• 【算法总结】二分搜索

    一、 STL函数

    • lower_bound()

        试图在已排序的 [first, last) 中寻找元素 value。返回一个迭代器,指向第一个“不小于 value”的元素,如果 value 大于 [first, last)内的任何一个元素,则返回 last。实际上,它返回“在不破坏顺序的情况下,可插入 value 的第一个合适位置”。

    • upper_bound()

        试图在已排序的 [first, last) 中寻找元素 value。返回一个迭代器,如果 value 存在,迭代器将指向最后一个 value 的下一位置。实际上,它会返回“在不破坏顺序的情况下,可插入 value 的最后一个合适位置”。也可理解为是第一大于 value 的元素的位置(不存在则返回 last)。

    • binary_search()

        返回值为 Bool 类型,如果 [first, last)内有等同于value的元素,便返回 true,否则返回 false。

    • equal_range()

        返回一个pair,其 first 成员是 lower_bound 返回的迭代器,second 成员返回的是 upper_bound 返回的迭代器。




       以实现 lower_bound 为例,给定长度为$n$的单调不下降数列$a_{0},cdots,a_{n-1}$和一个数$k$,求满足$a_{i}geqslant k$的最小的$i$。不存在的情况下输出$n$。

     1 int n, k;
     2 int a[MAX_N];
     4 void solve() {
     5     int lb  = -1, ub = n;
     7     while (ub - lb > 1) {
     8         int mid = lb + (ub - lb) / 2;
     9         if (a[mid] >= k) {
    10             // 如果mid满足条件,则解的存在范围变为(lb, mid]
    11             ub = mid;
    12         } else {
    13             // 如果mid不满足条件,则解的存在范围变为(mid, ub]
    14             lb = mid;
    15         }
    16     }
    18     print("%d
    ", ub)
    19 }

      分析:1. n = 0 那么此时 lb = -1,ub = n = 0,跳过 while 循环,输出 ub = n = 0,正确

         2. n = 1 那么此时 lb = -1,ub = n = 1,进入 while 循环, mid = 0。假如$a[0] geqslant k$,那么 ub = 0,输出 ub = 0,否则 lb = 0,输出 ub = 0。

         3. 若 i 应为 0(即a[0] = k,数组左端点),那么 ub 会一直向左收缩(此过程中 lb 不变),直到 mid = 0,从而 ub = mid = 0。输出 ub = 0.

         4. 若 i 应为 n - 1(即a[n-1] = k,数组右端点),那么 lb 会一直向右收缩(此过程中 ub 不变),直到 lb = n - 2,lb + 2 = ub,此时 mid = n - 1,a[mid] == k, ub = n - 1,下一循环时条件不成立,输出 ub = n - 1.

         5. 若 i 应为 n(即数组中无 k),那么 lb 会一直向右收缩(此过程 ub 不变),直到 lb = n - 1,循环条件不成立,输出 ub = n。

        由上述分析可知,可解范围一直为 (lb, ub]。lb用来不断缩小范围。




      分析 lower_bound() 函数,其搜索也可转化为“求满足某个条件$C(x)$的最小的$x$"这一问题。而$C(x)$即为$a_{i}geqslant k$。对于任意满足$C(x)$的$x$,如果所有的${x}'geqslant x$也满足$C({x}')$的话,我们就可以用二分搜索来求得最小的$x$。

      首先我们将区间的左端点初始化为不满足$C(x)$的值,右端点初始化为满足$C(x)$的值,然后每次取中点 mid,判断$C(mid)$是否满足并缩小范围,直到 (lb, ub] 足够小了位置,最后 ub 就是要求的最小值。最大化的问题也可以用同样的方法。

      1. 假定一个解并判断是否可行

     POJ No. 1064 Cable master

    Inhabitants of the Wonderland have decided to hold a regional programming contest. The Judging Committee has volunteered and has promised to organize the most honest contest ever. It was decided to connect computers for the contestants using a "star" topology - i.e. connect them all to a single central hub. To organize a truly honest contest, the Head of the Judging Committee has decreed to place all contestants evenly around the hub on an equal distance from it. 
    To buy network cables, the Judging Committee has contacted a local network solutions provider with a request to sell for them a specified number of cables with equal lengths. The Judging Committee wants the cables to be as long as possible to sit contestants as far from each other as possible. 
    The Cable Master of the company was assigned to the task. He knows the length of each cable in the stock up to a centimeter,and he can cut them with a centimeter precision being told the length of the pieces he must cut. However, this time, the length is not known and the Cable Master is completely puzzled. 
    You are to help the Cable Master, by writing a program that will determine the maximal possible length of a cable piece that can be cut from the cables in the stock, to get the specified number of pieces.
    The first line of the input file contains two integer numb ers N and K, separated by a space. N (1 = N = 10000) is the number of cables in the stock, and K (1 = K = 10000) is the number of requested pieces. The first line is followed by N lines with one number per line, that specify the length of each cable in the stock in meters. All cables are at least 1 meter and at most 100 kilometers in length. All lengths in the input file are written with a centimeter precision, with exactly two digits after a decimal point.
    Write to the output file the maximal length (in meters) of the pieces that Cable Master may cut from the cables in the stock to get the requested number of pieces. The number must be written with a centimeter precision, with exactly two digits after a decimal point. 
    If it is not possible to cut the requested number of pieces each one being at least one centimeter long, then the output file must contain the single number "0.00" (without quotes).
    Sample Input
    4 11
    Sample Output



       lb = 0;ub = INF


       现在的问题是是否可以高效的判断$C(x)$。由于长度为$L_{i}$的绳子最多可以切出$floor(L_{i} / x)$段长度为$x$绳子,因此

       $C(x)=$($floor(L_{i} / x)$的总和是否大于或等于$K$)。


         此题求的是满足条件的最大x,所以当满足条件时,lb = mid。所以才能求得最大值。

         结果显示2位小数,且不可四舍五入,处理方法为先乘上10的要显示的位数次方,取floor后再除以刚才乘上的因子。例如0.366,四舍五入为0.37,0.366 * 100 = 36.6,floor(36.6) = 36., 36. / 100 = 0.36。 

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <math.h>  
     4 #include <limits.h>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     8 int N = 0, K = 0;
     9 double length[MAX];
    11 bool C(double x) {
    12     int num = 0;
    13     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    14         num += (int)(length[i] / x);
    15     }
    16     return num >= K;
    17 }
    18 int main(){
    19     cin >> N >> K;
    20     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    21         cin >> length[i];
    22     }
    24     double lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    25     for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    26         double mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    27         if (C(mid))
    28             lb = mid;
    29         else
    30             ub = mid;
    31     }
    33     printf("%.2f
    ", floor(lb * 100) / 100);
    34     system("pause");
    35     return 0;
    36 }
    View Code

      2.最大化最小值 or 最小化最大值

    POJ No.2456 Aggressive cows

    Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...,xN (0 <= xi <= 1,000,000,000). 
    His C (2 <= C <= N) cows don't like this barn layout and become aggressive towards each other once put into a stall. To prevent the cows from hurting each other, FJ want to assign the cows to the stalls, such that the minimum distance between any two of them is as large as possible. What is the largest minimum distance?
    * Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and C 
    * Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains an integer stall location, xi
    * Line 1: One integer: the largest minimum distance
    Sample Input
    5 3
    Sample Output
    FJ can put his 3 cows in the stalls at positions 1, 4 and 8, resulting in a minimum distance of 3. 
    Huge input data,scanf is recommended.
    View Code

      分析问题,使间距最近的两头牛的间距最大化,那么直接方法是遍历间距 d。

      定义 $C(d):=$可以安排牛的位置使得最近的两头牛的距离不小于d,问题变为求满足$C(d)$的最大的 d。

      换一种表述方式,最近的间距不小于 d 也可以表述为所有牛的间距都不小于 d,因此

      定义 $C(d):=$可以安排牛的位置使得任意的牛的间距都不小于d。


    • 对牛舍的位置 pos 进行排序
    • 把第一头牛放入 pos[0] 的牛舍
    • 如果第 i 头牛放入了 pos[j] 的话,第 i+1 头牛就要放入满足$pos[j] + dleqslant pos[k]$的最小的 pos[k]。
     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     8 int N, C;
     9 int pos[MAX];
    11 bool check(int d) {
    12     int pre = 0; // 第一头牛放在 pos[0] 位置
    13     // 遍历剩下的 C-1 头牛,即枚举所有牛的间距
    14     for (int i = 1; i < C; ++i) { 
    15         int cur = pre + 1;
    16         while (cur < N && pos[cur] - pos[pre] < d) {
    17             ++cur;
    18         }
    19         if (cur == N)
    20             return false;
    21         pre = cur;
    22     }
    23     return true;
    24 }
    25 int main() {
    26     cin >> N >> C;
    27     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    28         cin >> pos[i];
    29     }
    30     std::sort(pos, pos + N);
    31     int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX; // 解范围的初始化[lb, ub)
    32     while (ub - lb > 1) {
    33         int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    34         if (check(mid))
    35             lb = mid;
    36         else
    37             ub = mid;
    38     }
    39     printf("%d
    ", lb);
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    View Code

     POJ No.3258 River Hopscotch

    Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The excitement takes place on a long, straight river with a rock at the start and another rock at the end, L units away from the start (1 ≤ L ≤ 1,000,000,000). Along the river between the starting and ending rocks, N (0 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) more rocks appear, each at an integral distance Di from the start (0 < Di < L).
    To play the game, each cow in turn starts at the starting rock and tries to reach the finish at the ending rock, jumping only from rock to rock. Of course, less agile cows never make it to the final rock, ending up instead in the river.
    Farmer John is proud of his cows and watches this event each year. But as time goes by, he tires of watching the timid cows of the other farmers limp across the short distances between rocks placed too closely together. He plans to remove several rocks in order to increase the shortest distance a cow will have to jump to reach the end. He knows he cannot remove the starting and ending rocks, but he calculates that he has enough resources to remove up to M rocks (0 ≤ M ≤ N).
    FJ wants to know exactly how much he can increase the shortest distance *before* he starts removing the rocks. Help Farmer John determine the greatest possible shortest distance a cow has to jump after removing the optimal set of M rocks.
    Line 1: Three space-separated integers: L, N, and M 
    Lines 2..N+1: Each line contains a single integer indicating how far some rock is away from the starting rock. No two rocks share the same position.
    Line 1: A single integer that is the maximum of the shortest distance a cow has to jump after removing M rocks
    Sample Input
    25 5 2
    Sample Output
    Before removing any rocks, the shortest jump was a jump of 2 from 0 (the start) to 2. After removing the rocks at 2 and 14, the shortest required jump is a jump of 4 (from 17 to 21 or from 21 to 25).
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      这道题与POJ 2456非常相似,这道题是拿走几个位置,而2456是选几个位置放入,实际上是一样的。

      定义$C(x)=$在丢弃石子数量不超过 M 的前提下,使得任意石子的间距都不小于d。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 50000 + 5;
     8 int length, n, m;
     9 int dist[MAX];
    11 bool check(int d) {
    12     int pre = 0, drop = 0;
    13     for (int i = 1; i <= n + 1; ++i) {
    14         if (dist[i] - dist[pre] < d) {
    15             ++drop;
    16         }
    17         else {
    18             pre = i;
    19         }
    20     }
    22     return drop <= m;
    23 }
    24 int main() {
    25     cin >> length >> n >> m;
    26     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
    27         cin >> dist[i];
    28     }
    29     dist[0] = 0;
    30     dist[n + 1] = length;
    31     sort(dist, dist + n + 1);
    33     int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    34     while (ub - lb > 1) {
    35         double mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    36         if (check(mid))
    37             lb = mid;
    38         else
    39             ub = mid;
    40     }
    41     printf("%d
    ", lb);
    42     system("pause");
    43     return 0;
    44 }
    View Code

    POJ No.3273 Monthly Expense

    Farmer John is an astounding accounting wizard and has realized he might run out of money to run the farm. He has already calculated and recorded the exact amount of money (1 ≤ moneyi ≤ 10,000) that he will need to spend each day over the next N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) days.
    FJ wants to create a budget for a sequential set of exactly M (1 ≤ M ≤ N) fiscal periods called "fajomonths". Each of these fajomonths contains a set of 1 or more consecutive days. Every day is contained in exactly one fajomonth.
    FJ's goal is to arrange the fajomonths so as to minimize the expenses of the fajomonth with the highest spending and thus determine his monthly spending limit.
    Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M 
    Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains the number of dollars Farmer John spends on the ith day
    Line 1: The smallest possible monthly limit Farmer John can afford to live with.
    Sample Input
    7 5
    Sample Output
    If Farmer John schedules the months so that the first two days are a month, the third and fourth are a month, and the last three are their own months, he spends at most $500 in any month. Any other method of scheduling gives a larger minimum monthly limit
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      题目的意思是将一组N个数据分成M个连续的包,要求每个包容量的最小值 如果分成1份的话,这个包的容量就是所有数据之和SUM 如果分成N份的话,这个包的容量就是N个数字中的最大元素MAX 于是我们要求的就是[MAX,SUM]中某一值K。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     8 int N, M;
     9 int money[MAX];
    11 bool check(int d) {
    12     int cnt = 0;
    13     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    14         int sum = money[i];
    15         while (i + 1 < N && sum + money[i + 1] <= d)
    16             sum += money[++i];
    17         ++cnt;
    18     }
    19     return cnt <= M;
    20 }
    21 int main() {
    22     scanf("%d%d", &N, &M);
    23     int lb = 0, ub = 0;
    24     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    25         scanf("%d", &money[i]);
    26         ub += money[i];
    27         lb = max(lb, money[i]);
    28     }
    29     --lb; // 解的范围(lb, ub]
    30     while (ub - lb > 1) {
    31         int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    32         if (check(mid))
    33             ub = mid;
    34         else
    35             lb = mid;
    36     }
    37     printf("%d
    ", ub);
    38     system("pause");
    39     return 0;
    40 }
    View Code

      注意的是此解里 lb 初始化为 max - 1,ub初始化为 sum,经测试,ub 初始化为 INT_MAX也可以,不过 lb不能直接初始化为 -1 或 0。因为 lb 初始化为 max - 1 避免了在check过程程中检查 单个元素的值是否超过了 mid,因为如果超过了,无论如何是不能按照 mid 划分的。所以如果非要将 lb 初始化为 -1 或 0,那么就必须在 check() 中检查单个元素的值是否超过了给定值。

      lb 初始化为 -1 的版本:

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     8 int N, M;
     9 int money[MAX];
    11 bool check(int d) {
    12     int cnt = 0;
    13     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    14         if (money[i] > d) return false;
    15         int sum = money[i];
    16         while (i + 1 < N && sum + money[i + 1] <= d)
    17             sum += money[++i];
    18         ++cnt;
    19     }
    20     return cnt <= M;
    21 }
    22 int main() {
    23     scanf("%d%d", &N, &M);
    24     int lb = 0, ub = 0;
    25     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    26         scanf("%d", &money[i]);
    27         ub += money[i];
    28         lb = max(lb, money[i]);
    29     }
    30     lb = -1;
    31     while (ub - lb > 1) {
    32         int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    33         if (check(mid))
    34             ub = mid;
    35         else
    36             lb = mid;
    37     }
    38     printf("%d
    ", ub);
    39     system("pause");
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    View Code

    POJ No.3104 Drying

    It is very hard to wash and especially to dry clothes in winter. But Jane is a very smart girl. She is not afraid of this boring process. Jane has decided to use a radiator to make drying faster. But the radiator is small, so it can hold only one thing at a time.
    Jane wants to perform drying in the minimal possible time. She asked you to write a program that will calculate the minimal time for a given set of clothes.
    There are n clothes Jane has just washed. Each of them took ai water during washing. Every minute the amount of water contained in each thing decreases by one (of course, only if the thing is not completely dry yet). When amount of water contained becomes zero the cloth becomes dry and is ready to be packed.
    Every minute Jane can select one thing to dry on the radiator. The radiator is very hot, so the amount of water in this thing decreases by k this minute (but not less than zero — if the thing contains less than k water, the resulting amount of water will be zero).
    The task is to minimize the total time of drying by means of using the radiator effectively. The drying process ends when all the clothes are dry.
    The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000). The second line contains ai separated by spaces (1 ≤ ai ≤ 109). The third line contains k (1 ≤ k ≤ 109).
    Output a single integer — the minimal possible number of minutes required to dry all clothes.
    Sample Input
    sample input #1
    2 3 9
    sample input #2
    2 3 6
    Sample Output
    sample output #1
    sample output #2
    View Code

      对于某一件衣服 i,假设其使用 radiator x 分钟,那么其自然晾干需要 mid - x 分钟,则若要晾干此件衣服,需满足 $ x imes k + (mid - x) geqslant water[i]$,即 $x geqslant (water[i] - d) / ( k - 1)$。这里需注意的是,假如需要烘干 5.1分钟,那么实际上占用了 ceil(5.1) = 6分钟。将所有衣服的最少烘干时间加起来,如果不大于 mid 时间,则能全部晾干。

    另外需注意 k = 1的情况,此时 k - 1 = 0,需作特殊情况讨论。实际上若 k = 1,所需时间即为所有衣服的水量总和,直接返回 ub 即可。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int n, k;
    10 long long water[MAX];
    12 bool check(int d) {
    13     long long cnt = 0;
    14     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    15         if (water[i] > d) {
    16             cnt += ceil((water[i] - d)*1.0 / (k - 1));
    17             // 亦可 cnt += (water[i] - d - 1) / (k - 1) + 1;
    18         }
    19     }
    20     return cnt <= d;
    21 }
    22 int main() {
    23     while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){
    24         long long lb = -1, ub = 0;
    25         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    26             scanf("%lld", &water[i]);
    27             ub = max(ub, water[i]);
    28         }
    29         scanf("%lld", &k);
    30         if (k <= 1) {
    31             printf("%d
    ", ub);
    32             continue;
    33         }
    34         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    35             long long mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    36             if (check(mid))
    37                 ub = mid;
    38             else
    39                 lb = mid;
    40         }
    41         printf("%lld
    ", ub);
    42     }
    43     system("pause");
    44     return 0;
    45 }
    View Code

    POJ No.3045 Cow Acrobats

    Farmer John's N (1 <= N <= 50,000) cows (numbered 1..N) are planning to run away and join the circus. Their hoofed feet prevent them from tightrope walking and swinging from the trapeze (and their last attempt at firing a cow out of a cannon met with a dismal failure). Thus, they have decided to practice performing acrobatic stunts. 
    The cows aren't terribly creative and have only come up with one acrobatic stunt: standing on top of each other to form a vertical stack of some height. The cows are trying to figure out the order in which they should arrange themselves ithin this stack. 
    Each of the N cows has an associated weight (1 <= W_i <= 10,000) and strength (1 <= S_i <= 1,000,000,000). The risk of a cow collapsing is equal to the combined weight of all cows on top of her (not including her own weight, of course) minus her strength (so that a stronger cow has a lower risk). Your task is to determine an ordering of the cows that minimizes the greatest risk of collapse for any of the cows.
    * Line 1: A single line with the integer N. 
    * Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 describes cow i with two space-separated integers, W_i and S_i. 
    * Line 1: A single integer, giving the largest risk of all the cows in any optimal ordering that minimizes the risk.
    Sample Input
    10 3
    2 5
    3 3
    Sample Output
    Put the cow with weight 10 on the bottom. She will carry the other two cows, so the risk of her collapsing is 2+3-3=2. The other cows have lower risk of collapsing.
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      对于第 i 个 和第 j 个,假如 i 位于 j 之上为最优,那么需满足 前者的最大损失小于后者的最大损失,即 $max(-s_{i}, w_{i} - s_{j})< max(-s_{j}, w_{j} - s_{i})$。


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int n, k;
    10 struct Cow {
    11     int w, s;
    13     bool operator<(const Cow &c) const {
    14         return max(-s, w - c.s) < max(-c.s, c.w - s);
    15     }
    16 } cows[MAX];
    18 int main() {
    19     scanf("%d", &n);
    20     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    21         scanf("%d%d", &cows[i].w, &cows[i].s);
    22     }
    23     sort(cows, cows + n);
    24     int risk = -cows[0].s;
    25     int sum = cows[0].w;
    26     for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    27         risk = max(risk, sum - cows[i].s);
    28         sum += cows[i].w;
    29     }
    30     printf("%d
    ", risk);
    31     return 0;
    32 }
    View Code



    有 $n$个物品的重量和价值分别是$w_{i}$和$v_{i}$。从中选出$k$个物品使得单位重量的价值最大

    限制条件 :$1leqslant k leqslant n leqslant 10^{4}$; $1leqslant w_{i}, v_{i} leqslant 10^{6}$


    n = 3

    k = 2

    (w, v) = { (2, 2), (5, 3), (2, 1) }


    0.75 (如果选 0 号和 2 号物品,平均价值是 (2 + 1) / (2 + 2) = 0.75)

      定义 $C(x):=$可以选择使得单位重量的价值不小于$x$

      原问题变换为求满足$C(x)$的最大的 x。剩下的问题就是如何判断$C(x)$是否可行了。


      $sumlimits_{iin S}v_{i} / sumlimits_{iin S}w_{i}$


      $sumlimits_{iin S}v_{i} / sumlimits_{iin S}w_{i} geqslant x$


      $sumlimits_{iin S}(v_{i} - x imes w_{i}) geqslant 0$

      因此可以对$(v_{i} - x imes w_{i})$的值进行排序贪心地进行选取

      定义 $C(x)=$($(v_{i} - x imes w_{i})$从大到小排列中的前$k$个和不小于0)

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     8 int n, k;
     9 int w[MAX], v[MAX];
    10 double tmp[MAX]; // v - x * w
    12 bool check(double x) {
    13     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    14         tmp[i] = v[i] - x * w[i];
    15     }
    16     sort(tmp, tmp + n);
    18     // 计算从大到小前 k 个数的和
    19     double sum = 0;
    20     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
    21         sum += tmp[n - 1 - i];
    22     }
    23     return sum >= 0;
    24 }
    25 int main() {
    26     cin >> n >> k;
    27     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    28         cin >> w[i] >> v[i];
    29     }
    31     double lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    32     for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    33         double mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    34         if (check(mid))
    35             lb = mid;
    36         else
    37             ub = mid;
    38     }
    39     printf("%.2f
    ", lb);
    40     system("pause");
    41     return 0;
    42 }
    View Code

    POJ No.2976 Dropping tests 

    In a certain course, you take n tests. If you get ai out of bi questions correct on test i, your cumulative average is defined to be
    Given your test scores and a positive integer k, determine how high you can make your cumulative average if you are allowed to drop any k of your test scores.
    Suppose you take 3 tests with scores of 5/5, 0/1, and 2/6. Without dropping any tests, your cumulative average is . However, if you drop the third test, your cumulative average becomes .
    The input test file will contain multiple test cases, each containing exactly three lines. The first line contains two integers, 1 ≤ n ≤ 1000 and 0 ≤ k < n. The second line contains n integers indicating ai for all i. The third line contains n positive integers indicating bi for all i. It is guaranteed that 0 ≤ ai ≤ bi ≤ 1, 000, 000, 000. The end-of-file is marked by a test case with n = k = 0 and should not be processed.
    For each test case, write a single line with the highest cumulative average possible after dropping k of the given test scores. The average should be rounded to the nearest integer.
    Sample Input
    3 1
    5 0 2
    5 1 6
    4 2
    1 2 7 9
    5 6 7 9
    0 0
    Sample Output
    To avoid ambiguities due to rounding errors, the judge tests have been constructed so that all answers are at least 0.001 away from a decision boundary (i.e., you can assume that the average is never 83.4997).
    View Code

      网上一查,结果时 01分数规划问题,不懂。。。先mark,毕竟已经过了acmer的年纪。关于解,查看 url

      此题就是将数组 c[i] = a[i] - x * b[i]  从大到小排序,取前 n - k个的和,看与0的大小关系。实际上和上一题一模一样。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 1000 + 5;
     9 const double eps = 1e-7;
    10 int n, k;
    11 long long a[MAX], b[MAX];
    12 double c[MAX];
    14 bool check(double x) {
    15     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    16         c[i] = a[i] - x * b[i];
    17     }
    18     sort(c, c + n);
    19     double sum = 0;
    20     // 丢弃 k 个,留下 n - k 个
    21     for (int i = 0; i < n - k; ++i) {
    22         sum += c[n - 1 - i];
    23     }
    24     return sum >= 0;
    25 }
    27 int main() {
    28     while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) != EOF && (n || k)) {
    29         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    30             scanf("%lld", &a[i]);
    31         }
    32         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    33             scanf("%lld", &b[i]);
    34         }
    35         double lb = 0.0, ub = 1.0;
    36         while (ub - lb > eps) {
    37             double mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    38             if (check(mid))
    39                 lb = mid;
    40             else
    41                 ub = mid;
    42         }
    43         printf("%0.0f
    ", lb * 100);
    44     }
    46     system("pause");
    47     return 0;
    48 }
    View Code

    POJ No.3111 K Best

    Demy has n jewels. Each of her jewels has some value vi and weight wi.
    Since her husband John got broke after recent financial crises, Demy has decided to sell some jewels. She has decided that she would keep k best jewels for herself. She decided to keep such jewels that their specific value is as large as possible. That is, denote the specific value of some set of jewels S = {i1, i2, …, ik} as
    Demy would like to select such k jewels that their specific value is maximal possible. Help her to do so.
    The first line of the input file contains n — the number of jewels Demy got, and k — the number of jewels she would like to keep (1 ≤ k ≤ n ≤ 100 000).
    The following n lines contain two integer numbers each — vi and wi (0 ≤ vi ≤ 106, 1 ≤ wi ≤ 106, both the sum of all vi and the sum of all wi do not exceed 107).
    Output k numbers — the numbers of jewels Demy must keep. If there are several solutions, output any one.
    Sample Input
    3 2
    1 1
    1 2
    1 3
    Sample Output
    1 2
    View Code

      和上面两题一样,不过需要将 pos 同时记录下来。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 const double eps = 1e-7;
    10 int n, k;
    12 struct Node {
    13     double v, w, t;
    14     int id;
    15     bool operator<(const Node &other) const {
    16         return t > other.t;
    17     }
    18 } node[MAX];
    20 bool check(double x) {
    21     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    22         node[i].t = node[i].v - x * node[i].w;
    23     }
    24     sort(node, node + n);
    25     double sum = 0;
    27     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
    28         sum += node[i].t;
    29     }
    30     return sum >= 0;
    31 }
    33 int main() {
    34     while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) != EOF && (n || k)) {
    35         double lb = 0.0, ub = INT_MAX;
    36         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    37             scanf("%lf%lf", &node[i].v, &node[i].w);
    38             node[i].id = i + 1;
    39         }
    40         while (ub - lb > eps) {
    41             double mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    42             if (check(mid))
    43                 lb = mid;
    44             else
    45                 ub = mid;
    46         }
    48         for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
    49             if (i > 0)
    50                 printf(" ");
    51             printf("%d", node[i].id);
    52         }
    53         printf("
    54     }
    55     return 0;
    56 }
    View Code

      4. 查找第K大的值

    POJ  No.3579 Median

    Given N numbers, X1, X2, ... , XN, let us calculate the difference of every pair of numbers: ∣Xi - Xj∣ (1 ≤ i < j ≤ N). We can get C(N,2) differences through this work, and now your task is to find the median of the differences as quickly as you can!
    Note in this problem, the median is defined as the (m/2)-th  smallest number if m,the amount of the differences, is even. For example, you have to find the third smallest one in the case of m = 6.
    The input consists of several test cases.
    In each test case, N will be given in the first line. Then N numbers are given, representing X1, X2, ... , XN, ( Xi ≤ 1,000,000,000  3 ≤ N ≤ 1,00,000 )
    For each test case, output the median in a separate line.
    Sample Input
    1 3 2 4
    1 10 2
    Sample Output
    View Code

      此题的本质即判断有序序列中二分找出中位数。假如序列长 n,则中位数是第$(n+1)/2)$个数,位置下标为$(n+1)/2 - 1$。



    •  大于等于 val 的元素个数应大于$n-k$个。求最大 val。
    •  大于 val 的元素个数应小于等于$n-k$个。求最小 val。
    •    小于等于 val 的元素个数应大于$k-1$个。求最小 val。
    •    小于 val 的元素个数应小于等于$k-1$个。求最大 val。

      假设中位数的值为 val。对于无重复元素的有序序列,中位数为第$(n+1)/2$大元素。其左边应该有$(n-1)/2$个元素,右边有$n/2$个元素。那么其性质为

    •  大于等于 val 的元素个数应大于$n/2$个。求最大 val。
    •  大于 val 的元素个数应小于等于$n/2$个。求最小 val。
    •    小于等于 val 的元素个数应大于$(n-1)/2$个。求最小 val。
    •    小于 val 的元素个数应小于等于$(n-1)/2$个。求最大 val。


    Condition 1

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int N;
    10 long long m;
    11 int x[MAX];
    13 bool check(int mid) {
    14     long long cnt = 0;
    15     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    16         // cnt 记录了a[j]-a[i]>=mid的a[j]的个数
    17         cnt += x + N - lower_bound(x + i + 1, x + N, mid + x[i]);
    19     }
    20     return cnt > m; // 说明 mid 太小
    21 }
    23 int main() {
    24     while (scanf("%d", &N) != EOF) {
    25         int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    26         for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    27             scanf("%d", &x[i]);
    28         }
    29         sort(x, x + N);
    30         m = (N * (N - 1) / 2) / 2;
    32         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    33             int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    34             if (check(mid))
    35                 lb = mid;
    36             else
    37                 ub = mid;
    38         }
    39         printf("%d
    ", lb);
    40     }
    41     system("pause");
    42     return 0;
    43 }
    View Code

    Condition 2

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int N;
    10 long long m;
    11 int x[MAX];
    13 bool check(int mid) {
    14     long long cnt = 0;
    15     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    16         // cnt 记录了a[j]-a[i]>mid的a[j]的个数
    17         cnt += x + N - upper_bound(x + i, x + N, mid + x[i]);
    18     }
    19     return cnt <= m; // 说明 mid 太大
    20 }
    22 int main() {
    23     while (scanf("%d", &N) != EOF) {
    24         int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    25         for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    26             scanf("%d", &x[i]);
    27         }
    28         sort(x, x + N);
    29         m = (N * (N - 1) / 2 ) / 2;
    31         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    32             int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    33             if (check(mid))
    34                 ub = mid;
    35             else
    36                 lb = mid;
    37         }
    38         printf("%d
    ", ub);
    39     }
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    View Code

    Condition 3

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int N;
    10 long long m;
    11 int x[MAX];
    13 bool check(int mid) {
    14     long long cnt = 0;
    15     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    16         // cnt 记录了a[j]-a[i]<=mid的a[j]的个数
    17         cnt += upper_bound(x + i, x + N, mid + x[i]) - 1 - (x + i);
    18     }
    19     return cnt > m; // 说明 mid 太大
    20 }
    22 int main() {
    23     while (scanf("%d", &N) != EOF) {
    24         int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    25         for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    26             scanf("%d", &x[i]);
    27         }
    28         sort(x, x + N);
    29         m = (N * (N - 1) / 2 - 1) / 2;
    31         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    32             int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    33             if (check(mid))
    34                 ub = mid;
    35             else
    36                 lb = mid;
    37         }
    38         printf("%d
    ", ub);
    39     }
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    View Code

    Condition 4

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 const int MAX = 100000 + 5;
     9 int N;
    10 long long m;
    11 int x[MAX];
    13 bool check(int mid) {
    14     long long cnt = 0;
    15     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    16         // cnt 记录了a[j]-a[i]<mid的a[j]的个数
    17         cnt += lower_bound(x + i + 1, x + N, mid + x[i]) - 1 - (x + i);
    18     }
    19     return cnt <= m; // 说明 mid 太小
    20 }
    22 int main() {
    23     while (scanf("%d", &N) != EOF) {
    24         int lb = 0, ub = INT_MAX;
    25         for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    26             scanf("%d", &x[i]);
    27         }
    28         sort(x, x + N);
    29         m = (N * (N - 1) / 2 - 1) / 2;
    31         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    32             int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    33             if (check(mid))
    34                 lb = mid;
    35             else
    36                 ub = mid;
    37         }
    38         printf("%d
    ", lb);
    39     }
    40     return 0;
    41 }
    View Code

    POJ No.3685 Matrix

    Given a N × N matrix A, whose element in the i-th row and j-th column Aij is an number that equals i2 + 100000 × i + j2 - 100000 × j + i × j, you are to find the M-th smallest element in the matrix.
    The first line of input is the number of test case.
    For each test case there is only one line contains two integers, N(1 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) and M(1 ≤ M ≤ N × N). There is a blank line before each test case.
    For each test case output the answer on a single line.
    Sample Input
    1 1
    2 1
    2 2
    2 3
    2 4
    3 1
    3 2
    3 8
    3 9
    5 1
    5 25
    5 10
    Sample Output
    View Code

       观察公式$i^{2} + 100000 imes i + j^{2} - 100000 imes j + i imes j$,当固定 j 时,可以发现该函数关于 i 时递增的,所以在第 j 列中,函数值是从上往下递增的,这符合二分搜索的条件。先二分枚举 value,如果小于 value 的元素个数小于 M,说明该 value 太小。M-th 小的数为排序后数组的第M个数,那么在无重复元素的情况下小于第M个元素值的元素个数应该小于M。另外在check value时,也需要二分枚举行数,暴力枚举会超时。

      定义$C(x)=$数组中元素对应的函数值小于 value的个数小于 M 个。求最大value。

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <limits.h>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 #include <math.h>
     6 using namespace std;
     8 long long num, N, M;
    10 long long func(long long i, long long j) {
    11     return i*i + 100000 * i + j * j - 100000 * j + i * j;
    12 }
    14 bool check(long long val) {
    15     long long cnt = 0;
    16     for (int j = 1; j < N + 1; ++j) { // 枚举列
    17         int lb = 0, ub = N + 1;
    18         while (ub - lb > 1) {       // 枚举行
    19             int mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    20             if (func(mid, j) < val)
    21                 lb = mid;
    22             else
    23                 ub = mid;
    24         }
    25         cnt += lb;
    26     }
    27     return cnt < M;
    28 }
    30 int main() {
    31     scanf("%lld", &num);
    32     while (num--) {
    33         scanf("%lld%lld", &N, &M);
    34         long long lb = -100000 * N, ub = N * N + 100000 * N + N * N + N * N;
    36         while (ub - lb > 1) {
    37             long long mid = (ub - lb) / 2 + lb;
    38             if (check(mid))
    39                 lb = mid;
    40             else
    41                 ub = mid;
    42         }
    43         printf("%lld
    ", lb);
    44     }
    45     system("pause");
    46     return 0;
    47 }
    View Code

      5. 最小化第K大的值

    POJ No.2010 Moo University - Financial Aid

    Bessie noted that although humans have many universities they can attend, cows have none. To remedy this problem, she and her fellow cows formed a new university called The University of Wisconsin-Farmside,"Moo U" for short. 
    Not wishing to admit dumber-than-average cows, the founders created an incredibly precise admission exam called the Cow Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT) that yields scores in the range 1..2,000,000,000. 
    Moo U is very expensive to attend; not all calves can afford it.In fact, most calves need some sort of financial aid (0 <= aid <=100,000). The government does not provide scholarships to calves,so all the money must come from the university's limited fund (whose total money is F, 0 <= F <= 2,000,000,000). 
    Worse still, Moo U only has classrooms for an odd number N (1 <= N <= 19,999) of the C (N <= C <= 100,000) calves who have applied.Bessie wants to admit exactly N calves in order to maximize educational opportunity. She still wants the median CSAT score of the admitted calves to be as high as possible. 
    Recall that the median of a set of integers whose size is odd is the middle value when they are sorted. For example, the median of the set {3, 8, 9, 7, 5} is 7, as there are exactly two values above 7 and exactly two values below it. 
    Given the score and required financial aid for each calf that applies, the total number of calves to accept, and the total amount of money Bessie has for financial aid, determine the maximum median score Bessie can obtain by carefully admitting an optimal set of calves. 
    * Line 1: Three space-separated integers N, C, and F 
    * Lines 2..C+1: Two space-separated integers per line. The first is the calf's CSAT score; the second integer is the required amount of financial aid the calf needs 
    * Line 1: A single integer, the maximum median score that Bessie can achieve. If there is insufficient money to admit N calves,output -1. 
    Sample Input
    3 5 70
    30 25
    50 21
    20 20
    5 18
    35 30
    Sample Output
    Sample output:If Bessie accepts the calves with CSAT scores of 5, 35, and 50, the median is 35. The total financial aid required is 18 + 30 + 21 = 69 <= 70.
    View Code

    POJ No.3662 Telephone Lines

    Farmer John wants to set up a telephone line at his farm. Unfortunately, the phone company is uncooperative, so he needs to pay for some of the cables required to connect his farm to the phone system.
    There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000) forlorn telephone poles conveniently numbered 1..N that are scattered around Farmer John's property; no cables connect any them. A total of P (1 ≤ P ≤ 10,000) pairs of poles can be connected by a cable; the rest are too far apart.
    The i-th cable can connect the two distinct poles Ai and Bi, with length Li (1 ≤ Li ≤ 1,000,000) units if used. The input data set never names any {Ai, Bi} pair more than once. Pole 1 is already connected to the phone system, and pole N is at the farm. Poles 1 and N need to be connected by a path of cables; the rest of the poles might be used or might not be used.
    As it turns out, the phone company is willing to provide Farmer John with K (0 ≤ K < N) lengths of cable for free. Beyond that he will have to pay a price equal to the length of the longest remaining cable he requires (each pair of poles is connected with a separate cable), or 0 if he does not need any additional cables.
    Determine the minimum amount that Farmer John must pay.
    * Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, P, and K
    * Lines 2..P+1: Line i+1 contains the three space-separated integers: Ai, Bi, and Li
    * Line 1: A single integer, the minimum amount Farmer John can pay. If it is impossible to connect the farm to the phone company, print -1.
    Sample Input
    5 7 1
    1 2 5
    3 1 4
    2 4 8
    3 2 3
    5 2 9
    3 4 7
    4 5 6
    Sample Output
    View Code


    POJ No.1759 Garland 

    The New Year garland consists of N lamps attached to a common wire that hangs down on the ends to which outermost lamps are affixed. The wire sags under the weight of lamp in a particular way: each lamp is hanging at the height that is 1 millimeter lower than the average height of the two adjacent lamps. 
    The leftmost lamp in hanging at the height of A millimeters above the ground. You have to determine the lowest height B of the rightmost lamp so that no lamp in the garland lies on the ground though some of them may touch the ground. 
    You shall neglect the lamp's size in this problem. By numbering the lamps with integers from 1 to N and denoting the ith lamp height in millimeters as Hi we derive the following equations: 
    H1 = A 
    Hi = (Hi-1 + Hi+1)/2 - 1, for all 1 < i < N 
    HN = B 
    Hi >= 0, for all 1 <= i <= N 
    The sample garland with 8 lamps that is shown on the picture has A = 15 and B = 9.75. 
    The input file consists of a single line with two numbers N and A separated by a space. N (3 <= N <= 1000) is an integer representing the number of lamps in the garland, A (10 <= A <= 1000) is a real number representing the height of the leftmost lamp above the ground in millimeters.
    Write to the output file the single real number B accurate to two digits to the right of the decimal point representing the lowest possible height of the rightmost lamp.
    Sample Input
    692 532.81
    Sample Output
    View Code

    POJ No.3484 Showstopper

    Data-mining huge data sets can be a painful and long lasting process if we are not aware of tiny patterns existing within those data sets.
    One reputable company has recently discovered a tiny bug in their hardware video processing solution and they are trying to create software workaround. To achieve maximum performance they use their chips in pairs and all data objects in memory should have even number of references. Under certain circumstances this rule became violated and exactly one data object is referred by odd number of references. They are ready to launch product and this is the only showstopper they have. They need YOU to help them resolve this critical issue in most efficient way.
    Can you help them?
    Input file consists from multiple data sets separated by one or more empty lines.
    Each data set represents a sequence of 32-bit (positive) integers (references) which are stored in compressed way.
    Each line of input set consists from three single space separated 32-bit (positive) integers X Y Z and they represent following sequence of references: X, X+Z, X+2*Z, X+3*Z, …, X+K*Z, …(while (X+K*Z)<=Y).
    Your task is to data-mine input data and for each set determine weather data were corrupted, which reference is occurring odd number of times, and count that reference.
    For each input data set you should print to standard output new line of text with either “no corruption” (low case) or two integers separated by single space (first one is reference that occurs odd number of times and second one is count of that reference).
    Sample Input
    1 10 1
    2 10 1
    1 10 1
    1 10 1
    1 10 1
    4 4 1
    1 5 1
    6 10 1
    Sample Output
    1 1
    no corruption
    4 3
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Atanisi/p/8684339.html
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