• [AngularJS] ngModelController render function

    ModelValue and ViewValue:

    $viewValue: Actual string value in the view.

    $modelValue: The value in the model that the control is bound to.

    In Anuglar, it watchs the $modelValue for you and update $viewValue.

    As you need to tell Angular when you set $viewValue and apply render() function to update.

    Before the $render() function is called, the value will be passed into the $formatters.

    $formatters: Array of functions to execute, as a pipeline, whenever the model value changes. The functions are called in reverse array order, each passing the value through to the next.

    function formatter(value) {
      if (value) {
        return value.toUpperCase();


     * Created by Answer1215 on 12/18/2014.
    angular.module('app', [])
        .directive('bank', function($filter) {
                restrict: 'E',
                template: '<div>Click me to add $10 into your account</div>',
                require: 'ngModel',
                //The ^ prefix means that this directive searches for the controller on its parents (without the ^ prefix, the directive would look for the controller on just its own element)
                link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
                    ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(modelValue) {
                        return "$" + modelValue;
                    //formatter is called before the render
                    //$render function require user to implement it
                    ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
                        element.text('Now you have: ' + ngModelCtrl.$viewValue);
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="app">
    <head lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <div ng-init="money=10"></div>
    <bank ng-model="money"></bank><br/>
    <input type="text" ng-model="money" /><button type="reset" ng-click="money=0">Reset</button>
    <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

    $rollbackViewValue(): Cancel an update and reset the input element's value to prevent an update to the $modelValue, which may be caused by a pending debounced event or because the input is waiting for a some future event.

    If you have an input that uses ng-model-options to set up debounced events or events such as blur you can have a situation where there is a period when the $viewValue is out of synch with the ngModel's $modelValue.

    In this case, you can run into difficulties if you try to update the ngModel's $modelValue programmatically before these debounced/future events have resolved/occurred, because Angular's dirty checking mechanism is not able to tell whether the model has actually changed or not.

    The $rollbackViewValue() method should be called before programmatically changing the model of an input which may have such events pending. This is important in order to make sure that the input field will be updated with the new model value and any pending operations are cancelled.

    See: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/ngModel.NgModelController

    $sec service: We are using the $sce service here and include the $sanitize module to automatically remove "bad" content like inline event listener (e.g.<span onclick="...">). However, as we are using $sce the model can still decide to provide unsafe content if it marks that content using the $sce service.

    angular.module('customControl', ['ngSanitize']).
    directive('contenteditable', ['$sce', function($sce) {
      return {
        restrict: 'A', // only activate on element attribute
        require: '?ngModel', // get a hold of NgModelController
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
          if (!ngModel) return; // do nothing if no ng-model
          // Specify how UI should be updated
          ngModel.$render = function() {
            element.html($sce.getTrustedHtml(ngModel.$viewValue || ''));
          // Listen for change events to enable binding
          element.on('blur keyup change', function() {
          read(); // initialize
          // Write data to the model
          function read() {
            var html = element.html();
            // When we clear the content editable the browser leaves a <br> behind
            // If strip-br attribute is provided then we strip this out
            if ( attrs.stripBr && html == '<br>' ) {
              html = '';
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/4175951.html
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