• NOPI导出Excel

    Imports System.IO
    Imports NPOI.HSSF.UserModel
    Imports NPOI.HPSF
    Imports NPOI.POIFS.FileSystem
    Imports NPOI.HSSF.Util
    Imports NPOI.SS.UserModel
    Imports NPOI.SS.Util
    Imports Common
    Public Class NopExcel
        Private Init_Date As String = String.Empty
        Private Gc As New GeneralCommon()
        Public Sub New(ByVal Init_Date As String)
            Me.Init_Date = Init_Date
        End Sub
        Public Sub Export_BF(ByVal fileName As String)
            Dim sHeader_0 As String = String.Format("长材制造部{0}全月份轧辊报废表(盘螺线)", Me.Init_Date)
            Dim sHeader_1 As String() = New String() {"序号", "轧辊类型", "轧辊辊号", "上下线时间", "单只轧辊重量", "本次轧制量/累计轧制量( t)", "本次轧制量/累计轧制量( t)", "每对轧辊理论轧制量(t)", "车削次数/本次车削直径(mm)", "当前直径/原始直径(mm)", "理论报废直径", "报废支数", "备注", "生产厂家"}
            Dim width_S As Integer() = New Integer() {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 16, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10}
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) Then
            End If
            Dim SQL_BF As String = "{CALL RMES.BP8100.P_REFERBF('" + Init_Date + "')}"
            Dim Table_BF As DataTable = Gc.GetDataTable(SQL_BF)
            If Table_BF Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Dim fileExcel As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            Dim hssfworkbook As New HSSFWorkbook(fileExcel)
            Using file As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
                'Dim sheet As ISheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("轧辊报废")
                Dim sheet As ISheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("轧辊报废")
                Dim dsi As DocumentSummaryInformation = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation()
                dsi.Company = "RVSoft"
                hssfworkbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi
                'Create a entry of SummaryInformation
                Dim si As SummaryInformation = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation()
                hssfworkbook.SummaryInformation = si
                si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now
                Dim style_header As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle()
                style_header.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
                style_header.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderTop = BorderStyle.THIN
                Dim font_header As IFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont()
                font_header.Boldweight = 500
                font_header.FontHeightInPoints = 20
                Dim row_index As Integer = 0
                Dim Row_0 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To 13
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_0.CreateCell(0)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_header
                    sheet.SetColumnWidth(col, width_S(col) * 256)
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 10))
                Dim style_val As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle()
                style_val.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
                style_val.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderTop = BorderStyle.THIN
                Dim font_val As IFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont()
                font_val.FontHeightInPoints = 8
                font_val.FontName = "宋体"
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_1 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To sHeader_1.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_1.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_val
                row_index = row_index + 1
                For row As Integer = 1 To Table_BF.Rows.Count
                    Dim Row_Data As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                    Dim Cell_A As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(0)
                    Cell_A.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_A.SetCellValue(row_index - 1)
                    Dim Cell_B As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(1)
                    Cell_B.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_B.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("轧辊类型").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_C As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(2)
                    Cell_C.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_C.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("轧辊辊号").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_D As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(3)
                    Cell_D.CellStyle = style_val
                    '' Cell_D.SetCellType(CellType.STRING)
                    Cell_D.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("上下线时间")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                    Dim Cell_E As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(4)
                    Cell_E.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_E.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("轧辊重量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_F As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(5)
                    Cell_F.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_F.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("本次轧制量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_G As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(6)
                    Cell_G.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_G.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("累计轧制量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_H As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(7)
                    Cell_H.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_H.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("理论轧制量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_I As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(8)
                    Cell_I.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_I.SetCellValue(String.Format("{0}/{1}", Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("车削次数").ToString(), Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("车削直径").ToString()))
                    Dim Cell_J As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(9)
                    Cell_J.CellStyle = style_val
                    Dim s_J As String = String.Format("{0}/{1}", Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("当前直径").ToString(), Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("原始直径").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_K As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(10)
                    Cell_K.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_K.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("理论报废直径").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_L As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(11)
                    Cell_L.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_L.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("报废支数").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_M As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(12)
                    Cell_M.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_M.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("备注").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_N As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(13)
                    Cell_N.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_N.SetCellValue(Table_BF.Rows(row - 1)("生产厂家").ToString())
                    row_index = row_index + 1
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 5, 6))
                sheet.SetZoom(4, 3)
            End Using
        End Sub
        Public Sub Export_XH(ByVal fileName As String)
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) Then
            End If
            Dim SQL_XH As String = "{CALL RMES.BP8100.P_REFER('" + Init_Date + "')}"
            Dim sHeader_0 As String = String.Format("长材制造部{0}轧辊消耗表(盘螺线)", Init_Date)
            Dim sHeader_1 As String() = New String() {" 轧制量(t)", "32832", "消耗轧辊重量(t)", "消耗轧辊重量(t)", "计算公式(K4:K685)", "计算公式(K4:K685)", "吨钢消耗(kg/t)", "吨钢消耗(kg/t)", "", "计算公式E2/B2*1000", "计算公式E2/B2*1000"}
            Dim sHeader_2 As String() = New String() {"轧辊类型", "轧辊辊号", "上下线时间", "单只轧辊重量(kg)", "本次轧制量/累计轧制量( t)", "本次轧制量/累计轧制量( t)", "每对轧辊理论轧制量(t)", "车削次数/本次车削直径(mm)", "当前直径/原始直径(mm)", "备注", ""}
            Dim SFoot_1 As String() = New String() {"", "制表:亓峰(62086)", "制表:亓峰(62086)", "审核:沈克非(61264)", "审核:沈克非(61264)", "", "", "", "", "批准:", ""}
            Dim width_S As Integer() = New Integer() {10, 10, 10, 15, 10, 10, 18, 18, 20, 10, 10}
            Dim Table_XH As DataTable = Gc.GetDataTable(SQL_XH)
            If Table_XH Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Dim hssfworkbook As New HSSFWorkbook()
            Using file As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
                Dim sheet As ISheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("轧辊消耗")
                Dim dsi As DocumentSummaryInformation = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation()
                dsi.Company = "RVSoft"
                hssfworkbook.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi
                'Create a entry of SummaryInformation
                Dim si As SummaryInformation = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation()
                hssfworkbook.SummaryInformation = si
                si.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now
                Dim style_header As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle()
                style_header.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
                style_header.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_header.BorderTop = BorderStyle.THIN
                Dim font_header As IFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont()
                font_header.Boldweight = 500
                font_header.FontHeightInPoints = 20
                Dim row_index As Integer = 0
                Dim Row_0 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To 10
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_0.CreateCell(0)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_header
                    sheet.SetColumnWidth(col, width_S(col) * 256)
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 10))
                Dim style_val As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle()
                style_val.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
                style_val.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
                style_val.BorderTop = BorderStyle.THIN
                Dim font_val As IFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont()
                font_val.FontHeightInPoints = 8
                font_val.FontName = "宋体"
                Dim style_foot As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle()
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_1 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To sHeader_1.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_1.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_val
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_2 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To sHeader_2.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_2.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_val
                row_index = row_index + 1
                For row As Integer = 1 To Table_XH.Rows.Count
                    Dim Row_Data As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                    Dim Cell_A As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(0)
                    Cell_A.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_A.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("类型").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_B As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(1)
                    Cell_B.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_B.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("轧号").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_C As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(2)
                    Cell_C.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_C.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("上线时间")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                    Dim Cell_D As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(3)
                    Cell_D.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_D.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("轧重").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_E As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(4)
                    Cell_E.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_E.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("轧制量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_F As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(5)
                    Cell_F.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_F.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("累计重量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_G As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(6)
                    Cell_G.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_G.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("理论轧制重量").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_H As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(7)
                    Cell_H.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_H.SetCellValue(String.Format("{0}/{1}", Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("车削次数").ToString(), Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("车削直径").ToString()))
                    Dim Cell_I As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(8)
                    Cell_I.CellStyle = style_val
                    Dim s_J As String = String.Format("{0}/{1}", Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("当前直径").ToString(), Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("原始直径").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_J As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(9)
                    Cell_J.CellStyle = style_val
                    Cell_J.SetCellValue(Table_XH.Rows(row - 1)("报废原因").ToString())
                    Dim Cell_K As ICell = Row_Data.CreateCell(10)
                    Cell_K.CellStyle = style_val
                    Dim format As String = String.Format("IF((F{0}-E{0}-G{0})>0,0,IF((F{0}<=G{0}),(E{0}/G{0}*D{0}/1000*2),(D{0}*(E{0}-F{0}+G{0})/(G{0}*1000)*2)))", row_index + 1)
                    row_index = row_index + 1
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_cyz As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To sHeader_2.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_cyz.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_val
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(Row_cyz.RowNum, Row_cyz.RowNum, 0, sHeader_2.Length - 1))
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_657 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To sHeader_2.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_657.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_val
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(Row_657.RowNum, Row_657.RowNum, 4, 5)) 
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim Row_Foot_1 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                For col As Integer = 0 To SFoot_1.Length - 1
                    Dim cell As ICell = Row_Foot_1.CreateCell(col)
                    cell.CellStyle = style_Foot
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(Row_Foot_1.RowNum, Row_Foot_1.RowNum, 1, 2))
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(Row_Foot_1.RowNum, Row_Foot_1.RowNum, 3, 4))
                row_index = row_index + 1
                Dim style_Foot_2 As ICellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle() 
                style_Foot_2.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
                style_Foot_2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER
                Dim font_Foot_2 As IFont = hssfworkbook.CreateFont()
                font_Foot_2.FontHeightInPoints = 8
                font_Foot_2.FontName = "宋体" 
                Dim Row_Foot_2 As IRow = sheet.CreateRow(row_index)
                Dim cell_8 As ICell = Row_Foot_2.CreateCell(8)
                cell_8.CellStyle = style_Foot_2
                Dim cell_9 As ICell = Row_Foot_2.CreateCell(9)
                cell_9.CellStyle = style_Foot_2
                Row_Foot_2.Height = 100 * 5
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(Row_Foot_2.RowNum, Row_Foot_2.RowNum, 8, 9))
                Dim format_E2 As String = String.Format("SUM(K{0}:K{1})", 4, row_index + 1)
                Dim format_J2 As String = String.Format("E2/B2*1000")
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 2, 3))
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 4, 5))
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 6, 7))
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 9, 10))
                sheet.AddMergedRegion(New CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 4, 5))
                sheet.CreateFreezePane(0, 3, 0, 3)
                sheet.SetZoom(4, 3)
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class


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