• 大学英语3 笔记 Unit 1 Stories Lighting up the Hospital PartIV Extensive Reading_B 练习 matching & fill blank

    Q: EX1











     Q:EX3  翻译



     A: EX1

    drain    make...empty or dry by getting rid of all the 

    military    connected with soldiers or armed forces

    occupy    live or work in a room, house or building 

    overlook  fail to see notice something 

    sadden    make somebody sad 


    large         enlarge    v. 扩大,增大,放大;

    rich           enrich      v. 使充实,使丰富;

    sharp       sharpen    v. (使)变锋利(尖锐,清晰);

    title           entitle       v. 给予(某人)权利,给(某人)资格;

    deep         deepen    v. (使)变深,加深;

    soft            soften     v. (使)变软,软化;

    courage      encourage      v. 鼓励,激励;鼓动,怂恿;刺激,促进

    tight            tighten             v. (使)变紧,(使)紧固;

    joy               enjoy               v. 享受,欣赏,喜爱

    strength        strengthen     v. 使(情感、决心等)更强烈,使(关系)更加紧密;

    1)This scholar hoped to  strengthen  the position of the sciences in the leading universities.

    2)People are in favor of the plan to enlarge the Ocean Park .

    3)  You can sharpen your skills with more practice

    4)  Alice did not smile or soften her voice

    5) When father lost his job we had to tighten our belts.

    6) The average German will enjoy 40 day's  paid holiday this year.

    7) When things aren't going well, they encourage  me telling me not to give up.

    8) Reading and traveling can  enrich a person's life experience.

    9) Everyone is entitled  to their own  opinion.      # be entitled to   有权利做什么

    10) We'll have to deepen  the well if we want more water.

    A:EX3  翻译

    1) The other man had to spend all his time flat his back


    2)They spoke of their wives and families, their homes,their jobs, their involvement in the military service,where they had been on vacation.


    3) Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow.


    4)The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.


    5) One moring, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the man by the window had died peacefully in his sleep.


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