• English trip V2

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about future intentions  本节课你将学习谈论未来的打算


    将来时 future tense:

    This week, My family and cousins are going to/Will go  to a special restaurant to eat CHUANCHUAN.  Usually there are so many people. There are 13 rooms, they are usual full. But the price is cheap!

    过去式 past tense:

    Last weekend , My family and cousins went to a special restaurant to eat CHUANCHUAN. So many people were here. There were 13 rooms, they were full. Because the price was cheap!

    词汇(Key Word )

    intention  n. 意图;目的;意向;愈合

    purpose  n. 目的;用途;意志

    destination    n. 目的地,终点

    attend  vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾  vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴

    resolution  n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心

    suitable  adj. 适当的;相配的

    ice skating  滑冰

    skiing  滑雪

    lose weight  v. 减肥;体重减轻

    part-time job  兼职

    on cloud nine  非常高兴,九霄云上

    cancel  取消

    to gain work experience  获得工作经验

    join gym  加入健身房

    taste the wine  尝酒

    lose weight  v. 减肥;体重减轻

    read China Dailiy every day  每天读《中国日报》

    Vacation in Japan  在日本度假

    graduate from university  从大学毕业

    Talk about future plans  谈论将来计划

    save some money  存一些钱

    not much  不多;不怎么样

    spend more time  花更多时间


    join a gym to lose weight  去健身房减肥

    volunteer to gain work experience  自愿积累工作经验

    study abroad to get a degree  出国留学获得学位

    take a vacation in Qingdao to see the beaches and taste the beer  去青岛度假,看看海滩,尝尝啤酒

    go to dance classes to have fun  去上舞蹈课找乐子


    in    什么...什么

    for  一段时间

    # 将来时

    will + 动词

    be going to

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/11056421.html
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