• 【BZOJ】3575: [Hnoi2014]道路堵塞




     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 #include<vector>
     5 #include<cstdlib>
     6 #include<cmath>
     7 #include<queue>
     8 #include<map>
     9 #include<cstring>
    10 using namespace std;
    11 #define maxn 1001000
    12 #define inf 0x7fffffff
    13 #define SIZE 1000000
    14 #define llg int
    15 #define yyj(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin),freopen(a".out","w",stdout);
    16 llg n,m,posn,pos[maxn],dis[maxn],dl[maxn],head,tail,l,sp[maxn],bj[maxn],U,V,Z,dis_T[maxn];
    17 vector<llg>a[maxn],val[maxn];
    19 struct Edge{llg x,y,z;}e[maxn];
    21 struct node
    22 {
    23     llg pos,val,wz;
    24     bool operator<(const node&a)const{
    25         return a.val<val;
    26     }
    27 };
    29 priority_queue<node>q;
    31 void init()
    32 {
    33     cin>>n>>m>>l;
    34     llg x,y,z;
    35     for (llg i=1;i<=m;i++)
    36     {
    37         scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z);
    38         a[x].push_back(y),val[x].push_back(z);
    39         e[i].x=x; e[i].y=y; e[i].z=z;
    40     }
    41     for (llg i=2;i<=n;i++) dis[i]=inf;
    42     for (llg i=1;i<=l;i++)
    43     {
    44         scanf("%d",&sp[i]);
    45         pos[e[sp[i]].x]=++posn;
    46     }
    47     for (llg i=l;i>=1;i--) dis_T[e[sp[i]].x]=dis_T[e[sp[i]].y]+e[sp[i]].z;
    48     pos[n]=++posn;
    49 }
    51 void spfa(llg x)
    52 {
    53     llg v,w,st=x;
    54     dl[1]=x; head=0; tail=1;
    55     do
    56     {
    57         head%=SIZE;
    58         x=dl[++head]; bj[x]=0;
    59         w=a[x].size();
    60         for (llg i=0;i<w;i++)
    61         {
    62             v=a[x][i];
    63             if (v==V && x==U && Z==val[x][i]) continue;
    64             if (dis[v]<dis[x]+val[x][i]) continue;
    65             dis[v]=dis[x]+val[x][i];
    66             if (!bj[v] && !pos[v])
    67             {
    68                 bj[v]=1;
    69                 tail%=SIZE; dl[++tail]=v;
    70             }
    71             if (pos[v])
    72             {
    73                 if (pos[v]<=pos[st]) continue;
    74                 node r;
    75                 r.val=dis[v]+dis_T[v]; r.pos=pos[v]; r.wz=v;
    76                 q.push(r);
    77             }
    78         }
    79     }while (head!=tail);
    80 }
    82 int main()
    83 {
    84     yyj("road");
    85     init();
    86     for (llg i=1;i<=l;i++) 
    87     {
    88         U=e[sp[i]].x,V=e[sp[i]].y,Z=e[sp[i]].z;
    89         if (i!=1) dis[e[sp[i]].x]=dis[e[sp[i-1]].x]+e[sp[i-1]].z;
    90         spfa(e[sp[i]].x);
    91         while (!q.empty())
    92         {
    93             if (q.top().pos<=pos[e[sp[i]].x]) q.pop();else break;
    94         }
    95         if (q.empty()) puts("-1");else printf("%d
    96     }
    97     return 0;
    98 }

    本文作者:xrdog 作者博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/Dragon-Light/ 转载请注明出处,侵权必究,保留最终解释权!
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dragon-Light/p/6430742.html
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