• Windows7 x64系统调用分析


    • 0x01 Syscall & Sysret
    • 0x02 KiSystemCall64
      •  构造TrapFrame
      •  _kthread->header->DebugActive.ActiveDR7|Instrumented
      •  user-mode scheduling(???这部分暂时还不明白)
      •  SSDT & ShadowSSDT API地址计算
      •  KiInitiateUserApc Apc分发
      •  InstrumentationCallback用户层回调

    0x01 Syscall & Sysret

    • Syscall


    IF (CS.L ≠ 1 ) or (IA32_EFER.LMA ≠ 1) or (IA32_EFER.SCE ≠ 1) (* Not in 64-Bit Mode or SYSCALL/SYSRET not enabled in IA32_EFER *) THEN #UD; FI; RCX ← RIP; (* Will contain address of next instruction *) RIP ← IA32_LSTAR; R11 ← RFLAGS; RFLAGS ← RFLAGS AND NOT(IA32_FMASK); CS.Selector ← IA32_STAR[47:32] AND FFFCH (* Operating system provides CS; RPL forced to 0 *) (* Set rest of CS to a fixed value *) CS.Base ← 0; (* Flat segment *) CS.Limit ← FFFFFH; (* With 4-KByte granularity, implies a 4-GByte limit *) CS.Type ← 11; (* Execute/read code, accessed *) CS.S ← 1; CS.DPL ← 0; CS.P ← 1; CS.L ← 1; (* Entry is to 64-bit mode *) CS.D ← 0; (* Required if CS.L = 1 *) CS.G ← 1; (* 4-KByte granularity *) CPL ← 0;

      从上面的Syscall的伪代码可以看到,rcx储存的是下一条指令的地址,所以windows在Syscall之前会将rcx储存到r10中。r11中储存的是rflags。rip是从IA32_LSTAR中获取的,cs的选择子是从IA32_STAR[47:32] 读取的,但是cs的其他段属性并没有根据选择子在内存中进行读取,而是设置的固定值,因此OS有义务让段选择对应的段描述符与设置的固定值相对应。可以发现上面伪代码并没有进行堆栈切换,因此需要OS在系统调用例程中自己进行堆栈切换。

    • Sysret

    IF (CS.L ≠ 1 ) or (IA32_EFER.LMA ≠ 1) or (IA32_EFER.SCE ≠ 1)
    (* Not in 64-Bit Mode or SYSCALL/SYSRET not enabled in IA32_EFER *)
    THEN #UD; FI;
    IF (CPL ≠ 0) THEN #GP(0); FI;
    IF (operand size is 64-bit)
    THEN (* Return to 64-Bit Mode *)
    IF (RCX is not canonical) THEN #GP(0);
    RIP ← RCX;
    ELSE (* Return to Compatibility Mode *)
    RIP ← ECX;
    RFLAGS ← (R11 & 3C7FD7H) | 2; (* Clear RF, VM, reserved bits; set bit 2 *)
    IF (operand size is 64-bit)
    THEN CS.Selector ← IA32_STAR[63:48]+16;
    ELSE CS.Selector ← IA32_STAR[63:48];
    CS.Selector ← CS.Selector OR 3; (* RPL forced to 3 *)
    (* Set rest of CS to a fixed value *)
    CS.Base ← 0; (* Flat segment *)
    CS.Limit ← FFFFFH; (* With 4-KByte granularity, implies a 4-GByte limit *)
    CS.Type ← 11; (* Execute/read code, accessed *)
    CS.S ← 1;
    CS.DPL ← 3;
    CS.P ← 1;
    IF (operand size is 64-bit)
    THEN (* Return to 64-Bit Mode *)
    CS.L ← 1; (* 64-bit code segment *)
    CS.D ← 0; (* Required if CS.L = 1 *)
    ELSE (* Return to Compatibility Mode *)
    CS.L ← 0; (* Compatibility mode *)
    CS.D ← 1; (* 32-bit code segment *)
    CS.G ← 1; (* 4-KByte granularity *)
    CPL ← 3;
    SS.Selector ← (IA32_STAR[63:48]+8) OR 3; (* RPL forced to 3 *)
    (* Set rest of SS to a fixed value *)
    SS.Base ← 0; (* Flat segment *)
    SS.Limit ← FFFFFH; (* With 4-KByte granularity, implies a 4-GByte limit *)
    SS.Type ← 3; (* Read/write data, accessed *)
    SS.S ← 1;
    SS.DPL ← 3;
    SS.P ← 1;
    SS.B ← 1; (* 32-bit stack segment*)
    SS.G ← 1; (* 4-KByte granularity *)

      SYSRET loads the CS and SS selectors with values derived from bits 63:48 of the IA32_STAR MSR. However, the CS and SS descriptor caches are not loaded from the descriptors (in GDT or LDT) referenced by those selectors. Instead, the descriptor caches are loaded with fixed values.

    • rip<-rcx
    • rflags<-(R11 & 3C7FD7H) | 2

    0x02 KiSystemCall64

      • 构造TrapFrame
    .text:000000014007F640                 swapgs                  ; switch to _kpcr
    .text:000000014007F643                 mov     gs:10h, rsp     ; UserRsp
    .text:000000014007F64C                 mov     rsp, gs:1A8h    ; RspBase
    .text:000000014007F655                 push    2Bh ; '+'       ; ------------------
    .text:000000014007F655                                         ;            ss
    .text:000000014007F655                                         ;            rsp
    .text:000000014007F655                                         ;            rflags
    .text:000000014007F655                                         ;            cs
    .text:000000014007F655                                         ; rsp-->     rip
    .text:000000014007F657                 push    qword ptr gs:10h
    .text:000000014007F65F                 push    r11
    .text:000000014007F661                 push    33h ; '3'
    .text:000000014007F663                 push    rcx             ; ------------------
    .text:000000014007F664                 mov     rcx, r10        ; move first param from r10 to rcx
    .text:000000014007F667                 sub     rsp, 8          ; reserve 8byte for errorCode
    .text:000000014007F66B                 push    rbp             ; 以上是构造异常发生时的堆栈环境
    .text:000000014007F66C                 sub     rsp, 158h
    .text:000000014007F673                 lea     rbp, [rsp+80h]
    .text:000000014007F67B                 mov     [rbp+0C0h], rbx
    .text:000000014007F682                 mov     [rbp+0C8h], rdi
    .text:000000014007F689                 mov     [rbp+0D0h], rsi

      首先在函数开头调用swapgs将指向_teb的gs指向_kpcr,然后切换0环堆栈。在堆栈上构造出类似于中断/异常的环境。然后sub rsp, 158h给_TrapFrame申请空间,后面一段代码都是在填充_TrapFrame。这里给出ReactOS中的amd64下的_TrapFrame结构。

    typedef struct _KTRAP_FRAME
        UINT64 P1Home;
        UINT64 P2Home;
        UINT64 P3Home;
        UINT64 P4Home;
        UINT64 P5;
        CHAR PreviousMode;
        UCHAR PreviousIrql;
        UCHAR FaultIndicator;
        UCHAR ExceptionActive;
        ULONG MxCsr;
        UINT64 Rax;
        UINT64 Rcx;
        UINT64 Rdx;
        UINT64 R8;
        UINT64 R9;
        UINT64 R10;
        UINT64 R11;
            UINT64 GsBase;
            UINT64 GsSwap;
        M128A Xmm0;
        M128A Xmm1;
        M128A Xmm2;
        M128A Xmm3;
        M128A Xmm4;
        M128A Xmm5;
            UINT64 FaultAddress;
            UINT64 ContextRecord;
            UINT64 TimeStampCKCL;
        UINT64 Dr0;
        UINT64 Dr1;
        UINT64 Dr2;
        UINT64 Dr3;
        UINT64 Dr6;
        UINT64 Dr7;
                UINT64 DebugControl;
                UINT64 LastBranchToRip;
                UINT64 LastBranchFromRip;
                UINT64 LastExceptionToRip;
                UINT64 LastExceptionFromRip;
                UINT64 LastBranchControl;
                ULONG LastBranchMSR;
        USHORT SegDs;
        USHORT SegEs;
        USHORT SegFs;
        USHORT SegGs;
        UINT64 TrapFrame;
        UINT64 Rbx;
        UINT64 Rdi;
        UINT64 Rsi;
        UINT64 Rbp;
            UINT64 ErrorCode;
            UINT64 ExceptionFrame;
            UINT64 TimeStampKlog;
        UINT64 Rip;
        UINT64 SegCs;
        UINT64 EFlags;
        UINT64 Rsp;
        UINT64 SegSs;
      • _kthread->header->DebugActive.ActiveDR7|Instrumented
    .text:000000014007F6B1                 cmp     byte ptr [rbx+3], 0 ; Debug_active
    .text:000000014007F6B5                 mov     word ptr [rbp+80h], 0 ; dr7
    .text:000000014007F6BE                 jz      no_debug
    .text:000000014007F6C4                 mov     [rbp-50h], rax
    .text:000000014007F6C8                 mov     [rbp-48h], rcx
    .text:000000014007F6CC                 mov     [rbp-40h], rdx
    .text:000000014007F6D0                 test    byte ptr [rbx+3], 3 ; ActiveDR7|Instrumented
    .text:000000014007F6D0                                         ; _kprocess.InstrumentationCallback回调被设置时,_kthread.header.DebugActive.Instrumented
    .text:000000014007F6D4 mov [rbp-38h], r8 .text:000000014007F6D8 mov [rbp-30h], r9 .text:000000014007F6DC jz short loc_14007F6E3 ; 如果没有设置InstrumentationCallback或者dr7没有设置, .text:000000014007F6DC ; 则不会保存调试寄存器 .text:000000014007F6DE call KiSaveDebugRegisterState ; 保存Last Branch Recording(LBR)的五个msr寄存器和dr调试寄存器 .text:000000014007F6DE ; struct .text:000000014007F6DE ; { .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 DebugControl; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastBranchToRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastBranchFromRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastExceptionToRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastExceptionFromRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; };

      这段代码可以看到它检测了_kthread.DebugActive是否为0,如果为0,则会直接跳转到查SSDT表的代码,如果不为0,则会进行下一步判断其是否等于3,通过在Windbg中查看,可以发现这个DebugActive其实是一个位域结构体,3代表ActiveDR7 | Instrumented,也就是说如果dr7没有设置或者没有设置InstrumentationCallback,那么在系统调用中将不会保存dr寄存器。


        [+0x003] DebugActive      : 0x3 [Type: unsigned char]
        [+0x003 ( 0: 0)] ActiveDR7        : 0x1 [Type: unsigned char]
        [+0x003 ( 1: 1)] Instrumented     : 0x1 [Type: unsigned char]
        [+0x003 ( 5: 2)] Reserved2        : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
        [+0x003 ( 6: 6)] UmsScheduled     : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
        [+0x003 ( 7: 7)] UmsPrimary       : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
      • user-mode scheduling(???这部分暂时还不明白)
    .text:000000014007F6B1                 cmp     byte ptr [rbx+3], 0 ; Debug_active
    .text:000000014007F6B5                 mov     word ptr [rbp+80h], 0 ; dr7
    .text:000000014007F6BE                 jz      no_debug
    .text:000000014007F6C4                 mov     [rbp-50h], rax
    .text:000000014007F6C8                 mov     [rbp-48h], rcx
    .text:000000014007F6CC                 mov     [rbp-40h], rdx
    .text:000000014007F6D0                 test    byte ptr [rbx+3], 3 ; ActiveDR7|Instrumented
    .text:000000014007F6D0                                         ; _kprocess.InstrumentationCallback回调被设置时,_kthread.header.DebugActive.Instrumented
    .text:000000014007F6D4 mov [rbp-38h], r8 .text:000000014007F6D8 mov [rbp-30h], r9 .text:000000014007F6DC jz short loc_14007F6E3 ; 如果没有设置InstrumentationCallback或者dr7没有设置, .text:000000014007F6DC ; 则不会保存调试寄存器 .text:000000014007F6DE call KiSaveDebugRegisterState ; 保存Last Branch Recording(LBR)的五个msr寄存器和dr调试寄存器 .text:000000014007F6DE ; struct .text:000000014007F6DE ; { .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 DebugControl; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastBranchToRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastBranchFromRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastExceptionToRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; UINT64 LastExceptionFromRip; .text:000000014007F6DE ; }; .text:000000014007F6E3 .text:000000014007F6E3 loc_14007F6E3: ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+9C↑j .text:000000014007F6E3 test byte ptr [rbx+3], 80h ; kthread._DISPATCHER_HEADER.UmsPrimary .text:000000014007F6E7 jz short loc_14007F72B ; kthread._DISPATCHER_HEADER.UmsScheduled .text:000000014007F6E9 mov ecx, 0C0000102h ; IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE .text:000000014007F6EE rdmsr .text:000000014007F6F0 shl rdx, 20h .text:000000014007F6F4 or rax, rdx .text:000000014007F6F7 cmp [rbx+0B8h], rax ; _kthread.teb .text:000000014007F6FE jz short loc_14007F72B ; kthread._DISPATCHER_HEADER.UmsScheduled .text:000000014007F700 cmp [rbx+1B0h], rax  ; kthread.TebMappedLowVa .text:000000014007F707 jz short loc_14007F72B ; kthread._DISPATCHER_HEADER.UmsScheduled .text:000000014007F709 mov rdx, [rbx+1B8h] .text:000000014007F710 bts dword ptr [rbx+4Ch], 0Bh .text:000000014007F715 dec word ptr [rbx+1C4h] .text:000000014007F71C mov [rdx+80h], rax .text:000000014007F723 sti .text:000000014007F724 call KiUmsCallEntry ; user-mode scheduling

      如果_kthread.DebugActive不为0并且其第7位UmsPrimary置位,如果IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASEkthread.TebMappedLowVa  &  _kthread.teb相等则会调用KiUmsCallEntry,这个函数似乎于user-mode scheduling有关,这一机制允许用户在用户层进行任务调度。(具体的东西我也不懂......)

      • SSDT & ShadowSSDT API地址计算
    text:000000014007F750                 sti
    .text:000000014007F751                 mov     [rbx+1E0h], rcx ; _kthread.FirstArgument
    .text:000000014007F758                 mov     [rbx+1F8h], eax ; _kthread.SystemCallNumber
    .text:000000014007F75E KiSystemServiceStart:                   ; DATA XREF: KiServiceInternal+5A↑o
    .text:000000014007F75E                                         ; .data:00000001401EE648↓o
    .text:000000014007F75E                 mov     [rbx+1D8h], rsp ; _kthread._KTRAP_FRAME
    .text:000000014007F765                 mov     edi, eax
    .text:000000014007F767                 shr     edi, 7
    .text:000000014007F76A                 and     edi, 20h        ; 判断传入的序号是不是0x1xxx类型的,是否是ShdowSSDT的api
    .text:000000014007F76D                 and     eax, 0FFFh
    .text:000000014007F772 KiSystemServiceRepeat:                  ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+47B↓j
    .text:000000014007F772                 lea     r10, KeServiceDescriptorTable
    .text:000000014007F779                 lea     r11, KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow
    .text:000000014007F780                 test    dword ptr [rbx+100h], 80h ; _kthread.GuiThread
    .text:000000014007F78A                 cmovnz  r10, r11
    .text:000000014007F78E                 cmp     eax, [rdi+r10+10h]
    .text:000000014007F793                 jnb     loc_14007FA82   ; 函数序号超过ssdt中存在的:
    .text:000000014007F793                                         ; 1.可能是传入的序号出错
    .text:000000014007F793                                         ; 2.或者是还没有转换成gui线程调用了shadowSSDT的函数
    .text:000000014007F799                 mov     r10, [rdi+r10]  ; rdi为0x20或0x00很巧妙,刚好可以作为ssdt和Shadow ssdt的偏移
    .text:000000014007F79D                 movsxd  r11, dword ptr [r10+rax*4]
    .text:000000014007F7A1                 mov     rax, r11
    .text:000000014007F7A4                 sar     r11, 4
    .text:000000014007F7A8                 add     r10, r11        ; ssdt_func_addtr = &ssdt + ssdt.func_addr>>4
    .text:000000014007F7AB                 cmp     edi, 20h ; ' '
    .text:000000014007F7AE                 jnz     short loc_14007F800 ; 不是ShadowSSDT调用则跳转

      这段代码首先会判断eax的第12位是否为1设置edi的值,然后判断当前线程是否是GUI线程,如果当前线程不是GUI线程,则cmovnz r10, r11则不会将r11传给r10,r10中也就是存放的KeServiceDescriptorTable,因此如果这个线程是第一次调用ShadowSSDT中的api,那么还不是GUI线程,cmp eax, [rdi+r10+10h]这里的eax肯定就会大于后面的[rdi+r10+10h],因为还不是GUI线程,那么r10这里是指向的KeServiceDescriptorTable,而rdi等于0x20,又因为在非GUI线程中的第二张SSDT表是空的,所以下面的跳转就会生效。这个跳转函数主要是判断是否是win32k的调用还是序号传错了,如果是win32k,则将线程转为GUI线程,否则退出系统调用。

      可以从上面发现64位下的ssdt表中的函数地址计算方法为:ssdt_func_addtr = &ssdt + ssdt.func_addr>>4,也就是说ssdt.func_addr的低4位在计算地址上并没有用上,但是在后面其实是用上了的,详情请看后面分析。

    0: kd> dq KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow
    fffff800`04117880  fffff800`03ee7300 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`04117890  00000000`00000191 fffff800`03ee7f8c
    fffff800`041178a0  fffff960`00181f00 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`041178b0  00000000`0000033b fffff960`00183c1c
    fffff800`041178c0  00000000`77b31206 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`041178d0  fffff800`00a014a0 fffff800`00a01450
    fffff800`041178e0  00000000`00000002 00000000`00007010
    fffff800`041178f0  00000000`00078ed0 00000000`00000000
    0: kd> dq KeServiceDescriptorTable                                  //可以看到第二张SSDT表是空的,全为0
    fffff800`04117840  fffff800`03ee7300 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`04117850  00000000`00000191 fffff800`03ee7f8c
    fffff800`04117860  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`04117870  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`04117880  fffff800`03ee7300 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`04117890  00000000`00000191 fffff800`03ee7f8c
    fffff800`041178a0  fffff960`00181f00 00000000`00000000
    fffff800`041178b0  00000000`0000033b fffff960`00183c1c
    text:000000014007FA82                 cmp     edi, 20h ; ' '
    .text:000000014007FA85                 jnz     short loc_14007FAE2
    .text:000000014007FA87                 mov     [rbp-80h], eax
    .text:000000014007FA8A                 mov     [rbp-78h], rcx
    .text:000000014007FA8E                 mov     [rbp-70h], rdx
    .text:000000014007FA92                 mov     [rbp-68h], r8
    .text:000000014007FA96                 mov     [rbp-60h], r9
    .text:000000014007FA9A                 call    KiConvertToGuiThread
    .text:000000014007FA9F                 or      eax, eax
    .text:000000014007FAA1                 mov     eax, [rbp-80h]
    .text:000000014007FAA4                 mov     rcx, [rbp-78h]
    .text:000000014007FAA8                 mov     rdx, [rbp-70h]
    .text:000000014007FAAC                 mov     r8, [rbp-68h]
    .text:000000014007FAB0                 mov     r9, [rbp-60h]
    .text:000000014007FAB4                 mov     [rbx+1D8h], rsp
    .text:000000014007FABB                 jz      KiSystemServiceRepeat
    .text:000000014007FAC1                 lea     rdi, unk_1402B18A0
    .text:000000014007FAC8                 mov     esi, [rdi+10h]
    .text:000000014007FACB                 mov     rdi, [rdi]
    .text:000000014007FACE                 cmp     eax, esi
    .text:000000014007FAD0                 jnb     short loc_14007FAE2
    .text:000000014007FAD2                 lea     rdi, [rdi+rsi*4]
    .text:000000014007FAD6                 movsx   eax, byte ptr [rax+rdi]
    .text:000000014007FADA                 or      eax, eax
    .text:000000014007FADC                 jle     KiSystemServiceExit
    .text:000000014007FAE2 loc_14007FAE2:                          ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+445↑j
    .text:000000014007FAE2                                         ; KiSystemCall64+490↑j
    .text:000000014007FAE2                 mov     eax, 0C000001Ch
    .text:000000014007FAE7                 jmp     KiSystemServiceExit

    .text:000000014007F800                 and     eax, 0Fh        ; 上面提到了ssdt_func_addtr = &ssdt + ssdt.func_addr>>4
    .text:000000014007F800                                         ; 所以ssdt.func_addr的低4字节用来表示除了rcx,rdx,r8,r9这四个参数外
    .text:000000014007F800                                         ; api剩余的需要复制到栈中的参数个数
    .text:000000014007F803                 jz      KiSystemServiceCopyEnd ; ???似乎和ums有关,暂时还不懂
    .text:000000014007F809                 shl     eax, 3          ; 参数个数*8byte
    .text:000000014007F80C                 lea     rsp, [rsp-70h]
    .text:000000014007F811                 lea     rdi, [rsp+18h]
    .text:000000014007F816                 mov     rsi, [rbp+100h] ; syscall之前的user.esp
    .text:000000014007F81D                 lea     rsi, [rsi+20h]  ; 因为64的叶函数要给自己调用的函数保留0x20大小的空间保存rcx rdx r8 r9
    .text:000000014007F821                 test    byte ptr [rbp+0F0h], 1 ; cs如果第0位为1,代表这个调用是从3环过来的,
    .text:000000014007F821                                         ; 因此要检查一下esp是否超过的用户空间的最大值
    .text:000000014007F828                 jz      short loc_14007F840
    .text:000000014007F82A                 cmp     rsi, cs:MmUserProbeAddress
    .text:000000014007F831                 cmovnb  rsi, cs:MmUserProbeAddress
    .text:000000014007F839                 nop     dword ptr [rax+00000000h]
    .text:000000014007F840 loc_14007F840:                          ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+1E8↑j
    .text:000000014007F840                 lea     r11, KiSystemServiceCopyEnd ; ???似乎和ums有关,暂时还不懂
    .text:000000014007F847                 sub     r11, rax        ; 这里设计的比较巧妙吧,KiSystemServiceCopyEnd上面就是复制参数,
    .text:000000014007F847                                         ; 根据减去rax的值来定位具体要复制多少参数
    .text:000000014007F84A                 jmp     r11
    .text:000000014007F84A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:000000014007F84D                 align 10h
    .text:000000014007F850 KiSystemServiceCopyStart:               ; DATA XREF: KiSystemServiceHandler+1A↑o
    .text:000000014007F850                 mov     rax, [rsi+70h]
    .text:000000014007F854                 mov     [rdi+70h], rax
    .text:000000014007F858                 mov     rax, [rsi+68h]
    .text:000000014007F85C                 mov     [rdi+68h], rax
    .text:000000014007F860                 mov     rax, [rsi+60h]
    .text:000000014007F864                 mov     [rdi+60h], rax
    .text:000000014007F868                 mov     rax, [rsi+58h]
    .text:000000014007F86C                 mov     [rdi+58h], rax
    .text:000000014007F870                 mov     rax, [rsi+50h]
    .text:000000014007F874                 mov     [rdi+50h], rax
    .text:000000014007F878                 mov     rax, [rsi+48h]
    .text:000000014007F87C                 mov     [rdi+48h], rax
    .text:000000014007F880                 mov     rax, [rsi+40h]
    .text:000000014007F884                 mov     [rdi+40h], rax
    .text:000000014007F888                 mov     rax, [rsi+38h]
    .text:000000014007F88C                 mov     [rdi+38h], rax
    .text:000000014007F890                 mov     rax, [rsi+30h]
    .text:000000014007F894                 mov     [rdi+30h], rax
    .text:000000014007F898                 mov     rax, [rsi+28h]
    .text:000000014007F89C                 mov     [rdi+28h], rax
    .text:000000014007F8A0                 mov     rax, [rsi+20h]
    .text:000000014007F8A4                 mov     [rdi+20h], rax
    .text:000000014007F8A8                 mov     rax, [rsi+18h]
    .text:000000014007F8AC                 mov     [rdi+18h], rax
    .text:000000014007F8B0                 mov     rax, [rsi+10h]
    .text:000000014007F8B4                 mov     [rdi+10h], rax
    .text:000000014007F8B8                 mov     rax, [rsi+8]
    .text:000000014007F8BC                 mov     [rdi+8], rax
    .text:000000014007F8C0 KiSystemServiceCopyEnd:                 ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+1C3↑j
    .text:000000014007F8C0                                         ; DATA XREF: KiSystemServiceHandler+27↑o ...
    .text:000000014007F8C0                 test    cs:dword_140207688, 40h ; ???似乎和ums有关,暂时还不懂
    .text:000000014007F8CA                 jnz     loc_14007FB20
    .text:000000014007F8D0                 call    r10             ; 正式调用api

      这块代码可以分析出来ssdt.func_addr的低四位其实是用来表示这个api除了rcx rdx r8 r9四个参数外剩余的参数,通过乘8得到的偏移和KiSystemServiceCopyStart地址相减来从用户的栈空间复制参数,因为从硬编码来看KiSystemServiceCopyStart每一个参数的复制语句正好占8字节。当然这里还涉及到了cs选择子的权限检查,如果是从3环发起的调用,则会检查栈地址是否超过用户空间最大地址。在复制完参数后就通过call r10正式调用api了。

      • KiInitiateUserApc Apc分发
    .text:000000014007F8DB                 mov     rbx, [rbp+0C0h]
    .text:000000014007F8E2                 mov     rdi, [rbp+0C8h]
    .text:000000014007F8E9                 mov     rsi, [rbp+0D0h]
    .text:000000014007F8F0                 mov     r11, gs:188h
    .text:000000014007F8F9                 test    byte ptr [rbp+0F0h], 1
    .text:000000014007F900                 jz      loc_14007FA55   ; 如果是从0环来的调用,ret返回
    .text:000000014007F906                 mov     rcx, cr8
    .text:000000014007F90A                 or      cl, [r11+1F0h]
    .text:000000014007F911                 or      ecx, [r11+1C4h]
    .text:000000014007F918                 jnz     loc_14007FAEC
    .text:000000014007F91E                 cli
    .text:000000014007F91F                 mov     rcx, gs:188h
    .text:000000014007F928                 cmp     byte ptr [rcx+7Ah], 0 ; _kthread.SavedApcState.UserApcPending
    .text:000000014007F92C                 jz      short no_user_apc ; 如果该标志位置位,则准备进行用户层apc分发
    .text:000000014007F92E                 mov     [rbp-50h], rax
    .text:000000014007F932                 xor     eax, eax
    .text:000000014007F934                 mov     [rbp-48h], rax
    .text:000000014007F938                 mov     [rbp-40h], rax
    .text:000000014007F93C                 mov     [rbp-38h], rax
    .text:000000014007F940                 mov     [rbp-30h], rax
    .text:000000014007F944                 mov     [rbp-28h], rax
    .text:000000014007F948                 mov     [rbp-20h], rax
    .text:000000014007F94C                 pxor    xmm0, xmm0
    .text:000000014007F950                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp-10h], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F954                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp+0], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F958                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp+10h], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F95C                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp+20h], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F960                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp+30h], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F964                 movaps  xmmword ptr [rbp+40h], xmm0
    .text:000000014007F968                 mov     ecx, 1
    .text:000000014007F96D                 mov     cr8, rcx        ; 将irql转为apc级别
    .text:000000014007F971                 sti
    .text:000000014007F972                 call    KiInitiateUserApc
    .text:000000014007F977                 cli
    .text:000000014007F978                 mov     ecx, 0
    .text:000000014007F97D                 mov     cr8, rcx
    .text:000000014007F981                 mov     rax, [rbp-50h]


      • InstrumentationCallback用户层回调
    text:000000014007F9C4 loc_14007F9C4:                          ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+354↑j
    .text:000000014007F9C4                 ldmxcsr dword ptr [rbp-54h]
    .text:000000014007F9C8                 xor     r10, r10
    .text:000000014007F9CB                 cmp     word ptr [rbp+80h], 0 ; 如果DebugAcitve为0,则不恢复调试寄存器
    .text:000000014007F9D3                 jz      short loc_14007FA13
    .text:000000014007F9D5                 mov     [rbp-50h], rax
    .text:000000014007F9D9                 call    KiRestoreDebugRegisterState
    .text:000000014007F9DE                 mov     rax, gs:188h
    .text:000000014007F9E7                 mov     rax, [rax+70h]  ; _kthread.apcState._kprocess
    .text:000000014007F9EB                 mov     rax, [rax+100h] ; _kprocess.InstrumentationCallback
    .text:000000014007F9F2                 or      rax, rax
    .text:000000014007F9F5                 jz      short loc_14007FA0F
    .text:000000014007F9F7                 cmp     word ptr [rbp+0F0h], 33h ; '3'
    .text:000000014007F9FF                 jnz     short loc_14007FA0F
    .text:000000014007FA01                 mov     r10, [rbp+0E8h] ; user.rip
    .text:000000014007FA08                 mov     [rbp+0E8h], rax
    .text:000000014007FA0F loc_14007FA0F:                          ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+3B5↑j
    .text:000000014007FA0F                                         ; KiSystemCall64+3BF↑j
    .text:000000014007FA0F                 mov     rax, [rbp-50h]
    .text:000000014007FA13 loc_14007FA13:                          ; CODE XREF: KiSystemCall64+393↑j
    .text:000000014007FA13                 mov     r8, [rbp+100h]
    .text:000000014007FA1A                 mov     r9, [rbp+0D8h]
    .text:000000014007FA21                 xor     edx, edx
    .text:000000014007FA23                 pxor    xmm0, xmm0
    .text:000000014007FA27                 pxor    xmm1, xmm1
    .text:000000014007FA2B                 pxor    xmm2, xmm2
    .text:000000014007FA2F                 pxor    xmm3, xmm3
    .text:000000014007FA33                 pxor    xmm4, xmm4
    .text:000000014007FA37                 pxor    xmm5, xmm5
    .text:000000014007FA3B                 mov     rcx, [rbp+0E8h]
    .text:000000014007FA42                 mov     r11, [rbp+0F8h]
    .text:000000014007FA49                 mov     rbp, r9
    .text:000000014007FA4C                 mov     rsp, r8
    .text:000000014007FA4F                 swapgs
    .text:000000014007FA52                 sysret

      text:000000014007FA01 mov r10, [rbp+0E8h] ; user.rip

      text:000000014007FA08 mov [rbp+0E8h], rax



    // MessageText:
    // A required privilege is not held by the client.
    #define STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD        ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000061L)


      v24 = ProcessInformationClass - ProcessInstrumentationCallback;
      if ( !v24 )
        if ( ProcessInformationLength != 8 )
          return 0xC0000004i64;
        if ( SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(SeDebugPrivilege, v8) )
        return 0xC0000061i64;
    #include <windows.h>
    typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS {
        ProcessBasicInformation = 0,
        ProcessQuotaLimits = 1,
        ProcessIoCounters = 2,
        ProcessVmCounters = 3,
        ProcessTimes = 4,
        ProcessBasePriority = 5,
        ProcessRaisePriority = 6,
        ProcessDebugPort = 7,
        ProcessExceptionPort = 8,
        ProcessAccessToken = 9,
        ProcessLdrInformation = 10,
        ProcessLdtSize = 11,
        ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode = 12,
        ProcessIoPortHandlers = 13,
        ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits = 14,
        ProcessWorkingSetWatch = 15,
        ProcessUserModeIOPL = 16,
        ProcessEnableAlignmentFaultFixup = 17,
        ProcessPriorityClass = 18,
        ProcessWx86Information = 19,
        ProcessHandleCount = 20,
        ProcessAffinityMask = 21,
        ProcessPriorityBoost = 22,
        ProcessDeviceMap = 23,
        ProcessSessionInformation = 24,
        ProcessForegroundInformation = 25,
        ProcessWow64Information = 26,
        ProcessImageFileName = 27,
        ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = 28,
        ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29,
        ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 30,
        ProcessDebugFlags = 31,
        ProcessHandleTracing = 32,
        ProcessIoPriority = 33,
        ProcessExecuteFlags = 34,
        ProcessTlsInformation = 35,
        ProcessCookie = 36,
        ProcessImageInformation = 37,
        ProcessCycleTime = 38,
        ProcessPagePriority = 39,
        ProcessInstrumentationCallback = 40, // that's what we need
        ProcessThreadStackAllocation = 41,
        ProcessWorkingSetWatchEx = 42,
        ProcessImageFileNameWin32 = 43,
        ProcessImageFileMapping = 44,
        ProcessAffinityUpdateMode = 45,
        ProcessMemoryAllocationMode = 46,
        ProcessGroupInformation = 47,
        ProcessTokenVirtualizationEnabled = 48,
        ProcessConsoleHostProcess = 49,
        ProcessWindowInformation = 50,
    typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI* pNtSetInformationProcess)(
        HANDLE ProcessHandle,
        PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS ProcessInformationClass,
        PVOID ProcessInformation,
        ULONG ProcessInformationLength
    typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI* pRtlAdjustPrivilege)(
        ULONG Privilege,
        BOOLEAN Enable,
        BOOLEAN CurrentThread,
        PBOOLEAN Enabled);
        PVOID Callback;
    void medium()
        while (1)
    void AdjustPrivileges()
        HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
        pRtlAdjustPrivilege RtlAdjustPrivilege = (pNtSetInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(hModule, "RtlAdjustPrivilege");
        RtlAdjustPrivilege(0x14, 1, 0, NULL);
    int main()
        pNtSetInformationProcess NtSetInformationProcess = NULL;
        HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
        NtSetInformationProcess = (pNtSetInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NtSetInformationProcess");
        nirvana.Callback = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)medium;
        NTSTATUS n = NtSetInformationProcess(
    ", n);
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetCurrentProcessId());
        return 0;
      • 总结

      这次win7 64位的系统调用算是粗略的分析完了,同时也解决了之前一直困惑的东西,也学到了新东西。博客园排版好像有问题,这里附上pdf附件https://files.cnblogs.com/files/DreamoneOnly/syscall.7z

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DreamoneOnly/p/11819333.html
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