1.While deploying a new application module, the software vendor ships the application software along with appropriate SQL plan baselines for the new SQLs being introduced. Which two statements describe the consequences? (Choose two.)
A. The plan baselines can be evolved over time to produce better performance.
B. The newly generated plans are directly placed into the SQL plan baseline without being verified.
C. The new SQL statements initially run with the plans that are known to produce good performance under standard test configuration.
D. The optimizer does not generate new plans for the SQL statements for which the SQL plan baseline has been imported.
安装一个新的优化器版本的数据库升级通常会导致对一小部分SQL语句的计划更改,大部分的计划更改都会导致性能的改变或改进。但是,某些计划更改可能会导致性能回归。SQL plan基线的使用大大减少了数据库升级带来的潜在性能倒退。