* @class Ext.PagingToolbar
* @extends Ext.Toolbar
* A specialized toolbar that is bound to a {@link Ext.data.Store} and provides automatic paging controls.
* @constructor
* Create a new PagingToolbar
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} container The id or element that will contain the toolbar
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store The underlying data store providing the paged data
* @param {Object} config The config object
Ext.PagingToolbar = function(el, ds, config){
Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, null, config);
this.ds = ds;
this.cursor = 0;
Ext.extend(Ext.PagingToolbar, Ext.Toolbar, {
* @cfg {Boolean} displayInfo
* True to display the displayMsg (defaults to false)
// holder
* @cfg {Number} pageSize
* The number of records to display per page (defaults to 20)
pageSize: 20,
* @cfg {String} displayMsg
* The paging status message to display (defaults to "Displaying {start} - {end} of {total}")
displayMsg : 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}',
* @cfg {String} emptyMsg
* The message to display when no records are found (defaults to "No data to display")
emptyMsg : 'No data to display',
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Page")
* @type String
beforePageText : "Page",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "of %0")
* @type String
afterPageText : "of {0}",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "First Page")
* @type String
firstText : "First Page",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Previous Page")
* @type String
prevText : "Previous Page",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Next Page")
* @type String
nextText : "Next Page",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Last Page")
* @type String
lastText : "Last Page",
* Customizable piece of the default paging text (defaults to "Refresh")
* @type String
refreshText : "Refresh",
// private
renderButtons : function(el){
Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.render.call(this, el);
this.first = this.addButton({
tooltip: this.firstText,
cls: "x-btn-icon x-grid-page-first",
disabled: true,
handler: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["first"])
this.prev = this.addButton({
tooltip: this.prevText,
cls: "x-btn-icon x-grid-page-prev",
disabled: true,
handler: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["prev"])
this.field = Ext.get(this.addDom({
tag: "input",
type: "text",
size: "3",
value: "1",
cls: "x-grid-page-number"
this.field.on("keydown", this.onPagingKeydown, this);
this.field.on("focus", function(){this.dom.select();});
this.afterTextEl = this.addText(String.format(this.afterPageText, 1));
this.next = this.addButton({
tooltip: this.nextText,
cls: "x-btn-icon x-grid-page-next",
disabled: true,
handler: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["next"])
this.last = this.addButton({
tooltip: this.lastText,
cls: "x-btn-icon x-grid-page-last",
disabled: true,
handler: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["last"])
this.loading = this.addButton({
tooltip: this.refreshText,
cls: "x-btn-icon x-grid-loading",
handler: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["refresh"])
this.displayEl = Ext.fly(this.el.dom.firstChild).createChild({cls:'x-paging-info'});
// private
updateInfo : function(){
var count = this.ds.getCount();
var msg = count == 0 ?
this.emptyMsg :
this.cursor+1, this.cursor+count, this.ds.getTotalCount()
// private
onLoad : function(ds, r, o){
this.cursor = o.params ? o.params.start : 0;
var d = this.getPageData(), ap = d.activePage, ps = d.pages;
this.afterTextEl.el.innerHTML = String.format(this.afterPageText, d.pages);
this.field.dom.value = ap;
this.first.setDisabled(ap == 1);
this.prev.setDisabled(ap == 1);
this.next.setDisabled(ap == ps);
this.last.setDisabled(ap == ps);
// private
getPageData : function(){
var total = this.ds.getTotalCount();
return {
total : total,
activePage : Math.ceil((this.cursor+this.pageSize)/this.pageSize),
pages : total < this.pageSize ? 1 : Math.ceil(total/this.pageSize)
// private
onLoadError : function(){
// private
onPagingKeydown : function(e){
var k = e.getKey();
var d = this.getPageData();
if(k == e.RETURN){
var v = this.field.dom.value, pageNum;
if(!v || isNaN(pageNum = parseInt(v, 10))){
this.field.dom.value = d.activePage;
pageNum = Math.min(Math.max(1, pageNum), d.pages) - 1;
this.ds.load({params:{start: pageNum * this.pageSize, limit: this.pageSize}});
else if(k == e.HOME || (k == e.UP && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.PAGEUP && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.RIGHT && e.ctrlKey) || k == e.END || (k == e.DOWN && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.LEFT && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.PAGEDOWN && e.ctrlKey))
var pageNum = (k == e.HOME || (k == e.DOWN && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.LEFT && e.ctrlKey) || (k == e.PAGEDOWN && e.ctrlKey)) ? 1 : d.pages;
this.field.dom.value = pageNum;
this.ds.load({params:{start: (pageNum - 1) * this.pageSize, limit: this.pageSize}});
else if(k == e.UP || k == e.RIGHT || k == e.PAGEUP || k == e.DOWN || k == e.LEFT || k == e.PAGEDOWN)
var v = this.field.dom.value, pageNum;
var increment = (e.shiftKey) ? 10 : 1;
if(k == e.DOWN || k == e.LEFT || k == e.PAGEDOWN)
increment *= -1;
if(!v || isNaN(pageNum = parseInt(v, 10))) {
this.field.dom.value = d.activePage;
else if(parseInt(v, 10) + increment >= 1 & parseInt(v, 10) + increment <= d.pages)
this.field.dom.value = parseInt(v, 10) + increment;
pageNum = Math.min(Math.max(1, pageNum + increment), d.pages) - 1;
this.ds.load({params:{start: pageNum * this.pageSize, limit: this.pageSize}});
// private
beforeLoad : function(){
// private
onClick : function(which){
var ds = this.ds;
case "first":
ds.load({params:{start: 0, limit: this.pageSize}});
case "prev":
ds.load({params:{start: Math.max(0, this.cursor-this.pageSize), limit: this.pageSize}});
case "next":
ds.load({params:{start: this.cursor+this.pageSize, limit: this.pageSize}});
case "last":
var total = ds.getTotalCount();
var extra = total % this.pageSize;
var lastStart = extra ? (total - extra) : total-this.pageSize;
ds.load({params:{start: lastStart, limit: this.pageSize}});
case "refresh":
ds.load({params:{start: this.cursor, limit: this.pageSize}});
* Unbinds the paging toolbar from the specified {@link Ext.data.Store}
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store to unbind
unbind : function(ds){
ds.un("beforeload", this.beforeLoad, this);
ds.un("load", this.onLoad, this);
ds.un("loadexception", this.onLoadError, this);
this.ds = undefined;
* Binds the paging toolbar to the specified {@link Ext.data.Store}
* @param {Ext.data.Store} store The data store to bind
bind : function(ds){
ds.on("beforeload", this.beforeLoad, this);
ds.on("load", this.onLoad, this);
ds.on("loadexception", this.onLoadError, this);
this.ds = ds;