• [GraphQL] Write a GraphQL Schema in JavaScript

    Writing out a GraphQL Schema in the common GraphQL Language can work for simple GraphQL Schemas, but as our application grows, or when we start using more complex types like interfaces or unions, we find that we can’t use a GraphQL Language file in the same way as before. In this video, we’ll learn how to translate a GraphQL Schema written in GraphQL into a GraphQL Schema written in JavaScript.

    const express   = require('express');
    const graphqlHttp = require('express-graphql');
    const server = express();
    const port   = process.env.PORT || 3000;
    const {
          } = require('graphql');
    const videoType = new GraphQLObjectType({
        name: 'video',
        description: 'A video on Egghead.io',
        fields: {
            id: {
                type: GraphQLID,
                description: 'The id of the video'
            title: {
                type: GraphQLString,
                description: 'The title of the video'
            duration: {
                type: GraphQLInt,
                description: 'The duration of the video'
            watched: {
                type: GraphQLBoolean,
                description: 'Whether or no the viewer watched the video'
    const queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
        name: 'QueryType',
        description: 'The root query type',
        fields :{
            video: {
                type: videoType,
                resolve: () => {
                    return new Promise((resolve) => {
                            id: 'a',
                            title: 'GraphQL',
                            duration: 180,
                            watched: false })
    const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
        query: queryType
    const schema = buildSchema(`
        type Video {
            id: ID,
            title: String,
            duration: Int,
            watched: Boolean
        type Query {
            video: Video,
            videos: [Video]
        type Schema{
            query: Query
    const videos = [
            id       : '1',
            title    : 'react',
            duration : 180,
            watched  : true
            id       : '2',
            title    : 'relay',
            duration : 230,
            watched  : false
    const resolvers = {
        video  : () => ({
            id       : '1',
            title    : 'bar',
            duration : 180,
            watched  : true
        videos : () => videos
    server.use('/graphql', graphqlHttp({
                                         graphiql  : true, // use graphiql interface
    server.listen(port, () => {
        console.log(`Listening on http`)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/6238967.html
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