• English trip WeekEnd-Lesson 2018.11.10


    [102] 新概念一早读 - 27 - 28        Teacher: March

    Mrs. Smith's living room is large.

    There is a television in the room.

    The television  is near the window.

    There are some magazines on the television.

    There is a table in the room.

    There are some newspapers on the table.

    There are some armchairs in the room.

    The armchairs are near the table.

    There is a stereo in the room.

    The stereo is near the door.

    There are some books on the stereo.

    There are some pictures in the room.

    The pictures are on the wall.

    Word list:

    pot plant  盆栽

    curtain 窗帘

    carpet  地毯

    floor lamp 落地灯

    balcony  阳台 ['bælkənɪ] 

    dinning room 餐厅   # 注意读音!

    basement   地下室

    dressing room 化妆室

    storage room 储藏室;行李仓,库房

    garage n. 车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库

    laundry room 洗衣房  # 注意laundry 拼写

    kitchen 厨房  # 注意 chicken 和 kitchen

    pictrue 图画      # 注意  draw  画图

    spoon  匙,勺子;一杓的量

    cigarette  [,sɪgə'rɛt]  香烟

    trousers 长裤

    tin  n. 锡;罐头,罐;马口铁     # 就好像是一听可乐    tin

    cupboard  ['kʌbɚd]  n. 碗柜;食橱  注意:cup 未发音

    knife  小刀  ->  knives n. 刀子(knife的复数)   # 注:以f或者fe结尾的名词变复数,变化规则就是变f或者fe为V再加es

    refrigerator 冰箱  r ef ri ge ra tor  # 注意拼读

    plate  盘子;n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片

    cooker   n. 炊具;烹饪用水果;窜改者

    have 和 there be 区别:

    have 主要是 指某人 有什么

    there be 主要指哪个地方有什么东西


    关于there be 是用is 还是 are ,根据就近原则be后面的词是单数还是复数。不可数用单数!

    be 的形态有:      am/is/are/was/were/will be/have /has/had/been

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