• 广州某公司笔试题(英文)sql

    Please use MySQL to Create DataBase like the language below<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    /*TabelName:inoutlist, Record the pass in and out of the storage*/

    CREATE TABLE `inoutlist` (

      /*Auto increment*/

      `AutoID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 

      /*Time of pass in or out*/

      `RecordTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',


      `ProductID` int(11) default NULL,

      /*tagin or out*/

      `InOut` enum('out','in') default NULL,

      /*the number of pass in or out*/

      `Num` int(11) default NULL,

      /*Primary Key*/

      PRIMARY KEY  (`AutoID`)



    /*insert data to table inoutlist*/

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-3 11:39:25',1,'out',3);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-4 10:39:25',2,'out',2);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-5 11:39:25',1,'out',5);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-5 11:39:26',2,'out',9);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-5 11:39:27',3,'out',3);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-5 09:39:25',2,'in',10);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-5 13:39:56',3,'in',5);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:30',2,'in',6);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:31',2,'in',8);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:32',1,'in',100);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:33',2,'in',50);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:34',3,'in',60);

    insert into InOutList values (0,'2007-12-6  09:39:35',4,'in',10);


    /*TableName:product, products in storage*/

    CREATE TABLE `product` (

      `ID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

      `Name` varchar(255) default NULL,

      PRIMARY KEY  (`ID`)

    ) ;


    /*insert data to table product*/

    insert into product values (1,'Product1');

    insert into product values (2,'Product2');

    insert into product values (3,'Product3');

    insert into product values (4,'Product4');

    insert into product values (5,'Product5');



     Application running as the form below




    AutoIDRecordTime        ProductID InOut Num 


      1   2007-12-3 11:39:25    1       out   3  


      2   2007-12-4 10:39:25    2       out   2  


      3   2007-12-5 11:39:25    1       out   5  


      4   2007-12-5 11:39:26    2       out   9  


      5   2007-12-5 11:39:27    3       out   3  


      6   2007-12-5 09:39:25    2       in    10 


      7   2007-12-5 13:39:56    3       in    5  


      8   2007-12-6 09:39:30    2       in    6  


      9   2007-12-6 09:39:31    2       in    8  


      10  2007-12-6 09:39:32    1       in    100


      11  2007-12-6 09:39:33    2       in    50 


      12  2007-12-6 09:39:34    3       in    60 


      13  2007-12-6 09:39:35    4       in    10 





    ID   Name     


      1   Product1 


      2   Product2    


      3   Product3   


      4   │Product4    


      5   │Product5   



     Demand: write out the SQL sentence which will run as the form below without changing of the original table and data


      ID  │Name      In    Out │ Save │


      1   │Product1│  100 │   8    92 


      2   │Product2│  74    11    63 


      3   │Product3│  65     3    62 


      4   │Product4│  10     0    10 


      5   │Product5│  0      0    0  


     explanation:  ID   - ProductID

                   Name - ProductName

                   In   - accumulative total of the Product pass in storage

                   Out  - accumulative total of the Product pass out storage

                   Save - stocks of the product



    select p.Id,


    sum(case when io.inout='in' then io.num else 0 end) 'In',

    sum(case when io.inout='out' then io.num else 0 end) 'Out',

    case when sum(case when io.inout='in' then io.num else -io.num end)  is null then 0 else sum(case when io.inout='in' then io.num else -io.num end)  end 'Save'

    from product p left join inoutlist io on p.id=io.productID group by p.id;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/CharmingDang/p/9663802.html
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