• 自定义数组列表和队列




    package com.BlueStarWei.arrayList;
     * show all fields and method,please click "ctrl + o"
     * 开发过程遇到的问题:
     * 1. 传入下标(index)未考虑越界情况
     *             一定要校验指针是否越界
     * 2. 当容量耗尽后,如何拓展新的空间
     *         添加一个变量(hasInitCapacity),用于判断数组的创建方式。
     *         如果是通过无参构造方式创建(hasInitCapacity = false),每次扩展容量的时候在原有数组长度的基础上增加拓展长度。
     * @author HuWei
     * @param <E>
    public class MyArrayList<E> {
         * The default capacity while use constructor form superClass
        private final int DEFUALT_CAPACITY = 10;
         * The expending capacity while arr that is generated via constructor form superClass is full 
        private final int ADD_CAPACITY = DEFUALT_CAPACITY / 2;
         * The array to store elements
        private E[] arr;
         * The length of element to be stored into arr
        private int size;
         * check whether is the queue generated by constructor with initCapacity
        private boolean hasInitCapacity;
        public MyArrayList() {
            arr = (E[]) new Object[DEFUALT_CAPACITY];
            hasInitCapacity = false;
        public MyArrayList(int initCapacity){
            arr = (E[]) new Object[initCapacity];
            hasInitCapacity = true;
         * @return
         *         the length of array
        public int size() {
            return size;
         * let element insert to arr
         * if MyArrayList is generated via constructor form superClass and the capacity is full,then expand capacity
         * @param element   
         *         the element to insert
         * @return index    
         *         the index of the element to insert
        public int add(E element){
            //expend capacity
            if(!hasInitCapacity && size == arr.length){
                E[] arr2 = arr;
                arr = (E[]) new Object[arr.length + ADD_CAPACITY];
                for (int i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
                    arr[i] = arr2[i];
            arr[size] = element;
            return size++;
         * @param index
         *         the index of the element to replace
         * @param element    
         *         the element to replace
         * @return
         *         the element to be replaced
        public E update(int index, E element){
            E old = arr[index];
            arr[index] = element;
            return old;
         * @param index
         *         the index of the element to be removed
         * @return
         *         the element to be removed
        public E remove(int index){
            E element = arr[index];
            if(index == size - 1){
                arr[index] = null;
            for (int i = index; i < size; i++) {
                arr[i] = arr[i+1];
            return element;
         * @param index
         *         the index of the element to get
         * @return
         *         the element to get
        public E get(int index){
            return arr[index];
         * check whether index is out of bounds
         * @param index
        private void checkArange(int index){
            if(index < 0 || index >= size){
                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                if(i != size - 1){
            return result.toString();

    2. 自定义队列(MyQueue.java)

    package com.BlueStarWei.queue;
     * 开发终于到的问题:
     * 1. 元素poll完(元素实际上并没有从数组中删除,只是将头指针向后移)之后,再次添加数据的时候如何从头开始?
     *         判断queue有效的元素是否为空,如果为空,将头指针和尾指针重置到数组最前端
     * 优化:
     * 1. 与自定义数组列表相比,在创建队列的时候没有队列的类型为任意集合(E)类型,而是指定为Object[]类型,
     *         只有在元素返回时,返回为任意集合(E)类型
     * @author HuWei
     * @param <E>
    public class MyQueue<E> {
         * The default capacity while use constructor form superClass
        private final int DEFUALT_CAPACITY = 10;
         * The expending capacity while arr that is generated via constructor form superClass is full 
        private final int ADD_CAPACITY = DEFUALT_CAPACITY / 2;
         * store the element
        private Object[] queue;
         * the head pointer of queue
         *it always point the first alive element
        private int front;
         * the end pointer of queue
         * it always point the last alive element
        private int end;
         * the real size of queue
        private int size;
         * check whether is the queue generated by constructor with initCapacity
        private boolean hasInitCapacity;
         * generate a queue whose default size is DEFUALT_CAPACITY
        public MyQueue() {
            queue = new Object[DEFUALT_CAPACITY];
            hasInitCapacity = false;
            end = -1;
         * generate a queue whose default size is initCapacity
        public MyQueue(int initCapacity){
            queue = new Object[initCapacity];
            hasInitCapacity = true;
            end = -1;
         * store element to queue
         * @param element
         *         the element to be stored
        public void push(E element){
            if(!hasInitCapacity && size == queue.length){
                Object[] queue2 = queue;
                queue = new Object[size + ADD_CAPACITY];
                for (int i = 0; i < queue2.length; i++) {
                    queue[i] = queue2[i];
            queue[++end] = element;
         * remove the first alive element in queue
         * while queue is queue is empty, set front and end pointer point the queue's head 
         * @return
         *         the element to be remove
        public E poll(){
            E element = (E)queue[front++];
                front = 0;
                end = -1;
            return element;
         * get the first alive element in queue
         * @return
         *         the element to be returned
        public E peek(){
            E element = (E)queue[front];
                element = null;
            return element;
         * check whether is queue empty.
         * @return
        public boolean isEmpty(){
            if(size == 0){
                return true;
            }else {
                return false;
         * get the size of queue
         * @return
         *         the size of queue
        public int size(){
            return size;


  • 相关阅读:
    关于索引,我们可以知道的更多 全表扫描和索引扫描
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BlueStarWei/p/7470744.html
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