• CRC校验程序1:CRC循环冗余校验码计算

            CRC全称Cyclic Redundancy Check,中文称为循环冗余检查。它是一种数据传输检错的机制,能够对数据进行多项式计算,并将得到的结果与接收设备共享,保证数据传输的正确性和完整性。


    1. Load a 16-bit register with FFFF hex (all ‘1’s). Call this the CRC register.

    2. Exclusive OR the first 8-bit byte of the message with the low-order byte of the 16-bit CRC register, putting the result in the CRC register.

    3. Shift the CRC register one bit to the right (toward the LSb), zero-filling the MSb. Extract and examine the LSb.

    4. If the LSb is ‘0’, repeat Step 3 (another shift). Otherwise, if the LSB is ‘1’, Exclusive OR the CRC register with the polynomial value 0xA001 (1010 0000 0000 0001).

    5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until eight shifts have been performed. When this is done, a complete 8-bit byte will have been processed.

    6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the next 8-bit byte of the message. Continue doing this until all bytes have been processed.

    7. The final content of the CRC register is the CRC value.

    8. When the CRC is placed into the message, its upper and lower bytes must be Swapped to let the High 8-bit first and followed by low 8-bit.


    1. 载入一个16位的寄存器,赋值为FFFF,叫做CRC寄存器。

    2. 将信息中的第一个8位字节同寄存器的低8位进行异或运算,结果保存在CRC寄存器中。

    3. CRC寄存器向右移动1位,缺位补0,同时检查最低位。

    4. 如果最低位是0,重复步骤3,如果为1,则CRC寄存器与十六进制值A001进行异或运算。

    5. 重复步骤3和4直到8次移位结束,如此处理完一个字节的数据啦。

    6. 重复步骤2到步骤5,运算信息中之后的全部8位字节。

    7. 最后的CRC寄存器值就是CRC值。

    8. 交换CRC寄存器值的高八位和低八位,放在信息中。


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     5 using System.Threading.Tasks;
     7 namespace CRC
     8 {
     9     class Program
    10     {
    11         static void Main(string[] args)
    12         {
    13             Console.WriteLine(CalaCRC.CRCCalculating(0xAE0F));         
    14         }
    15     }
    16     class CalaCRC
    17     {
    18         public static UInt32 CRCCalculating(UInt32 CRCByte){
    19             UInt32 CRCRegister = 0xFFFF;
    20             CRCRegister = (CRCByte ^ CRCRegister);
    22             CRCRegister = CRCRegister >> 1;
    23             int i = 1;
    25             for (; i <= 8; i++)
    26             {
    27                 if (CRCRegister % 2 == 0)
    28                 {
    29                     CRCRegister = CRCRegister ^ 0xA001;
    30                     i--;
    31                 }
    32                 else
    33                 {
    34                     CRCRegister = CRCRegister >> 1;
    35                 }
    36             }
    37             return CRCRegister;
    38         }
    39     }
    40 }



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dukechris/p/4396375.html
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