCR setting
三种复位模式:Power on reset,Power_OFF reset,Watchdog reset.对应于GSTATUS2[0~2]
ldr r1, =MISCCR ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0
ldr r0, [r1] ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.
bic r0, r0, #(7 << 17) ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H
str r0, [r1]
; Set memory control registers
add r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)
ldr r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address
add r2, r0, #52 ; End address of SMRDATA
ldr r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r1], #4
cmp r2, r0
bne loop10
mov r1, #256
subs r1, r1, #1 ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.
bne loop11
7. – For EINT[3:0], check the SRCPND register.
– For EINT[15:4], check the EINTPEND instead of SRCPND (SRCPND will not be set although some bits of
EINTPEND are set.).
– For alarm wake-up, check the RTC time because the RTC bit of SRCPND isn’t set at the alarm wake-up.
– If there was the nBATT_FLT assertion during POWER_OFF mode, the corresponding bit of SRCPND has
been set.