• [JSOI2008]火星人




      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 #include<algorithm>
      5 #define LL long long
      6 using namespace std;
      7 const int MAXN=160000,mod=192608173;
      8 char s[MAXN];
      9 int n,m,root,CNT;
     10 int v[MAXN];
     11 int sz[MAXN],fa[MAXN],ha[MAXN],val[MAXN],ch[MAXN][2];
     12 void Update(int x)
     13 {
     14   int ls=ch[x][0],rs=ch[x][1];
     15   sz[x]=sz[ls]+sz[rs]+1;
     16   ha[x]=ha[ls]+(LL)val[x]*v[sz[ls]]%mod+(LL)ha[rs]*v[sz[ls]+1]%mod;
     17   ha[x]%=mod;
     18 }
     19 void Rotate(int x,int &y)
     20 {
     21   int old=fa[x],oldf=fa[old],op=ch[old][1]==x;
     22   if(old==y) y=x;
     23   else ch[oldf][ch[oldf][1]==old]=x;
     24   fa[x]=oldf;
     25   fa[ch[x][op^1]]=old; ch[old][op]=ch[x][op^1];
     26   fa[old]=x; ch[x][op^1]=old;
     27   Update(old); Update(x);
     28 }
     29 void Splay(int x,int &y)
     30 {
     31   int old,oldf;
     32   while(x!=y)
     33     {
     34       old=fa[x]; oldf=fa[old];
     35       if(old!=y){
     36         if((ch[old][0]==x)^(ch[oldf][0]==old)) Rotate(x,y);
     37         else Rotate(old,y);
     38       }
     39       Rotate(x,y);
     40     }
     41 }
     42 void Build(int &x,int ll,int rr,int FA)
     43 {
     44   x=++CNT; int mid=(ll+rr)/2;
     45   fa[x]=FA; val[x]=s[mid]-'a'+1;
     46   if(ll<mid)Build(ch[x][0],ll,mid-1,x);
     47   if(rr>mid)Build(ch[x][1],mid+1,rr,x);
     48   Update(x);
     49 }
     50 int find(int x)
     51 {
     52   int now=root;
     53   while(1)
     54     {
     55       if(x<=sz[ch[now][0]]) now=ch[now][0];
     56       else
     57         {
     58           int tmp=sz[ch[now][0]]+1;
     59           if(x<=tmp) return now;
     60           x-=tmp; now=ch[now][1];
     61         }
     62     }
     63 }
     64 int Query(int ll,int rr)
     65 {
     66   int x=find(ll-1),y=find(rr+1);
     67   Splay(x,root); Splay(y,ch[root][1]);
     68   return ha[ch[y][0]];
     69 }
     70 int work(int x,int y)
     71 {
     72   int L=1,R=n-y,mid,res=0;
     73   while(L<=R)
     74     {
     75       mid=(L+R)/2;
     76       if(Query(x,x+mid-1)==Query(y,y+mid-1)) L=mid+1 ,res=mid;
     77       else R=mid-1;
     78     }
     79   return res;
     80 }
     81 void Insert(int x,int V)
     82 {
     83   int y=x+1; n++;
     84   x=find(x); y=find(y);
     85   Splay(x,root); Splay(y,ch[root][1]);
     86   CNT++; val[CNT]=V;
     87   fa[CNT]=y; ch[y][0]=CNT;
     88   Update(CNT); Update(y); Update(root);
     89 }
     90 int main()
     91 {
     92   scanf("%s",s+2); s[1]='a'-1;
     93   n=strlen(s+1)+1; s[n]='a'-1;
     94   scanf("%d",&m); v[0]=1;
     95   for(int i=1;i<MAXN;i++)v[i]=(LL)v[i-1]*27%mod;
     96   Build(root,1,n,0);
     97   while(m--)
     98     {
     99       scanf("%s",s);
    100       if(s[0]=='Q')
    101         {
    102           int x,y; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
    103           if(x>y) swap(x,y);
    104           printf("%d
    105         }
    106       else if(s[0]=='R')
    107         {
    108           int x; scanf("%d%s",&x,s);
    109           x=find(x+1); Splay(x,root); 
    110           val[x]=s[0]-'a'+1; Update(x);
    111         }
    112       else if(s[0]=='I')
    113         {
    114           int x; scanf("%d%s",&x,s); 
    115           Insert(x+1,s[0]-'a'+1);
    116         }
    117     }
    118 }
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