


        cpuid就是一条读取CPU各种信息的一条指令,大概是从80486的某个版本开始就存在了。似乎是从80386开始,当CPU被RESET以后,CPU会在EDX寄存器中返回一个32bits的CPU签名(Processor Identification Signature),但这时候CPU还没有CPUID这条指令,后来出现了这条指令后,软件无需以来CPU复位就可以读出这个CPU签名,同时还可以读出很多CPU的相关信息。

        CPUID这条指令,除了用于识别CPU(CPU的型号、家族、类型等),还可以读出CPU支持的功能(比如是否支持MMX,是否支持4MB的页等等),内容的确是十分丰富。CPUID指令有两组功能,一组返回的是基本信息,另一组返回的是扩展信息,本文介绍基本信息部分,扩展信息部分下篇中介绍。本文所在程序或程序片段,均使用MASM 6.11编译连接,可以在DOS(包括虚拟机的DOS下)运行。


        前面说过,大概是从80486开始才有的cpuid这个指令,是不是所有的80486家族CPU都有这个指令我也不是很清楚,但在EFLAGS中的bit 21可以识别CPU是否支持CPUID指令,如下图:

    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术


        在8086和8088CPU中,FLAGS只有16位长,在80386CPU中,bit 21被保留未用,在支持CPUID指令的CPU中,这一位将为1。



        mov eax, 1

        前面说过CPUID指令分为两组,一组返回基本信息,一组返回扩展信息,当执行返回基本信息的CPUID指令时,EAX中功能代码的bit 31为0,当执行返回扩展信息的CPUID指令时,EAX中的功能代码的bit 31为1。那么不管是那组功能,如何知道EAX中的功能代码最大可以是多少呢?根据Intel的说明,可以用如下方法:

        mov eax, 0


        mov eax, 80000000h






    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术


    4、EAX=0:获取CPU的Vendor ID

        Vendor ID这个东西,在以前介绍PCI的文章中应该介绍过,实际上就是制造商的标识,用下面的方法执行该功能:

        mov eax, 0

        执行CPUID指令后,AX中返回的内容前面已经说过了,返回的Vendor ID固定为12个ASCII字符依次存放在EBX、EDX、ECX中,对于Intel的CPU,返回的字符串永远是:GenuineIntel。对应在三个寄存器中的值如下:



        尽管本文是介绍Intel的CPUID指令,但下面还是尽我所知,列出其它厂家生产的IA-32架构CPU的Vendor ID,希望能对需要这些资料的人有所帮助。

    • AMDisbetter! ---- 早期AMD K5芯片的工程样品芯片
    • AuthenticAMD ---- AMD
    • CentourHauls ---- Centour
    • CyrixInstead ---- Cyrix
    • GenuineTMx86 或 TransmetaCPU ---- Transmeta
    • Geode by NSC ---- National Semiconductor
    • NexGenDriven ---- NexGen
    • SiS SiS SiS  ---- SiS
    • RiseRiseRise ---- Rise
    • UMC UMC UMC  ---- UMC
    • VIA VIA VIA  ---- VIA

    5、EAX=1:处理器签名(Processor Signiture)和功能(Feature)位

        mov eax, 1

    • 处理器签名(Processor Signiture):

    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术


        通过处理器签名,可以确定CPU的具体型号,以下是部分Intel CPU的处理器签名数据(资料来自Intel):

    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术

    • 关于Stepping的说明:


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(上) - whowin - DOS编程技术

    • 当处理器签名一样时的处理

         有时候,从处理器签名上仍然不能识别CPU,比如根据Intel提供的资料,Pentium II, Model 5、Pentium II Xeon, Model 5和Celeron?, Model 5的处理器签名完全一样,要区别他们只能通过检查他们的高速缓存(Cache)的大小,后面将介绍使用CPUID指令获得CPU高速缓存信息的方法,如果没有高速缓存,则是Celeron?处理器;如果L2高速缓存为1MB或者2MB,则应该是Pentium II Xeon处理器,其它情况则应该是Pentium II处理器或者是只有512KB高速缓存的Pentium II Xeon处理器。

        有些情况下,如果从处理器签名上不能区分CPU,也可以使用Brand ID(在EBX的bit7:0返回)来区分CPU,比如Pentium III, Model 8、Pentium III Xeon, Model 8和Celeron?, Model 8三种处理器的处理器签名也是一样的,但它们的Brand ID是不同的。

    • 关于处理器类型的定义


        Value    Descriptor
         00      以前的OEM处理器
         01      OverDrive?处理器
         10      多处理器(指可用于多处理器系统)

    •  功能标志(Feature Flag)


        bit  Name  Description
         00  FPU   FPU On-chip
         01  VME   Virtual Mode Extended
         02  DE    Debugging Extension
         03  PSE   Page Size Extension
         04  TSC   Time Stamp Counter
         05  MSR   Model Specific Registers 
         06  PAE   Physical Address Extension
         07  MCE   Machine-Check Exception
         08  CX8   CMPXCHG8 Instruction
         09  APIC  On-chip APIC Hardware
         10        Reserved
         11  SEP   Fast System Call
         12  MTRR  Memory Type Range Registers
         13  PGE   Page Global Enable
         14  MCA   Machine-Check Architecture
         15  CMOV  Conditional Move Instruction
         16  PAT   Page Attribute Table
         17  PSE-36 36-bit Page Size Extension
         18  PSN   Processor serial number is present and enabled
         19  CLFSH CLFLUSH Instruction
         20        Reserved
         21  DS    Debug Store
         22  ACPI  Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities
         23  MMX   MMX technology
         24  FXSR  FXSAVE and FXSTOR Instructions
         25  SSE   Streaming SIMD Extensions
         26  SSE2  Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
         27  SS    Self-Snoop
         28  HTT   Multi-Threading
         29  TM    Thermal Monitor
         30  IA64  IA64 Capabilities
         31  PBE   Pending Break Enable


         bit   Name     Description
          00   SSE3     Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
          01            Reserved
          02   DTES64   64-Bit Debug Store
          04   DS-CPL   CPL Qualified Debug Store
          05   VMX      Virtual Machine Extensions
          06   SMX      Safer Mode Extensions
          07   EST      Enhanced Intel SpeedStep? Technology
          08   TM2      Thermal Monitor 2
          09   SSSE3    Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
          10   CNXT-ID  L1 Context ID
        12:11           Reserved
          13   CX16     CMPXCHG16B
          14   xTPR     xTPR Update Control
          15   PDCM     Perfmon and Debug Capability
        17:16           Reserved
          18   DCA      Direct Cache Access
          19   SSE4.1   Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1
          20   SSE4.2   Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2
          21   x2APIC   Extended xAPIC Support
          22   MOVBE    MOVBE Instruction
          23   POPCNT   POPCNT Instruction
        25:24           Reserved
          26   XSAVE    XSAVE/XSTOR States
          27   OSXSAVE
        31:28           Reserved



    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(一) - whowin - DOS编程技术


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(一) - whowin - DOS编程技术

    6、EAX=2:高速缓存描述符(Cache Descriptor)

        mov eax, 2

        执行完CPUID指令后,高速缓存描述符和TLB(Translation Lookable Buffer)特性将在EAX、EBX、ECX和EDX中返回,每个寄存器中的4个字节分别表示4个描述符,描述符中不同的值表示不同的含义(后面有定义),其中EAX中的最低8位(AL)的值表示要得到完整的高速缓存的信息,需要执行EAX=2的CPUID指令的次数(一般都为1,在我这里的数台机器里,还没有为2的),同时,寄存器的最高位(bit 31)为0,表示该寄存器中的描述符是有效的,下面是描述符值的定义(资料来源与Intel):

        Value   Cache or TLB Descriptor Description
         00h    Null
         01h    Instruction TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
         02h    Instruction TLB: 4-MB Pages, fully associative, 2 entries
         03h    Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
         04h    Data TLB: 4-MB Pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries
         05h    Data TLB: 4-MB Pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
         06h   1st-level instruction cache: 8-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         08h   1st-level instruction cache: 16-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         09h   1st-level Instruction Cache: 32-KB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         0Ah   1st-level data cache: 8-KB, 2-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         0Ch   1st-level data cache: 16-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         0Dh   1st-level Data Cache: 16-KB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size, ECC
         21h   256-KB L2 (MLC), 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         22h   3rd-level cache: 512-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         23h   3rd-level cache: 1-MB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         25h   3rd-level cache: 2-MB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         29h   3rd-level cache: 4-MB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         2Ch   1st-level data cache: 32-KB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         30h   1st-level instruction cache: 32-KB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         39h   2nd-level cache: 128-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         3Ah   2nd-level cache: 192-KB, 6-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         3Bh   2nd-level cache: 128-KB, 2-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         3Ch   2nd-level cache: 256-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         3Dh   2nd-level cache: 384-KB, 6-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         3Eh   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         40h   No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache
         41h   2nd-level cache: 128-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         42h   2nd-level cache: 256-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         43h   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         44h   2nd-level cache: 1-MB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         45h   2nd-level cache: 2-MB, 4-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         46h   3rd-level cache: 4-MB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         47h   3rd-level cache: 8-MB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         48h   2nd-level cache: 3-MB, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size, unified on-die
         49h   3rd-level cache: 4-MB, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size(Intel Xeon
               processor MP, Family 0Fh, Model 06h) 2nd-level cache: 4-MB, 16-way set associative, 
               64-byte line size
         4Ah   3rd-level cache: 6-MB, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         4Bh   3rd-level cache: 8-MB, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         4Ch   3rd-level cache: 12-MB, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         4Dh   3rd-level cache: 16-MB, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         4Eh   2nd-level cache: 6-MB, 24-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         50h   Instruction TLB: 4-KB, 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 64 entries
         51h   Instruction TLB: 4-KB, 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 128 entries
         52h   Instruction TLB: 4-KB, 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 256 entries
         55h   Instruction TLB: 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 7 entries
         56h   L1 Data TLB: 4-MB pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries
         57h   L1 Data TLB: 4-KB pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries
         5Ah   Data TLB0: 2-MB or 4-MB pages, 4-way associative, 32 entries
         5Bh   Data TLB: 4-KB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 64 entries
         5Ch   Data TLB: 4-KB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 128 entries
         5Dh   Data TLB: 4-KB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 256 entries
         60h   1st-level data cache: 16-KB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         66h   1st-level data cache: 8-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         67h   1st-level data cache: 16-KB, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         68h   1st-level data cache: 32-KB, 4 way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         70h   Trace cache: 12K-uops, 8-way set associative
         71h   Trace cache: 16K-uops, 8-way set associative
         72h   Trace cache: 32K-uops, 8-way set associative
         73h   Trace cache: 64K-uops, 8-way set associative
         78h   2nd-level cache: 1-MB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         79h   2nd-level cache: 128-KB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         7Ah   2nd-level cache: 256-KB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         7Bh   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         7Ch   2nd-level cache: 1-MB, 8-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size
         7Dh   2nd-level cache: 2-MB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         7Fh   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         82h   2nd-level cache: 256-KB, 8-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         83h   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 8-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         84h   2nd-level cache: 1-MB, 8-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         85h   2nd-level cache: 2-MB, 8-way set associative, 32-byte line size
         86h   2nd-level cache: 512-KB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         87h   2nd-level cache: 1-MB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         B0h   Instruction TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries
         B1h   Instruction TLB: 2-MB pages, 4-way, 8 entries or 4M pages, 4-way, 4 entries
         B2h   Instruction TLB: 4-KB pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
         B3h   Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries
         B4h   Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries
         CAh   Shared 2nd-level TLB: 4 KB pages, 4-way set associative, 512 entries
         D0h   512KB L3 Cache, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         D1h   1-MB L3 Cache, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         D2h   2-MB L3 Cache, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         D6h   1-MB L3 Cache, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         D7h   2-MB L3 Cache, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         D8h   4-MB L3 Cache, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         DCh   2-MB L3 Cache, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         DDh   4-MB L3 Cache, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         DEh   8-MB L3 Cache, 12-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         E2h   2-MB L3 Cache, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         E3h   4-MB L3 Cache, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         E4h   8-MB L3 Cache, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
         F0h   64-byte Prefetching
         F1h   128-byte Prefetching


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(二) - whowin - DOS编程技术

         EAX、EBX、ECX和EDX的bit 31均为0,说明其中的描述符均有效,EAX中的低8位(AL)为1,说明执行一次即可,下面是描述符含义:

        05h:Data TLB: 4-MB Pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
        B0h:Instruction TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries
        B1h:Instruction TLB: 2-MB pages, 4-way, 8 entries or 4M pages, 4-way, 4 entries
        56h:L1 Data TLB: 4-MB pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries
        57h:L1 Data TLB: 4-KB pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries
        F0h:64-byte Prefetching

        2Ch:1st-level data cache: 32-KB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
        B4h:Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries
        30h:1st-level instruction cache: 32-KB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
        7Dh:2nd-level cache: 2-MB, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size


        mov eax,3

        只有Pentium III提供该功能,486以后的CPU就不再提供该功能,据说是出于隐私的原因。查看你的处理器是否支持处理器序列号功能,可以执行EAX=1的CPUID指令,然后查看EDX的PSN功能(bit 18),如果为1,说明你的处理器可以返回序列号,否则不支持序列号功能或者是序列号功能被关闭了。






        mov eax, 80000001h



        mov eax, 80000002h


         Bit    Name      Description
        10:00             Reserved
          11    SYSCALL   SYSCALL/SYSRET 
        19:12             Reserved
          20    XD        Bit Execution Disable Bit
        28:21             Reserved
          29    Intel? 64 Intel? 64 Instruction Set Architecture
        31:30             Reserved

         Bit    Name      Description
          0     LAHF      LAHF / SAHF
        31:01             Reserved


        mov eax, 80000002h
        mov eax, 80000003h
        mov eax, 80000004h

        每次调用CPUID分别在EAX、EBX、ECX、EDX中返回16个ASCII字符,处理器名称/商标字串最多48个字符,前导字符为空格,结束字符为NULL,在寄存器中的排列顺序为little-endian(即低字符在前),下面程序可以在DOS下显示处理器名称/商标字串(使用MASM 6编译)。

                    .model tiny
    cseg            segment para public 'code'
                    org     100h
                    assume  cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:cseg
    cpuid           macro
                    db      0fh
                    db      0a2h
                    mov     eax, 80000000h
                    cmp     eax, 80000004h
                    jb      not_supported
                    mov     di, offset CPU_name
                    mov     eax, 80000002h
                    call    save_string
                    mov     eax, 80000003h
                    call    save_string
                    mov     eax, 80000004h
                    call    save_string
                    mov     dx, offset crlf
                    mov     ah, 9
                    int     21h
                    mov     si, offset CPU_name
                    cmp     al, ' '
                    jz      spaces
                    cmp     al, 0
                    jz      done
                    mov     dl, al
                    mov     ah, 2
                    int     21h
                    cmp     al, 0
                    jnz     disp_char
                    mov     ax, 4c00h
                    int     21h
                    jmp     done
                    mov     dword ptr [di], eax
                    mov     dword ptr [di + 4], ebx
                    mov     dword ptr [di + 8], ecx
                    mov     dword ptr [di + 12], edx
                    add     di, 16
    crlf            db      0dh, 0ah, '$'
    CPU_name        db      50 dup(0)
    cseg            ends
                    end     begin



        mov eax, 80000006h


         Bits    Description
        31:16    L2 Cache size described in 1024-byte units.
        15:12    L2 Cache Associativity Encodings
                   00h Disabled
                   01h Direct mapped
                   02h 2-Way
                   04h 4-Way
                   06h 8-Way
                   08h 16-Way
                   0Fh Fully associative
        11:8     Reserved
         7:0     L2 Cache Line Size in bytes. 


        mov eax, 80000007h



        mov eax, 80000008h


    Intel CPU的CPUID指令(三) - whowin - DOS编程技术


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DeeLMind/p/7535028.html
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