class cls_fso
public objfso
private sub class_initialize()
set objfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
set objfso = nothing
end sub
public function reportfilestatus(filename)
dim msg
msg = -1
if (objfso.fileexists(filename)) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportfilestatus = msg
end function
public function getfilesize(filename)
dim f
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
getfilesize = f.size
getfilesize = -1
end if
end function
public function deleteafile(filespec)
if reportfilestatus(filespec) = 1 then
deleteafile = 1
deleteafile = -1
end if
end function
public function showfilelist(folderspec)
dim f, f1, fc, s
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(folderspec)
set fc = f.files
for each f1 in fc
s = s & f1.name
s = s & "|"
showfilelist = s
showfilelist = -1
end if
end function
public function copyafile(sourcefile, destinationfile)
dim myfile
if reportfilestatus(sourcefile) = 1 then
set myfile = objfso.getfile(sourcefile)
myfile.copy (destinationfile)
copyafile = 1
copyafile = -1
end if
end function
public function moveafile(sourcefile,destinationfile)
if reportfilestatus(sourcefile) = 1 and reportfilestatus(destinationfileorpath) = -1 then
objfso.movefile sourcefile,destinationfileorpath
moveafile = 1
moveafile = -1
end if
end function
public function showdatecreated(filespec)
dim f
if reportfilestatus(filespec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filespec)
showdatecreated = f.datecreated
showdatecreated = -1
end if
end function
public function getattributes(filename)
dim f
dim strfileattributes
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
select case f.attributes
case 0 strfileattributes = "普通文件,沒有設置任何屬性."
case 1 strfileattributes = "只讀文件,可讀寫. "
case 2 strfileattributes = "隱藏文件,可讀寫."
case 4 strfileattributes = "系統文件,可讀寫."
case 16 strfileattributes = "文件夾或目錄,只讀."
case 32 strfileattributes = "上次備份後已更改的文件,可讀寫."
case 1024 strfileattributes = "鏈接或是快捷方式,只讀."
case 2048 strfileattributes = "壓縮文件,只讀."
end select
getattributes = strfileattributes
getattributes = -1
end if
end function
public function showfileaccessinfo(filename,infotype)
'// 1 -----創建時間
'// 2 -----上次訪問時間
'// 3 -----上次修改時間
'// 4 -----文件路徑
'// 5 -----文件名稱
'// 6 -----文件類型
'// 7 -----文件大小
'// 8 -----父目錄
'// 9 -----根目錄
dim f, s
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
select case infotype
case 1 s = f.datecreated
case 2 s = f.datelastaccessed
case 3 s = f.datelastmodified
case 4 s = f.path
case 5 s = f.name
case 6 s = f.type
case 7 s = f.size
case 8 s = f.parentfolder
case 9 s = f.rootfolder
end select
showfileaccessinfo = s
showfileaccessinfo = -1
end if
end function
public function writetxtfile(filename,textstr,writeorappendtype)
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2 , forappending = 8
dim f, m
select case writeorappendtype
case 1: '文件進行寫操作
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forwriting, true)
f.write textstr
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
writetxtfile = 1
writetxtfile = -1
end if
case 2: '文件尾進行寫操作
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forappending)
f.write textstr
writetxtfile = 1
writetxtfile = -1
end if
end select
end function
public function readtxtfile(filename)
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2
dim f, m
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forreading)
m = f.readline
readtxtfile = m
readtxtfile = -1
end if
end function
public function reportfolderstatus(fldr)
dim msg
msg = -1
if (objfso.folderexists(fldr)) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportfolderstatus = msg
end function
public function getfoldersize(foldername)
dim f
if reportfolderstatus(foldername) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(foldername)
getfoldersize = f.size
getfoldersize = -1
end if
end function
public function createfolderdemo(foldername)
dim f
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
createfolderdemo = -1
set f = objfso.createfolder(foldername)
createfolderdemo = 1
end if
end function
public function deleteafolder(folderspec)
response.write folderspec
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
objfso.deletefolder (folderspec)
deleteafolder = 1
deleteafolder = -1
end if
end function
public function showfolderlist(folderspec)
dim f, f1, fc, s
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(folderspec)
set fc = f.subfolders
for each f1 in fc
s = s & f1.name
s = s & "|"
showfolderlist = s
showfolderlist = -1
end if
end function
public function copyafolder(sourcefolder,destinationfolder)
objfso.copyfolder sourcefolder,destinationfolder
copyafolder = 1
copyafolder = -1
end function
public function moveafolder(sourcepath,destinationpath)
if reportfolderstatus(sourcepath)=1 and reportfolderstatus(destinationpath)=0 then
objfso.movefolder sourcepath, destinationpath
moveafolder = 1
moveafolder = -1
end if
end function
public function showfolderaccessinfo(foldername,infotype)
'// 1 -----創建時間
'// 2 -----上次訪問時間
'// 3 -----上次修改時間
'// 4 -----目錄路徑
'// 5 -----目錄名稱
'// 6 -----目錄類型
'// 7 -----目錄大小
'// 8 -----父目錄
'// 9 -----根目錄
dim f, s
if reportfolderstatus(foldername) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(foldername)
select case infotype
case 1 s = f.datecreated
case 2 s = f.datelastaccessed
case 3 s = f.datelastmodified
case 4 s = f.path
case 5 s = f.name
case 6 s = f.type
case 7 s = f.size
case 8 s = f.parentfolder
case 9 s = f.rootfolder
end select
showfolderaccessinfo = s
showfolderaccessinfo = -1
end if
end function
public function displayleveldepth(pathspec)
dim f, n ,path
set f = objfso.getfolder(pathspec)
if f.isrootfolder then
displayleveldepth ="指寫的文件夾是根文件夾."&rootfolder
do until f.isrootfolder
path = path & f.name &"<br>"
set f = f.parentfolder
n = n + 1
displayleveldepth ="指寫的文件夾是嵌套級為:" & n & " 的文件夾.<br>" & path
end if
end function
public function reportdrivestatus(drv)
dim msg
msg = -1
if objfso.driveexists(drv) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportdrivestatus = msg
end function
public function showfilesystemtype(drvspec)
dim d
if reportdrivestatus(drvspec) = 1 then
set d = objfso.getdrive(drvspec)
showfilesystemtype = d.filesystem
showfilesystemtype = -1
end if
end function
end class
class cls_fso
public objfso
private sub class_initialize()
set objfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
end sub
private sub class_terminate()
set objfso = nothing
end sub
public function reportfilestatus(filename)
dim msg
msg = -1
if (objfso.fileexists(filename)) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportfilestatus = msg
end function
public function getfilesize(filename)
dim f
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
getfilesize = f.size
getfilesize = -1
end if
end function
public function deleteafile(filespec)
if reportfilestatus(filespec) = 1 then
deleteafile = 1
deleteafile = -1
end if
end function
public function showfilelist(folderspec)
dim f, f1, fc, s
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(folderspec)
set fc = f.files
for each f1 in fc
s = s & f1.name
s = s & "|"
showfilelist = s
showfilelist = -1
end if
end function
public function copyafile(sourcefile, destinationfile)
dim myfile
if reportfilestatus(sourcefile) = 1 then
set myfile = objfso.getfile(sourcefile)
myfile.copy (destinationfile)
copyafile = 1
copyafile = -1
end if
end function
public function moveafile(sourcefile,destinationfile)
if reportfilestatus(sourcefile) = 1 and reportfilestatus(destinationfileorpath) = -1 then
objfso.movefile sourcefile,destinationfileorpath
moveafile = 1
moveafile = -1
end if
end function
public function showdatecreated(filespec)
dim f
if reportfilestatus(filespec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filespec)
showdatecreated = f.datecreated
showdatecreated = -1
end if
end function
public function getattributes(filename)
dim f
dim strfileattributes
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
select case f.attributes
case 0 strfileattributes = "普通文件,沒有設置任何屬性."
case 1 strfileattributes = "只讀文件,可讀寫. "
case 2 strfileattributes = "隱藏文件,可讀寫."
case 4 strfileattributes = "系統文件,可讀寫."
case 16 strfileattributes = "文件夾或目錄,只讀."
case 32 strfileattributes = "上次備份後已更改的文件,可讀寫."
case 1024 strfileattributes = "鏈接或是快捷方式,只讀."
case 2048 strfileattributes = "壓縮文件,只讀."
end select
getattributes = strfileattributes
getattributes = -1
end if
end function
public function showfileaccessinfo(filename,infotype)
'// 1 -----創建時間
'// 2 -----上次訪問時間
'// 3 -----上次修改時間
'// 4 -----文件路徑
'// 5 -----文件名稱
'// 6 -----文件類型
'// 7 -----文件大小
'// 8 -----父目錄
'// 9 -----根目錄
dim f, s
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfile(filename)
select case infotype
case 1 s = f.datecreated
case 2 s = f.datelastaccessed
case 3 s = f.datelastmodified
case 4 s = f.path
case 5 s = f.name
case 6 s = f.type
case 7 s = f.size
case 8 s = f.parentfolder
case 9 s = f.rootfolder
end select
showfileaccessinfo = s
showfileaccessinfo = -1
end if
end function
public function writetxtfile(filename,textstr,writeorappendtype)
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2 , forappending = 8
dim f, m
select case writeorappendtype
case 1: '文件進行寫操作
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forwriting, true)
f.write textstr
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
writetxtfile = 1
writetxtfile = -1
end if
case 2: '文件尾進行寫操作
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forappending)
f.write textstr
writetxtfile = 1
writetxtfile = -1
end if
end select
end function
public function readtxtfile(filename)
const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2
dim f, m
if reportfilestatus(filename) = 1 then
set f = objfso.opentextfile(filename, forreading)
m = f.readline
readtxtfile = m
readtxtfile = -1
end if
end function
public function reportfolderstatus(fldr)
dim msg
msg = -1
if (objfso.folderexists(fldr)) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportfolderstatus = msg
end function
public function getfoldersize(foldername)
dim f
if reportfolderstatus(foldername) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(foldername)
getfoldersize = f.size
getfoldersize = -1
end if
end function
public function createfolderdemo(foldername)
dim f
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
createfolderdemo = -1
set f = objfso.createfolder(foldername)
createfolderdemo = 1
end if
end function
public function deleteafolder(folderspec)
response.write folderspec
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
objfso.deletefolder (folderspec)
deleteafolder = 1
deleteafolder = -1
end if
end function
public function showfolderlist(folderspec)
dim f, f1, fc, s
if reportfolderstatus(folderspec) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(folderspec)
set fc = f.subfolders
for each f1 in fc
s = s & f1.name
s = s & "|"
showfolderlist = s
showfolderlist = -1
end if
end function
public function copyafolder(sourcefolder,destinationfolder)
objfso.copyfolder sourcefolder,destinationfolder
copyafolder = 1
copyafolder = -1
end function
public function moveafolder(sourcepath,destinationpath)
if reportfolderstatus(sourcepath)=1 and reportfolderstatus(destinationpath)=0 then
objfso.movefolder sourcepath, destinationpath
moveafolder = 1
moveafolder = -1
end if
end function
public function showfolderaccessinfo(foldername,infotype)
'// 1 -----創建時間
'// 2 -----上次訪問時間
'// 3 -----上次修改時間
'// 4 -----目錄路徑
'// 5 -----目錄名稱
'// 6 -----目錄類型
'// 7 -----目錄大小
'// 8 -----父目錄
'// 9 -----根目錄
dim f, s
if reportfolderstatus(foldername) = 1 then
set f = objfso.getfolder(foldername)
select case infotype
case 1 s = f.datecreated
case 2 s = f.datelastaccessed
case 3 s = f.datelastmodified
case 4 s = f.path
case 5 s = f.name
case 6 s = f.type
case 7 s = f.size
case 8 s = f.parentfolder
case 9 s = f.rootfolder
end select
showfolderaccessinfo = s
showfolderaccessinfo = -1
end if
end function
public function displayleveldepth(pathspec)
dim f, n ,path
set f = objfso.getfolder(pathspec)
if f.isrootfolder then
displayleveldepth ="指寫的文件夾是根文件夾."&rootfolder
do until f.isrootfolder
path = path & f.name &"<br>"
set f = f.parentfolder
n = n + 1
displayleveldepth ="指寫的文件夾是嵌套級為:" & n & " 的文件夾.<br>" & path
end if
end function
public function reportdrivestatus(drv)
dim msg
msg = -1
if objfso.driveexists(drv) then
msg = 1
msg = -1
end if
reportdrivestatus = msg
end function
public function showfilesystemtype(drvspec)
dim d
if reportdrivestatus(drvspec) = 1 then
set d = objfso.getdrive(drvspec)
showfilesystemtype = d.filesystem
showfilesystemtype = -1
end if
end function
end class