• [Typescript] Extract & Exclude

    Extract is useful for obtaining some sub-part of a type that is assignable to some other type.

    type FavoriteColors =
      | "dark sienna"
      | "van dyke brown"
      | "yellow ochre"
      | "sap green"
      | "titanium white"
      | "phthalo green"
      | "prussian blue"
      | "cadium yellow"
      | [number, number, number]
      | { red: number; green: number; blue: number }
    type StringColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, string> // "dark sienna" | "van dyke brown" | "yellow ochre" | "sap green" | "titanium white" | "phthalo green" | "prussian blue" | "cadium yellow"
    type StringColorsEndsWithA = Extract<FavoriteColors, `${string}a`> // "dark sienna"
    type ObjectColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, { red: number }> // { red: number; green: number; blue: number; }
    type TupleColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, [number, number, number]> // [number, number, number]
    type SingleNumberArray = Extract<FavoriteColors, [number]> // never
    type AnyNumberArray = Extract<FavoriteColors, number[]> // [number, number, number]

    Exclude is the opposite of Extract, in that it’s useful for obtaining the part of a type that’s not assignable to some other type

    type FavoriteColors =
      | "dark sienna"
      | "van dyke brown"
      | "yellow ochre"
      | "sap green"
      | "titanium white"
      | "phthalo green"
      | "prussian blue"
      | "cadium yellow"
      | [number, number, number]
      | { red: number; green: number; blue: number }
    type NonStringColors = Exclude<FavoriteColors, string>
    [number, number, number] | {
        red: number;
        green: number;
        blue: number;

    Here’s the complete source code for these types:

     * Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U
    type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T
     * Extract from T those types that are assignable to U
    type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never
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