介绍 认为你有一个Microsoft Excel应用程序(VBA),你必须使用计时器功能。没有这样的本地控制在Excel中称为“定时器”。你会做什么?也认为你在一个情况下你不能使用“形式”,您可以在“把”一个计时器控制。但是仍然需要一个计时器功能,将定时器控件完全一样。它会触发一个事件及时成形,可以启动和停止,等。如果你在这种情况下,下面的这篇文章是给你的。 背景 我看过很多文章在互联网上解决定时器功能没有一个计时器控制使用一组复杂的Win32 api。代码是非常危险的使用和应用程序可以随时崩溃。也在大多数情况下,没有像计时器控制事件触发选项。在这篇文章中,我展示了一个非常简单的方法实现定时器功能没有一个计时器控制只使用一个Win32 API。它是一个类AxtiveX DLL项目。 使用的代码 这个应用程序的主要棘手的方式使用Win32API名叫“GetTickCount”。GetTickCount函数检索后经过的毫秒数,Windows就开始了。使用该API,您可以编写一个ActiveX DLL将为您服务需要一个计时器。我已经将该项目命名为“TimerLib”,它只有一个类TimerEx.cls命名。看下面的代码: 隐藏,收缩,复制Code
Option Explicit '* The GetTickCount function retrieves the number of milliseconds '* that have elapsed since Windows was started. Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Private mblnEnabled As Boolean Private mlngInterval As Long Private mstrTag As String Private mlngTickCount As Long Private mtypIntervalType As IntervalData '* This is the timer event that will fire in a given interval Public Event OnTimer() '* A type that will hold the extended information about the interval you want to set '* If you set different types of intervals, the total interval will '* be calculated combining all types Public Type IntervalData MilliSecond As Long Second As Long Minute As Long Hour As Long End Type '* You can see whether the timer is Enabled by this property Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean Enabled = mblnEnabled End Property '* You can start / stop the timer by this property Public Property Let Enabled(blnEnabled As Boolean) mblnEnabled = blnEnabled If blnEnabled Then mlngTickCount = GetTickCount Call TimerLoop End If End Property '* Conventional Interval property of the timer, you can check how many milliseconds '* have been set for the timer Public Property Get Interval() As Long Interval = mlngInterval End Property '* Conventional Interval property of the timer, you can set interval of the timer '* in milliseconds Public Property Let Interval(lngInterval As Long) mlngInterval = lngInterval End Property '* Extended Interval property of the timer, you can check how many '* milliseconds / seconds / minutes / hours have been set for the timer Public Property Get IntervalInfo() As IntervalData IntervalInfo = mtypIntervalType End Property '* Extended Interval property of the timer, you can set the interval in '* milliseconds / seconds / minutes / hours Public Property Let IntervalInfo(typIntervalType As IntervalData) mtypIntervalType = typIntervalType mlngInterval = mtypIntervalType.MilliSecond + typIntervalType.Second * 1000 + _ typIntervalType.Minute * 60 * 1000 + typIntervalType.Hour * 60 * 60 * 1000 End Property '* Check what info is in the Tag property in the timer, you can store any string data '* into this property Public Property Get Tag() As String Tag = mstrTag End Property '* You can store any string data into this property as extra info of your timer Public Property Let Tag(strTag As String) mstrTag = strTag End Property '* Core of the timer. It fires the OnTimer event in a timely fashion according to '* the Interval / IntervalInfo you have set Private Sub TimerLoop() Do While Not mblnEnabled = False If GetTickCount - mlngTickCount >= mlngInterval Then RaiseEvent OnTimer mlngTickCount = GetTickCount '* Like GetTickCount has exceeded its capacity, '* run over from the beginning ElseIf GetTickCount = 0 Then mlngTickCount = 0 ElseIf GetTickCount < mlngTickCount Then mlngTickCount = 0 End If DoEvents Loop End Sub '* ENJOY!!
如何使用图书馆吗 您可以使用这个库从任何COM兼容的高级语言。在示例代码中,我采取了一个标准的VB6 EXE应用程序有两个按钮的形式命名“cmdEnableTimer”和“cmdDisableTimer”。我已经从Project>计时器库的引用;引用。和TimerEx类使用…… 隐藏,复制Code
…关键字的计时器事件可以被跟踪。在我的图书馆,定时计时器事件。看下面的代码: 隐藏,收缩,复制Code
Option Explicit Private WithEvents myTimer As TimerEx Private mlngTick As Long Private myIntervalInfo As IntervalData Private Sub cmdDisableTimer_Click() myTimer.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdEnableTimer_Click() myTimer.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() myIntervalInfo.Second = 5 Set myTimer = New TimerLib.TimerEx myTimer.IntervalInfo = myIntervalInfo End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) myTimer.Enabled = False Set myTimer = Nothing End Sub Private Sub myTimer_OnTimer() mlngTick = mlngTick + 1 Me.Caption = mlngTick End Sub
的兴趣点 您可以使用任何COM TimerLib兼容的语言。你会看到从我的代码扩展VB6定时器的间隔属性控制从传统毫秒到秒/分钟,即使在小时。希望你会喜欢使用这段代码。 历史 2008年9月14日:初始post 本文转载于:http://www.diyabc.com/frontweb/news2257.html