• 信息安全管理(3):网络安全

    本章分出来专门来谈谈网络安全,当然还是比较泛泛地谈一下网络安全的特征,常见网络安全的漏洞,和网络安全控制的办法。在参考的过程中应该结合 信息安全管理(2):什么叫作信息安全?信息安全的原则和要求一起阅读和理解。因为网络安全本来就是前一章节的一部分。


    1 网络的定义和特征

    1.1 网络的定义


    • What is a network…
    • Devices in a network…
    • LAN, WAN and Internetworks
    • What do networks do for you…
      • Sharing resources
      • Use/share applications

    1.2 网络的特征 Characteristics of networks

    – Anonymity
    – Automation
    – Distance
    – Opaqueness
    – Routing diversity

    1.3 Network Topology

    2 TCP/IP

    • Protocols…
    • Open Systems
      • ANSI , IETF, ISO, IAB

    2.1 ISO – OSI Reference Model - 7 Layers

    • Application:End user processes like FTP, e-mail, etc.
    • Presentation:Format, Encrypt data to send across network
    • Session:Establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications
    • Transport:End-to-end error recovery, flow control, priority services
    • Network:Switching, Routing, Addressing, internetworking, error handling, congestion control and packet sequencing
    • Data-link:Encoding, decoding data packets into bits. Media Access Control Sub-layer : Data access/transmit permissions. Logical Link Sub-layer : Frame synchronisation, flow control, error checking.
    • Physical: Conveys the bit stream (electrical, light, radio)
      All People Seem To Need Data Protection
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    2.2 相关协议

    • Application layer – FTP, Telnet, DNS, DHCP, TFTP,RPC,NFS, SNMP..
    • Transport layer – TCP, UDP
    • Internet Layer – IP, ICMP, ARP, bootp…
    • Organisations / entities : ICANN, IETF, IAB, IRTF, ISOC, W3C
    • Other Protocols
      • IPX/SPX
      • ATM
      • DECnet
      • IEEE 802.11
      • AppleTalk
      • USB
      • SNA

    3 网络的安全隐患

    3.1 网络不安全的原因

    What makes network vulnerable

    • Anonymity
    • Multiplicity of points of attack
    • Resource sharing
    • Complexity of system
    • Uncertain perimeter
    • Unknown path
    • Protocol flaws / protocol implementation flaws

    3.2 网络攻击的动机

    Motivations of network attacks

    • Challenge
    • Fame
    • Organised Crime
    • Ideology
    • Espionage / Intelligence

    4 网络安全的威胁

    Threats in Networks

    4.1 侦察


    • Port Scan
    • Social Engineering
    • Intelligence gathering
    • O/S and Application fingerprinting
    • IRC Chat rooms
    • Available documentation and tools
    • Protocol flaws / protocol implementation flaws

    4.2 网络传输过程中的威胁

    Threats in Transit

    • Eavesdropping / Packet sniffing
    • Media tapping (Cable, Microwave, Satellite, Optical fibre, Wireless)

    4.3 网络冒充


    • Password guessing
    • Avoiding authentication
    • Non-existent authentication
    • Well-known authentication
    • Masquerading
    • Session hijacking
    • Man-in-the-middle

    4.4 信息私密性威胁

    Message Confidentiality Threats

    • Mis-delivery
    • Exposure – in various devices in the path
    • Traffic Flow analysis – sometimes the knowledge of existence of message
      can be as important as message content

    4.5 信息完整性威胁

    Message Integrity Threats

    • Falsification
    • Noise
    • Protocol failures / misconfigurations

    4.6 基于操作系统的威胁

    Operating System based Threats

    • Buffer-Overflow
    • Virus , Trojans, rootkits
    • Password

    4.7 基于应用程序的威胁

    Application based Threats

    • Web-site defacement
    • DNS cache poisoning
    • XSS (Cross-site Scripting)
    • Active-code / Mobile-code
    • Cookie harvesting
    • Scripting

    4.8 拒绝服务

    Denial of service

    • Syn Flooding
    • Ping of death
    • Smurf
    • Teardrop
    • Traffic re-direction
    • Distributed Denial of Service
      • Bots and Botnets
      • Script Kiddies

    5 网络安全控制

    Network Security Controls

    5.1 弱点和威胁分析

    Vulnerability and Threat assessment

    5.2 网络结构控制

    Network Architecture

    • Network segmentation
    • Architect for availability
    • Avoid SPOF (single points of failure)
    • Encryption
      • Link encryption
      • End-to-end encryption
      • Secure Virtual Private Networks
      • Public Key Infrastructure and Certificates
      • SSL and SSH

    5.3 增强加密系统

    Strong Authentication

    • One Time Password
    • Challenge Response authentication
    • Kerberos

    5.4 防火墙设置


    • Packet Filters
    • Stateful Packet Filters
    • Application proxies
    • Diodes
    • Firewall on end-points

    5.5 入侵检查和防御系统

    Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems

    • Network based / host based
    • Signature based
    • Heuristics based / protocol anomaly based
    • Stealth mode

    5.6 使用政策和规程

    Policies and Procedures

    • Enterprise-wide Information Security Policy
    • Procedures
    • Buy-in (from Executives and employees)
    • Review, enhancement and modification

    5.7 其他网络控制方式

    1. Data-Leakage Protection systems
      • Network based / host based
    2. Content scanning/Anti-Virus/Spyware Control systems
      • Network based / host based
    3. Secure e-mail Systems
    4. Design and implementation
    5. ACLs (Access Control Lists)


    1. Principles of Information Security Systems – Texts and Cases – Gurpreet Dhillon-Chapter 5 : Network Security
    2. Security in Computing – Charles & Shari Pfleeger - Chapter 7 : Security in Networks
    3. Information Security Principles and Practices – Mark Merkow & Jim Breithaupt - Chapter 12 : Telecommunications, Network and Internet Security
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DonJiang/p/5698682.html
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