• 树链剖分板子

    (n) 个点, (m) 个操作数, 根结点为 (R), 取模数为 (mod)



    1. (x) 点的点权增加(或修改)(y)
    2. 将树从 (x)(y) 结点最短路径上所有节点的值都加上 (z)
    3. 询问某个节点 (x)(y) 节点的路径中所有点的点权和 (或maxn)。
    4. (x) 为根结点的子树中所有点的点权都增加 (y)
    5. 求以 (x) 为根节点的子树内所有节点值之和
    const ll N = 3e5 + 4;
    ll n, m, tot, R, mod;
    ll head[N], fa[N], son[N], siz[N], top[N], dep[N], seg[N], rev[N], a[N], lim[N];
    struct nodee
        ll to, nxt;
    } t[2 * N];
    void add(ll x, ll y)
        t[++tot].to = y;
        t[tot].nxt = head[x];
        head[x] = tot;
    void dfs1(ll u, ll father)
        siz[u] = 1, fa[u] = father, dep[u] = dep[father] + 1;
        for (ll i = head[u]; i; i = t[i].nxt)
            ll y = t[i].to;
            if (siz[y] == 0)
                dfs1(y, u);
                siz[u] += siz[y];
                if (siz[y] > siz[son[u]])
                    son[u] = y;
    void dfs2(ll u)
        seg[u] = ++seg[0];
        rev[seg[0]] = u;
        if (son[u])
            top[son[u]] = top[u];
        for (ll i = head[u]; i; i = t[i].nxt)
            ll y = t[i].to;
            if (y == son[u] || fa[u] == y)
        lim[u] = seg[0];
    struct node
        ll L, R, sum, tag, maxn;
        node *lc, *rc;
    void pushup(node *now)
        now->sum = (now->lc->sum + now->rc->sum) % mod;
        now->maxn = max(now->lc->maxn, now->rc->maxn);
    inline void maketag(node *now, ll w)
        now->tag = (now->tag + w) % mod;
        now->sum = (now->sum + (now->R - now->L + 1) * w) % mod;
        now->maxn = w;
    inline void pushdown(node *now)
        if (now->tag == 0)
        maketag(now->lc, now->tag);
        maketag(now->rc, now->tag);
        now->tag = 0;
    void build(node *now, ll l, ll r)
        now->L = l;
        now->R = r;
        now->tag = 0;
        if (l < r)
            ll mid = (l + r) >> 1;
            now->lc = new node;
            now->rc = new node;
            build(now->lc, l, mid);
            build(now->rc, mid + 1, r);
            now->maxn = a[rev[l]];
            now->sum = a[rev[l]];
            now->lc = now->rc = NULL;
    void change(node *now, ll l, ll r, ll w)
        if (l <= now->L and now->R <= r)
            maketag(now, w);
        else if (!((now->L > r) || (now->R < l)))
            change(now->lc, l, r, w);
            change(now->rc, l, r, w);
    ll check1(node *now, ll l, ll r)
        if (l <= now->L and now->R <= r)
            return now->sum;
        if ((now->L > r) || (now->R < l))
            return 0;
        return (check1(now->lc, l, r) + check1(now->rc, l, r)) % mod;
    ll check2(node *now, ll l, ll r)
        if (l <= now->L and now->R <= r)
            return now->maxn;
        if ((now->L > r) || (now->R < l))
            return -INF;
        return max(check2(now->lc, l, r), check2(now->rc, l, r));
    int main()
        n = read(), m = read();
        R = 1, mod = INF; // R为根结点序号
        for (ll i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            top[i] = i;
        for (ll i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            a[i] = read();
        for (ll i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++)
            ll x = read(), y = read();
            add(x, y);
            add(y, x);
        dfs1(R, 0);
        node *root;
        root = new node;
        build(root, 1, n);
        for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
            ll opt = read(), x = read(), y, z;
            // 把 x 点的点权增加 y
            // 如果想要修改,更改上面的 maketag
            if (opt == 0) 
                y = read(); 
                change(root, seg[x], seg[x], y);
            // 表示将树从 x 到 y 结点最短路径上所有节点的值都加上 z。
            else if (opt == 1)
                y = read(), z = read();
                while (top[x] != top[y])
                    if (dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]])
                        swap(x, y);
                    change(root, seg[top[x]], seg[x], z);
                    x = fa[top[x]];
                if(seg[x] > seg[y]) swap(x, y);
                change(root, seg[x], seg[y], z);
            // 询问某个节点 x 到 y 节点的路径中所有点的点权和 (或maxn)
            else if (opt == 2)
                y = read();
                ll sum = 0;
                // ll maxn = -2147483647;
                while (top[x] != top[y])
                    if (dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]])
                        swap(x, y);
                    sum = (sum + check1(root, seg[top[x]], seg[x])) % mod;
                    // maxn = max(maxn, check2(root, seg[top[x]], seg[x]));
                    x = fa[top[x]];
                if (seg[x] > seg[y])
                    swap(x, y);
                sum = (sum + check1(root, seg[x], seg[y])) % mod;
                // maxn = max(maxn, check2(root, seg[x], seg[y]));
    ", sum);
            // 把 x 为根结点的子树中所有点的点权都增加 y
            else if (opt == 3) 
                y = read();
                change(root, seg[x], lim[x], y);
            // 求以 x 为根节点的子树内所有节点值之和
            else if (opt == 4)
                ll ans = check1(root, seg[x], lim[x]) % mod;
    ", ans);
        return 0;
  • 相关阅读:
    Floyd 多源最短路径
    Codeforces Round #655 (Div. 2) 题解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/EdisonBa/p/14982207.html
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