Overfitting problem 过拟合问题
Regularization 正则化
Ameliorate 改善
Underfitting 欠拟合 high bias 高偏差
Preconception 偏见
Quadratic function二阶项
Extreme 极端
If we’re fitting such a high order polynomial,then the hypothesis can fit,it’s almost as if it can fit almost any function.And this face of possible hypothesis is just too large,it’s too variable.And we don’t have enough data to constrain it to give us a good hypothesis,so that’s called overfitting.
Constrain 约束
High order polynomial 高阶多项式
Contort 扭曲
Debug 调试
Diagnose 诊断
If we have a lot of features and very little training data,then overfitting can become a problem.
Throw out 舍弃
Model selection 模型选择
Magnitude 量级
Convey to you向你们介绍
Generalize 泛化
Small terms特别小的项
The ideal is that ,if we have small values for the parameters,then having small values for the parameters will somehow,will usually correspond to having a simpler hypothesis
Writing down our regularized optimization objective,our regularized cost function again.Here it is.
The λ is controls a trade off between two different goals.The first goal,captured by the first term of the objective,is that we would like to train,is that we would like to fit the training data well,we would like to fit the training set well.And the second goal is,we want to keep the parameters small.the lambda is the regularization parameter does,is the controls the trade off between these two goals.
So for sure regularization to work well,some care should be taken,to choose a good choice for the good regularization parameter lambda as well.
【线性回归中,推导过两种办法1梯度下降 2正则方程】