from datetime import datetime import os import pymssql as pymssql import xlwt def getData(): connect= pymssql.connect(host, 'sa', 密码, 数据库名); cur = connect.cursor(); query = ''' SELECT tableName = D.name , # 我合并单元格是按照这里的表的重复合并的,若用case whern end 结构,则不能合并,会出错 tableIntroduce = isnull(F.value,''), sort = A.colorder, fieldName = A.name, catogary = B.name, bytes = A.Length, lengths = COLUMNPROPERTY(A.id,A.name,'PRECISION'), scales = isnull(COLUMNPROPERTY(A.id,A.name,'Scale'),0), isOrNotNull = Case When A.isnullable=1 Then '√'Else '' End, primarays = Case When exists(SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects Where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=A.id and name in ( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in( SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id = A.id AND colid=A.colid))) then '√' else '' end, defauts = isnull(E.Text,''), annotations = isnull(G.[value],'') FROM syscolumns A Left Join systypes B On A.xusertype=B.xusertype Inner Join sysobjects D On A.id=D.id and D.xtype='U' and D.name<>'dtproperties' Left Join syscomments E on A.cdefault=E.id Left Join sys.extended_properties G on A.id=G.major_id and A.colid=G.minor_id Left Join sys.extended_properties F On D.id=F.major_id and F.minor_id=0 --where d.name='OrderInfo' --如果只查询指定表,加上此条件 Order By A.id,A.colorder''' cur.execute(query) data = cur.fetchall() # 元组类型 return data def exportExcel(name): data = getData() myExcel = xlwt.Workbook('encoding=utf-8') # 定义表的宽 sheet1 = myExcel.add_sheet(name, cell_overwrite_ok=True) sheet1.col(0).width = 300 * 20 sheet1.col(1).width = 400 * 20 sheet1.col(2).width = 100 * 20 sheet1.col(3).width = 300 * 20 sheet1.col(4).width = 256 * 20 sheet1.col(5).width = 180 * 20 sheet1.col(6).width = 180 * 20 sheet1.col(7).width = 100 * 20 sheet1.col(8).width = 100 * 20 sheet1.col(9).width = 100 * 20 sheet1.col(10).width = 180 * 20 sheet1.col(11).width = 800 * 20 # 设置居中 a1 = xlwt.Alignment() a1.horz = 0x02 a1.vert = 0x01 style = xlwt.XFStyle() # 赋值style为XFStyle为初始化样式 style.alignment = a1 today = datetime.today() # 获取当前日期,得到一个datetime对象如:(2019, 7, 2, 23, 12, 23, 424000) today_date = datetime.date(today) # 将获取到的datetime对象仅取日期如:2019-7-2 items = ['数据表', '表名', '字段序号', '字段', '类型', '占用字节数', '长度', '小数点', '是否为空', '是否为主键', '默认值','注释'] for col in range(len(items)): sheet1.write(0, col, items[col]) # 合并第二列的name,从content获取第一列数据,[("Choleen","xxx"),()] first_col = [] for i in range(len(data)): first_col.append(data[i][0]) print("first_col:", first_col) # 去掉重复的列数据,并顺序不变 nFirst_col = list(set(first_col)) nFirst_col.sort(key=first_col.index) print("nFirst_col:", nFirst_col) row = 1 for i in nFirst_col: count = first_col.count(i) # 计算重复的元素个数 mergeRow = row + count - 1 # 合并后的上行数, sheet1.write_merge(row, mergeRow, 0, 0, i, style) # 第一列 sheet1.write_merge(row, mergeRow, 1, 1, i, style) row = mergeRow + 1 # 从下一行开始写入 # 获取data[i]中的第二个元素,循环写入 for row in range(len(data)): for col in range(1, len(data[row])): result = data[row][col] str = typeof(result) # 获取类型 if str == None: # 不能识别的类型,需要转换 result = result.decode('utf-8') sheet1.write(row + 1, col, result, style) fileName = name + '.xls' rootPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('ExportSqlServer.py')) + '\' print(rootPath) flag = os.path.exists(rootPath + fileName) if flag: os.remove(rootPath + fileName) myExcel.save(fileName) else: myExcel.save(fileName) def typeof(variate): type = None if isinstance(variate, int): type = "int" elif isinstance(variate, str): type = "str" elif isinstance(variate, float): type = "float" elif isinstance(variate, list): type = "list" elif isinstance(variate, tuple): type = "tuple" elif isinstance(variate, dict): type = "dict" elif isinstance(variate, set): type = "set" return type if __name__ == '__main__': print("这是sqlServer导出的数据字典"); # response = chardet.detect(b'xe7x94xa8xe6x88xb7xe8xa1xa8') # print(response) exportExcel("user表")
UTF-8/GBK --》 decode 解码 --》 Unicode Unicode --》 encode 编码 --》 GBK / UTF-8
明文 -- encode --》Unicode--》gbk,utf-8 明文 《-- decode -- Unicode 《-- gbk,utf-8