• English trip V1

    In this lesson you will learn to answer simple questions about yourself.  本节课讲学到回答关于自己的一些简单问题


    Hello -->  Hi

    Thank you -->  Thanks

    I'm fine -->  I'm OK

    My name is ... -->  I'm

    # Meeting People

    What's you nickname?

    You can call me ....

    How old are you?

    I'm 32 year old

    What do you do?

    I'm work in office。

    Where are you live?

    I'm live in apartment beside third ring road

    Do you have a car?

    Yes ,I do, It's brand is MG

    What languages do you speak?

    I speak Sichuan dialect, Mandarin and English.                        # dialect 方言;相似的单词 dialogue  对话;  Mandarin 普通话

    Do you smoke?

    No,I don't

    What music do you like?

    I like light music

    What TV shows do you like?

    I don't like TV shows

    What food do you like?

    I like Apple

    What sports do you play?

    I play jogging

    词汇(Key Word )

    friendly  友善的;友好的

    beautiful  美丽的;漂亮的

    kind  n. 种类;性质  adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的      # 口语常用语:  你感觉这道菜怎么样?  Yeah,kind  of ...     是的,还行;一般般

    happy  高兴;快乐

    tired  累

    language n.语言;表达能力

    simple  adj.简单

    subject  n.科目;主语

    wife  n.妻子;夫人



     An apple day keeps doctor away  一日一苹果,医生远离我

    You are the apple of my eyes  你是我的挚爱,或你是我最珍贵的人。

    A: Good evening. What's your name?

    B: My name's Dave Leigh.

    A: You're in room 5.

    A: Hello,John.How are you?

    B: I'm fine,thanks. And you?

    A: I'm OK,thank you

    A: Hi,John.This is my wife,Jean.

    B: Hello.Nice to meet you.

    C: Nice to meet you too.

    Good afternoon!What's your name?

    I'm Susan.And you?

    My name's Kathy.

    Nice to meet you!

    Nice to meet you,too! And what's your phone number?

    It's 326047.

    Hi!I'm Kathy.What's your name?

    My name is Linda. How are you ?

    I'm fine,thanks.

    Do you know Bill?

    Yes, I work with his wife. Her name is Helen.


    PRONUNCIATION    n. 发音;读法

    /k/  Karen likes coffee.  凯特喜欢咖啡

    /g/ Greta goes to golf class.  格雷塔上高尔夫课。

    /t/  Tim eats out on Tuesdays.  蒂姆星期二出去吃饭。

    /ʃ/  Natasha likes sushi.  娜塔莎喜欢寿司。

    /dʒ/ George can speak two languages.  乔治会说两种语言。

    Simple present: Yes / No questions  (一般现在时)动词的一般疑问句形式

    Do I work?  I do.   I don't 

    Do you work? you do.  you don't.

    Does he/she/it work?        Yes,  he/she/it does.             No he/she/it doesn't.

    Do we/you/they work?    Yes. we/you/they do.          No. we/you/they/ don't.


    Write questions with Do...? and Does...?

    1. I like chocolate.And you?    Do you like Chocolate?

    2. I Play tennis.And you?        Do you play tennis?

    3. Tom plays tennis. And Ann?        Does Ann play tennis?

    4. You live near here. And your friends?        Do your friends live near here?

    5. You speak English. And your brother?        Does your brother speak English?

    6. I do exercises every morning And you?        Do you exercise every morning?               

    7. Sue often goes away.And Pual?        How does Paul often go away?

    8. I want to be famous. And you?        Do you want to be famous?

    9. You work hard. And Linda?        Does Linda work hard?

    Write questions. Use the words in brackets +do/does.Put the words in the right order.

    1.(where/live/your parents?)    Where do your parents live?

    2. (you/early/always/get up?)     Do you always  get up early          

    3. (how often/TV/you/watch?)   How often do you watch TV?

    4. (you /want / what/ for dinner?)   What do you want for dinner?

    5. (like / you / football?)         Do you like football?

    6. ( your brother/ like /football?)     Does your brother like football?

    7. (what / you /do in the evenings?)    What do you do in the evenings?    

    8. (your sister /work /where?)  where does your sister work?

    9. (to the cinema / often/ you / go?)  Do you often go to the cinema?

    10. (what / mean / this word?)  what does  this word mean?           

    11. (often /snow /it /here?)    Does it often snow here?

    12. (go/ usually /to bed / what time/ you?)    What timdo you usually go to bed ?      

    13. (how much / to phone New York / it / cost?)  How much does it cost to phone New York?

    14. (you / for breakfast/have/usually/what?)     What do you usually have for breakfast?       

    Complete the questions. Use these verbs:

    do do enjoy go like start teach work

    A: What do you do?

    B: I work in a bookshop.

    A: Do you like it?

    B: It's Ok

    A: What time do you start  in the morning?

    B: At 9 o'clock

    A: Do you work on Saturdays?

    B: Sometimes.

    A: How do you  go to work?

    B: Usually by bus.

    A: And your husband. What does his work?

    B: He's a teacher.

    A: What's his teach?      

    B: Science.    # science n. 科学;技术;学科;理科

    A: Does he like his job?    

    B: Yes, he loves it.



    What does he do?

    What's his work

    Does he like his job?

    Write short answers(Yes,he does/No,I don't .etc.)

    1. Do you watch TV a lot?   No I don't 

    2. Do you live in a big city?  Yes I do

    3. Do you often ride a bicycle?  No I don't 

    4. Does it rain a lot where you live?    # 你住的地方经常下雨?  No it doesn't 

    5. Do you play the piano?  No I don't


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