• 现代编译原理--第五章(活动记录)

      (转载请表明出处  http://www.cnblogs.com/BlackWalnut/p/4559245.html )





        通常情况下,我们会将传入一个函数的参数放入寄存器中,但是,寄存器的数量是有限,放不下的怎么办?例如,对于f(n1 , n2 , ...,nx)的函数,我们会将前k个,假如k为4,放入寄存器中,剩下的x-k个我们就放入调用函数f的函数的栈帧的末尾,紧邻着栈指针,这x-k个区域就称为传出参数。但是这x-k块区域对于被调用函数f来说就被称为传入参数。思考一下,如果f又去调用了其他函数呢?那么那k个参数就要被移出寄存器,放到f中称为局部变量的区域中,这块区域是紧挨着传出参数(传入参数,对函数f而言)。






    #ifndef FRAME_H_
    #define FRAME_H_
    #include "temp.h"
    #include "util.h"
    #include "tree.h"
    const int F_wordSize = 4 ;
    typedef struct F_frame_ *F_frame ;
    typedef struct F_access_ *F_access ;
    typedef struct F_accesslist_ *F_accesslist ;
    struct F_accesslist_ { F_access head; F_accesslist tail; };
    typedef struct F_frag_ *  F_frag ;
    typedef struct F_fragList_ * F_fragList ;
    struct F_frame_ { 
                     Temp_label name ; 
                     int framesize ;
                     F_accesslist formals; 
                     F_accesslist locals; 
    struct F_access_ {
                      enum { inFrame , inReg } kind  ;
                          int offset ;
                          Temp_temp reg ;
                           } u ;
    struct F_frag_ {
                    enum { F_stringFrag , F_procFrag } kind ;
                    union {
                        struct { 
                                 Temp_label label ;
                                 string str ; 
                               } stringg ;
                        struct {
                                 T_stm body ;
                                 F_frame frame ;
                                } proc ;
                            }u ;
    struct F_fragList_{  F_frag head ; F_fragList tail; };
    F_frag F_StringFrag( Temp_label label , string str) ;
    F_frag F_ProcFrag ( T_stm stm , F_frame frame ) ;
    F_fragList F_FragList(F_frag frag , F_fragList tail) ;
    Temp_temp F_FP(void);   
    Temp_temp F_RV(void) ;  
    F_frame F_newframe(Temp_label name , U_boolList formals) ;
    F_accesslist F_Accesslist(F_access head , F_accesslist tail) ;
    Temp_label F_name(F_frame f) ;
    F_accesslist F_formals(F_frame f) ;
    F_access F_allocLoacl(F_frame f  , bool escape );
    F_access InFrame(int offset) ;
    F_access InReg(Temp_temp reg) ;
    T_exp F_Exp(F_access acc, T_exp framePtr);
    T_exp F_externalCall(string s , T_expList explist);
    T_stm F_procEntryExit1(F_frame frame , T_stm stm) ;
    #include "frame.h"
    #include "tree.h"
    const int offset = -4 ;
    static Temp_temp fp = NULL;
    Temp_temp F_FP()
            fp = Temp_newtemp();
        return fp;
    static Temp_temp rv = NULL ;
    Temp_temp F_RV()
        if (rv == NULL )
            rv = Temp_newtemp() ;
        return rv ;
    F_access F_allocLoacl(F_frame f , bool escape )
        F_access access ;
        if (escape == true)
            access = InFrame(f->framesize) ;
            f->framesize -= offset;
            access = InReg(Temp_newtemp()) ;
        f->locals = F_Accesslist(access , f->locals) ;
        return access ;
    F_access InFrame(int offset)
        F_access tmp = (F_access) checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->kind = F_access_::inFrame ;
        tmp->u.offset = offset ;
        return tmp ;
    F_access InReg(Temp_temp reg)
        F_access tmp = (F_access) checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->kind = F_access_::inReg ;
        tmp->u.reg = reg ;
        return tmp ;
    F_frame F_newframe(Temp_label name , U_boolList formals)
        F_frame frame =(F_frame) checked_malloc(sizeof(*frame)) ;
        frame->name = name ;
        frame->formals = NULL ;
        U_boolList par = formals ;
        F_access acc ;
        frame->framesize = 0 ;
        while(par != NULL)
            if (par->head)
              acc = InFrame(frame->framesize) ;   
              frame->framesize -= offset ;
             acc = InReg(Temp_newtemp()) ;
            frame->formals = F_Accesslist(acc , frame->formals) ;
            par = par->tail ;
       frame->locals = NULL ;
       return frame ;
    F_accesslist F_Accesslist(F_access head , F_accesslist tail)
        F_accesslist tmp = (F_accesslist)checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->head = head ;
        tmp->tail = tail ;
        return tmp ;
    T_exp F_Exp(F_access acc, T_exp framePtr)
        if (acc->kind == F_access_::inFrame )
            return T_Mem(T_Binop(T_plus, framePtr, T_Const(acc->u.offset)));
        return  T_Temp(acc->u.reg);
    F_frag F_StringFrag(Temp_label label , string str)
        F_frag tmp = (F_frag) checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->kind = F_frag_::F_stringFrag ;
        tmp->u.stringg.label = label ;
        tmp->u.stringg.str = str ;
        return tmp ;
    F_frag F_ProcFrag( T_stm stm , F_frame frame )
        F_frag tmp = (F_frag) checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->kind = F_frag_::F_procFrag ;
        tmp->u.proc.body = stm ;
        tmp->u.proc.frame = frame ;
        return tmp ;
    F_fragList F_FragList(F_frag frag , F_fragList tail)
        F_fragList tmp = (F_fragList) checked_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)) ;
        tmp->head = frag ;
        tmp->tail = tail ;
        return tmp; 
    T_stm F_procEntryExit1(F_frame frame , T_stm stm) 
        return stm ;
    F_accesslist F_formals(F_frame frame)
        return frame->formals;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BlackWalnut/p/4559245.html
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