• Life3 -2b Crazy competitions Teacher: Myself

    Listening  8

    Well,here we are in a place called Banner Elk.  现在我们来到了一个叫做班纳麋鹿的地方。

    Yes, I've never heard of it either.  是的,我也从来没听说过。

    Anyway, It's in the mountains of North Carolina in the US, and it is cold!  不管怎么说,那是在美国北卡罗来纳州的山区,天气很冷!

    But that doesn't stop hundreds of competitors from coming here every October for the wown's annual Woolly Worm Race.   但这并不能阻止数百名参赛者每年10月来这里参加沃恩一年一度的毛毛虫比赛。

    The rules for the competition are easy.   比赛的规则很简单。

    Anyone of any age can enter but you must have a woolly worm.  任何年龄的人都可以进入,但必须有毛毛虫。

    You can bring your own or you can buy one before the race. Each race has twenty people and twenty woolly worms.  你可以自己带,也可以在赛前购买。每场比赛有20个人和20只毛毛虫。

    You have to put your worm on a piece of string at the start.  你必须在开始的时候把你的虫子放在一根绳子上。

    Then they're off!  然后他们走了!

    The only rule is that you can't touch your worm during the race.  唯一的规则是你不能在比赛中触摸你的毛毛虫。

    During the day, there are lots of races, and if your woolly worm beats the others in the race, you take part in the grand finale in the afternoon.  在白天,有很多比赛,如果你的毛毛虫在比赛中打败了其他的,你就参加了下午的压轴比赛。

    And the prize money is one thousand dollars!  奖金是一千美元!

    Well worth it, I'd say!  我觉得很值得!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/13469957.html
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