public interface DemandCommentMapper extends BaseMapper<DemandComment>{
@Select("SELECT "
+ "a.id as 'id',a.create_date as 'createDate',a.content as 'content',"
+ "a.parent_id as 'parentId',a.first_comment_id as 'firstCommentId',"
+ "b.id as 'fromUser.id',b.realname as 'fromUser.realname',b.avatar as 'fromUser.avatar',"
+ "c.id as 'toUser.id',c.realname as 'toUser.realname',c.avatar as 'toUser.avatar' "
+ "FROM t_demand_comment a "
+ "LEFT JOIN t_user b ON b.id = a.from_uid "
+ "LEFT JOIN t_user c ON c.id = a.to_uid "
+ "WHERE a.demand_id = #{demandId} "
+ "ORDER BY a.create_date ASC"
+ "LIMIT #{startNo},#{pageSize}")
public List<DemandComment> listDemandComment(@Param("demandId") Long demandId,
@Param("startNo") Integer pageNo,
@Param("pageSize") Integer pageSize);
<when test='startNo!=null and pageSize != null '>
LIMIT #{startNo},#{pageSize}
如果是用@Select 这种该如何做呢?
public interface DemandCommentMapper extends BaseMapper<DemandComment>{
+ "a.id as 'id',a.create_date as 'createDate',a.content as 'content',"
+ "a.parent_id as 'parentId',a.first_comment_id as 'firstCommentId',"
+ "b.id as 'fromUser.id',b.realname as 'fromUser.realname',b.avatar as 'fromUser.avatar',"
+ "c.id as 'toUser.id',c.realname as 'toUser.realname',c.avatar as 'toUser.avatar' "
+ "FROM t_demand_comment a "
+ "LEFT JOIN t_user b ON b.id = a.from_uid "
+ "LEFT JOIN t_user c ON c.id = a.to_uid "
+ "WHERE a.demand_id = #{demandId} "
+ "ORDER BY a.create_date ASC "
+ "<if test='startNo!=null and pageSize != null '>"
+ "LIMIT #{startNo},#{pageSize}"
+ "</if>"
+ "</script>")
public List<DemandComment> listDemandComment(@Param("demandId") Long demandId,
@Param("startNo") Integer pageNo,
@Param("pageSize") Integer pageSize);
+"select * from mi_taobao where 1=1"
+"<if test='status != null'>"
+"and status = #{status}"
public List<Taobao> getTaobao(@Param("status") Integer status);